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Political Power代写 Argument代写 Critique代写

2020-11-20 14:55 星期五 所属: Essay代写,essay代写价格便宜机构-靠谱推荐 浏览:670

Political Power代写





Critique of Carl Schmitt’s Argument on Political Power

Political Power代写 Politics and the rule of law are two inalienable means through which modern political power is exercised.

Politics and the rule of law are two inalienable means through which modern political power is exercised. Although power can be misused, the power holder remains answerable to the people through which power is used. Regarding Carl Schmitt argument on political power, I see it unjustified, inconsistent and lacking on logical grounds regarding the modern exercise of political power and sources of power.

Schmitt claims that he is powerless in the context of his position.  Political Power代写

He failed to define power on which he laid his conclusion. Also said that the powerful dictate the powerless to submission through fear or hope for protection (Schmitt p. 3). Schmitt further attests that the source of power is either from nature or God to which he put more emphasis on the Godly source of power. I see this a flaw and illogical assertion which alienates the human role as a source of power decisions. The modern political power is sourced from the human will to form the center from which to govern themselves.  Political Power代写**格式

Political Power代写
Political Power代写

In the context of political power, all humans have power and which is exercised through either democratic system or monarchy and even through dictatorship. What underlines the presence of power in all human being is the ability to make a choice and voice. Elected leaders are not powerful by themselves, but through the people and whose power is exercised. Bad or good leadership is the human electorates paying the price of poor choices in dispensing their power. Therefore, all humans are powerful but not in equal measure and what brings misery through power is poor choices of people giving power.

Generally speaking, Schmitt does not characterize power as the necessity to human existence but rather see it as a source of suffering.  Political Power代写

His assumption that power is bad and that anyone who previously was “powerless” then rises to power will make him/her act on own interests is flawed and subjective (Schmitt p.12). The use of the phrase “man is man’s man” if prejudicial as power is not only necessary but an expedient (p.12). Due to this logical biases, Schmitt failed to recognize that the ruler rules after being elected to represent the human and to protect and apply human law. As such, people have the power to remove power and replace.

However, I agree with his argument that direct power receives indirect influence through the adviser and ministers.  Political Power代写

The exercise of modern politics is vested in the people’s opinion on making policies and laws. Mass participation has become a prerequisite for leaders to continue being relevant and in control of the government.  Political Power代写**格式

In summary, although Schmitt’s argument forms the basis on which the modern politics and exercise of powers can be judged, it lacks the recognition of the people as the basic tenet of power. Therefore, the modern exercise of power cannot be characterized to the extremes of the powerful and the powerless but the based on representation and exercise of human choice and voice.

Work Cited  Political Power代写

Schmitt, Carl. “A conversation about power and the access to the holder of power,” 1954, pp. 1-12.

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