MEng courses ONLY
FINAL_revA – 01/02/2023
建筑学代写 You should work on this assignment in parallel with the ARC108 lecture series, rather then leaving all the work until just before the submission date.
Designing with Environmental Principles – A Visual Report
- Assignment Aim
- Assignment Task
- Submission Requirements
- Assessment Criteria
- Tutorials
- Contact
1.Assignment Aim
The aim of this assignment is to use the insight you gain from attending the ARC108 module lecture series to support the environmental analysis of a given case study building and site.
2.Assignment Task
You will develop an analysis of a case study building and site that explores the key aspects of its context, climate and microclimate, and passive solar principles in relation to building design and the comfort of the building users. 建筑学代写
This assignment is a visual report rather than a written piece of work – and as such you should not use large paragraphs of text. You should instead consider how to annotate drawings or other imagery to communicate your design thinking and reflections.
You should include a front cover featuring a key image of your case study project in its site, as well as your name and student registration number.
You should also include a concluding page setting out your personal reflections: on the case study assignment and how you worked, and on the link between environment and technology and other modules, for example, humanities, or your courses in engineering.
This should refer back to the material discussed in ARC107. This could take the form of a c.300 word statement accompanied by a well-chosen image of the case study, although you can choose to do this in another way if you wish.
How to approach the assignment work 建筑学代写
You should work on this assignment in parallel with the ARC108 lecture series, rather then leaving all the work until just before the submission date. This is so that your understanding of the topics discussed and your case study analysis can develop gradually.
In the week following each of the ARC108 lectures you should produce 1 x A3 sheet documenting how the case study building explores the principles discussed in the lectures. If you do this, you should find that the work both remains manageable and helps your thinking to evolve.
You should try and illustrate the external and internal climatic conditions as well as communicate the case study’s design intentions as you understand them. Use shading to illustrate how sunlight and daylight enter the building, for example. And use well-chosen annotation (arrows, etc.) to show how any natural strategies for ventilation are intended to work, how the building deals with water, and how sources of sound are managed or exploited.
You should compile the sheets into an A3 report according to the Submission Requirements (see below).
Case Study buildings and sites 建筑学代写
Your analysis will rely on a given case study building and their immediate surroundings,where they are in the world and their orientation, landscape and context, the microclimate and the general climatic conditions of that location. You will choose one out of two case study buildings:
○ The German Pavilion at the 1929 International Exposition in Barcelona, Spain (also referred to as the ‘Barcelona Pavilion’) – (1929) by Ludwig Mies Van Der Rohe and Lilly Reich.
○ The Simpson-Lee House (1988-93) in New South Wales, Australia by Glenn Murcutt
On the one hand, the analysis will rely on the many drawings, articles and books available about these two important works of architecture – as well as the understanding of their location, climate, site and context, layout and organisation of spaces you develop in parallel with the lecture series.
On the other hand, for the environmental analysis you will make use of downloadable free Sketch-up models via the Sketch-up 3D Warehouse, for the Barcelona Pavilion and the Simpson-Lee house. The digital models will indicate the solar sun path and shading,and this will inform your understanding of seasonal patterns of inhabitation and the building’s passive solar design principles.
The two case studies are very different. One is significantly older than the other, their uses and programmes are different and their designs were generated with different concepts in mind. Your analysis should include an evaluation of whether the buildings perform well environmentally, in your opinion, following your research – and this means that you can be critical in your analysis. You should provide reasons for your conclusions.
3.Submission Requirements 建筑学代写
The assignment submission should be a digital PDF document in landscape A3 format.
Please use the following filename format:
SURNAME_FIRST NAME_ARC108 Assignment.pdf
The document should contain 6 x A3 pages, structured as follows:
Sheets can be produced digitally, or hand-drawn, or use a combination of these approaches. You can also use photographs or physical models and/or screengrabs of digital models. All images should be well annotated to explain what they are showing or exploring. You should rely on well-chosen annotation rather than long paragraphs of text.
The document should be submitted online via Blackboard – look out for details of how to find the submission area, which will be announced via a Blackboard Announcement.
The deadline for the submission is: 4pm on Monday 24th April 2023 (Week 9 – immediately after the Easter recess). 建筑学代写
There will be opportunities to discuss progress with this assignment during scheduled tutorials.
4.Assessment Criteria
The assignment submission will be assessed according to the following criteria:
AC1 Analysis of the case study: site and context – 20%
AC2 Analysis of the case study: climate and microclimate – 20%
AC3 Analysis of the case study: passive solar principles – 20%
AC4 Analysis of the case study: air and water – 20%
AC5 Personal reflection – 10%
AC6 Quality of visual communication and report structure – 10%
Tutorial support will be provided for the assignment via assignment workshops. Details will be made available via Blackboard.
If you have any questions about this assignment please contact Gareth Puttock
(ARC108 Module Leader) via email on or via details available on Blackboard.