Political Advertisement
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广告essay代写 This political advertisement intends to express the underlying political and social messages through artistic impressions (Ndlovu, 7).
Political Advertisement 广告essay代写
This political advertisement intends to express the underlying political and social messages through artistic impressions (Ndlovu, 7). It displays the ‘change’ that our politicians have in mind vis a vis the change that the citizenry who are the electorate expect.
The politician envisions himself acquiring wealth: private jets, mega yacht and beaches. The electorate, on the other hand, expects a change that would reflect on education access and quality, improved economic status, increased social justice, good health among others (Ločmele, 36). In a nutshell, it is their interest, not the electorates’. 广告essay代写
The advertisement anticipated audience is the electorate who decides the leadership of his country. It would impact on the voter by provoking their thoughts (Block & Leseho, 176). It helps them understand whether their choice of leader will front their interest or his own. It is thus expected to influence a change on the voters towards making informed choices.
References 广告essay代写
Block, L., & Leseho, J. (2005). “Listen and I tell you something”: Storytelling and social action in the healing of the oppressed. British Journal of Guidance & Counselling, 33(2), 175-184.
Ločmele, G. Means of Manipulation in Latvian Advertising-Products of Change. ZINĀTNISKIE RfJKSTI, 47.
Ndlovu, N. (2014). The influence of advertising on voting behaviour (Doctoral dissertation).
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