戏剧essay代写 Creative Project Guidelines:The creative project assignment is designed to give you a practical experience in one of the many facets of
Creative Project Guidelines: 戏剧essay代写
The creative project assignment is designed to give you a practical experience in one of the many facets of theatrical production that we discussed in class. The nature of your particular project can take many forms. All projects should involve at least twenty hours worth of effort, and should have a written component (even if it is only something as basic as a journal or summation statement). Please consult with me to discuss and approve your project.
Some possibilities include: 戏剧essay代写
- Writing:Write an original one-act play, or adapt a favorite short story (or a portion of a novel) for the stage. (Minimum length: 20 pages, standard play format). Include stage directions.
- Acting:Perform in a fully prepared and memorized scene from a play, approximately five minutes long, with a classmate, or friend. Or memorize and prepare two contrasting monologues (total length of three to five minutes). Turn in character analysis work. Can be pre-recorded.
- Directing:Direct your classmates or friends in a three to five minute scene from a play. Prepare directorial analysis of the play (to be turned in) as well as a groundplan, and a design collage. Can be pre-recorded.
- Design:Research and design scenery or costumes for one of the plays under discussion in class. This project could result in actual sketches if you are able to draw, or design collages if you are merely “artistically inclined.” Include photocopies of paintings, photographs, sketches that you find that typify your vision of the physical world of the play – also indications of preferable colors and textures – as well as support statements for these choices.
- Design:You could design original posters and/ or other publicity materials for one of the plays we read in class. Please include a written rationale that explains the choices you made.
- Puppet Show:Make simple puppets out of common household items and create a 3-5 minute scene for/ by them. Puppet-making suggestions will be posted in “” Can be pre-recorded.
- Study Guide:Play the role of a Dramaturg to create a study guide for one of the plays we have read as a class (examples were shown in class)