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buildings essay代写 Literature Review代写

2020-08-23 11:08 星期日 所属: Essay代写,essay代写价格便宜机构-靠谱推荐 浏览:1096

buildings essay代写

Essay Structure

buildings essay代写 A beginning section stating the purpose of your essay. It should provide a short explanation or summary of your essay.

buildings essay代写
buildings essay代写








Must be relevant to at least one of the themes: Fabric, Services, People, Scale

Introduction (Max 250 words)

A beginning section stating the purpose of your essay. It should provide a short explanation or summary of your essay. Short description of the question you are trying to answer and of how you will accomplish this through analysis.

Literature Review (Max 500 words) buildings essay代写

Review of appropriate key literature with critique and relation to the problem addressed.


Thorough explanation of your process for gathering and analysing data. You must explain why you have chosen the specific method. This must be clear and detailed enough that another scholar is able to read it and apply it in some way.

Analysis and Results

This is the most important part of your essay. Here you must illustrate your analysis and your results thoroughly and clearly. If/where you provide graphs and tables, make sure that these are clear and easy to read and that you include informative captions for every graph or table.

Discussion and Conclusion (Max 500 words) buildings essay代写

Here you must show how you have answered the question in the previous section. Discuss the implications and limitations of your work in terms of methodology, data quality, data analysis. Please provide your suggestions for future improvement of the quality of the datasets you used.   

What is included in the word count?

  • Word counts include body text, footnotes, endnotes, diagrams, tables (when within the text – this excludes “data tables”), the body-text part of your references (name, year) and captions.

What is not included in the word count?

  • Necessary annotations within figures (such as axis titles, or labels) are not countedwithin the word limit.
  • References, appendices, tables of contents are excluded. Data tables – tables which collate raw data (for example, the tabulated responses to a questionnaire) should be included in an appendix and are therefore not counted.

Appendices and footnotes are to be used sparingly and must provide supporting information only. The content of these sections is not considered part of the main body of the assignment and will generally not contribute towards your grade. An electronic file must be submitted (Word format), with the word count clearly stated at the front.

Marking Criteria  buildings essay代写

Essay Your Mark Share of Total %
Introduction in a buildings context: Clear summary of the essay; Clear goal * 15 *
Review of appropriate key literature with critique and relation to the problem addressed * 15 *
Clarity of the methodology and analysis method used and its applicability to the problem * 15 *
Implementation of the chosen analysis method * 20 *
Appropriate conclusions drawn from Analysis * 15 *
Acknowledgement of limitations and future work * 10 *
Report structure (clarity and coherence), presentation (including language), and correct use of references (Harvard) * 10 *
Total   100  


buildings essay代写
buildings essay代写

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