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扩展论文代写 Extended Essay代写

2021-10-13 16:08 星期三 所属: Essay代写,essay代写价格便宜机构-靠谱推荐 浏览:560


MKT B362F Marketing Research

Extended Assignment – Extended Essay

扩展论文代写 In response to the call of the HKSAR Government and to uphold our principle of making the health and safety of students our top priority,

Weighting: 100 marks (equivalent to 30% towards your final grade)

Word Limit: Extended Essay (Within 1,000 to 1,200 words)

The overall organization and readability of this extended essay will account for  10 marks.

Part A (20 marks)   扩展论文代写

In response to the call of the HKSAR Government and to uphold our principle of making the health and safety of students our top priority, the teaching methods in this semester have changed a lot.

Dr Tian is interested in identifying the relevant personality traits of students (X) and the choice of specific learning support (Y) (hint: behavioural tendencies of the teacher, availability of learning resources, characteristics of the teaching platform) that would affect the students’ performance in MKT B362F (as measured by course results).

Please suggest the independent variables X and Y in the following conceptual model:




where X and Y are the student’s personality traits and the choice of specific learning support, respectively, yet to be explored.

i) Please write down your choice of X and Y, and explain the rationales behind the possible conceptual relationships among the variables in your conceptual model. (8 marks)

ii)State the underlying null and alternative hypotheses of H1 and H2. (4 marks)

iii)Suggest a statistical analysis method that can be used for testing H1 and H2. Briefly explain why it is the best alternative. (8 marks)


Part B (40 marks)  扩展论文代写

i) You will need to design a questionnaire for the study you stated in Part A as a vehicle to find solutions for improving the student’s performance. Your questionnaire must include an introduction  and 15 questions.(20 marks)

Guidelines: The 15 questions include:

  1. Two filtering questions (Hints: you want to exclude respondents who cannot provide useful and relevant information);
  2. Three classification questions (two demographic variables and one lifestyle variable) (hint: a lifestyle variable is one that classifies interests, opinions, behaviours, or behavioural orientations of an individual);
  3. A 5-item scale developed by you for measuring thepersonality trait (X) you stated in Part A;
  4. A 5-item scale developed by you for measuring the applicability of learning support (Y) you stated in Part

Please show your questionnaire on one A4 page.  扩展论文代写

ii) Discuss whether you would choose to use Likert scales or semantic differential scales for i)(3) and i)(4) and justify your selections. (5 marks)

iii) Discuss whether you would choose to use 5-point, 6-point or 7-point scales for i)(3) and i)(4) and justify your selections. (5 marks)

iv) Additionally, be sure to indicate the scale of measurement (nominal, ordinal, interval or ratio) for each of the 15 questions of your questionnaire.(5 marks)

v) Comment on the overall design of your questionnaire in terms of clarity and appropriateness in relation to the research questions. (Hint: if some questions are modified from existing literature/with support of secondary data, please provide proper citations.) (5 marks)


Part C (30 marks)  扩展论文代写

With the data collected, Dr Tian ran a t-test to see if there was a significant difference in the mean of X (from Q1 part (a)) between male and female students. The relevant SPSS output is shown below.



[Important Note: w=the 5th digit of your student ID. E.g. s1234567. So, w=5]

i) Interpret the t-test result and explain whether there is a significant gender difference. (10 marks)

ii) Based on the result and the choice of your X (the same one as suggested in Part A (i)), suggest whether Dr Tian should use two different ways to motivate male and female students to learn, respectively. Additionally, indicate how other variables from the questionnaire could be useful to Dr Tian’s analysis. (20 marks)




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