Department of Typography & Graphic Communication
Client-facing report
排版与图形传播系代写 To produce a client-facing reportthat: communicates your design process and decisions effectively, efficiently and professionally to a client
To produce a client-facing reportthat:
- communicates your design process and decisions effectively, efficiently and professionally to a client
- substantiates your design decisions so that your reasons are accessible, persuasive and relevant to your client
- demonstrates a high standard of professionalism in both the writing and the visual presentation of the report
- reveals clear and critical engagement with the application of relevant kinds of design knowledge (historical, theoretical, professional, technical) to your own practice
Brief and assessment criteria 排版与图形传播系代写
Prepare a client-facing report about your TY2IA app project. The imagined client should be realistic for the app you have developed (i.e. a potential developer or investor that you might be pitching your prototype to).
You must refer to the assessment criteria (see the rubric) to guide your structure and content and what research you should draw on to support your discussion.
The report should be presented as a professional document (in PDF form) and use text, images and annotation effectively for a client-facing document.
The main body of your report should be around 1200–1500 words in length, depending on the extent to which you use captions and annotation. Refer to the online hand-out on report writing for further guidance.
Client-facing reports should use footnote references where appropriate links to research or other supporting information is required. All images must have clear captions and full attribution where they are not ones you have created yourself.
Assessment 排版与图形传播系代写
This project makes up 50% of your overall module mark. The assessment criteria are included in the assessment rubric and included here for easy reference:
Research and consideration of audience 10%
Evidence of relevant research to demonstrate your identification and understanding of an intended audience and their user needs
Research into market/genre and competitors or exemplars to support your approach 10%
Evidence ofrelevant research to demonstrate your understanding of the market/genre you are working within and key competitors and exemplars that inform your product development strategy
Concept, objectives and USP 5%
Effective explanation of concept, objectives and USPs and how these respond to your particular stakeholder problem and user needs.
Brand and UI guidelines 5%
Clear explanation of your brand and UI guidelines and how these provide a coherent system across all visual and verbal elements
UX and designing a system 20%
Explain how your graphic language decisions work as a system to effectively articulate information (information architecture) and support interactions (user experience).
Consideration of professional guidelines for good practice 10%
Strategic and focused discussion of how your UX and UI design decisions correspond with professional standards/guidelines for good practice in UX and UI and/or relevant research that informs professional practice.
Writing style 5%
The writing style (tone) of your report is appropriate for its professional audience.
Structure 5%
The structure of your report is appropriate for its professional audience and clearly articulated.
Fluency 5%
Your writing is fluent and easy to read.
Attention to detail 5%
Attention to spelling, grammar, editorial, typographic and layout detail.
Visual design, typography, images and layout 10%
Appropriate presentation of images and use of a grid, white space and typographic differentiation to ensure your visual design is of a professional standard and supports the ways a client might engage with your report (reading strategies). 3
Referencing 5%
Appropriate attribution of all ideas and research used to support your discussion through a consistent, coherent and complete system of either footnote or endnote references.
Attribution of images 5%
Appropriate attribution of all images and visual source material using a consistent and coherent system of picture credits either embedded in captions or with cross references to a full list of image credits.
Examples of past reports 排版与图形传播系代写
There are lots of examples of past student reports on Bb that you can look at to inform how you are approach your report. However, previous reports are about different projects and had a different brief and assessment criteria so you should make sure your work is relevant to your particular app project and the information in this brief.
Also be aware that the examples you look at have different strengths and weaknesses, so you should read them with a critical eye. Consider what works well and what doesn’t and then develop your own independent approach to your report, making clear links to your own project. Most of the examples did not sufficiently explain how graphic language decisions work as a system so you need to make sure you are moving your discussion beyond visual identity to really engage with how your design supports user engagement (especially as this criterion is weighted in the rubric).
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