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Annotated Bibliography代写

From Subcultures to Common Culture: Bodybuilders, Skinheads, and the Normalization of the Marginal



From Subcultures to Common Culture: Bodybuilders, Skinheads, and the Normalization of the Marginal

Annotated Bibliography

Annotated Bibliography代写 The article explores how youths are involved in the National Front and the use of neo-fascist music to communicate their ideas.


Journal Articles  Annotated Bibliography代写

Shaffer, R. (2013). The soundtrack of neo-fascism: Youth and music in the National Front. Patterns of prejudice, 47(4-5), 458-482.

The article explores how youths are involved in the National Front and the use of neo-fascist music to communicate their ideas. The research interviewed the National Front members to establish their ideology and tactics that contributed to contribution to the post-war British fascism. The author views the moves by National Front as the way of creating outreach and as a conduit of their message as well as a challenge to the Anti-Nazi League and Rock Against Racism.

The group adopted skinhead style and music to identify with native subculture and to gain support and to fight dynamic multiculturalism in pop music and politics. To further perpetuate their racism and unconventional skinhead culture, National Front organized their publications, concerts, and entertainment companies through which it was able to support its agendas.

The article is a depiction of the way a subculture from late 1940s can perpetuate the modern society that is dynamic and multicultural.

The marginal skinhead culture is slowly gaining position in the contemporary social, political and economic life. As such, the article will be used to inform the influence of native subcultures to modern subculture and tremendously become accepted. Skinheads were scolded and punished severely by parents, but today, the subculture is allowed in a democratic society.

Sawicki, K. (2016). Bodybuilding as a subcultural lifestyle of peripheral youth. Health, Risk & Society, 18(5-6), 283-300.

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The researcher focused on bodybuilding as a subculture through which individuals seek to get peer acceptance and respect as well as a method of channeling emotions. The paper is a qualitative study of a group of bodybuilders in Poland. It investigated how they formed the culture amid conflicts between post-communist poor class and capitalism and social advancement.

The research conducted 24 interviews, Polish bodybuilders. Sawicki found that building was used a way of self-gratification. Young people used bodybuilding to create enviable sculpted bodies. However, Sawicki noted that some individuals developed distorted self-image that impacted their daily life on how they engaged as adults and their roles.

The article will be used to illustrate the development of the bodybuilding subculture that has, for centuries been used to build gendered ego.

It will be explained as a transformation from need for healthy life to forming a social identity and perception. In essence, the manner in its application in peer to peer relationships has come to define the perpetuation of the subculture for generations. Bodybuilding emerged from exercise and fitness health traditions to a method of elevating one’s body image that most people attach importance.

Secondary Sources  Annotated Bibliography代写

Cave, J. (2016). A Century of Bodybuilding Photos Show A Marked Shift In Our Perception Of Body Image. HuffPost. Retrieved from https://www.huffpost.com/entry/bodybuilders-photos-100-years_n_570fcbc3e4b0ffa5937e74cf

Cave created a catalog of a century bodybuilding subculture transformation.

The article depicts growth, bulkiness, and advancement of bodybuilding. He illustrates it as a part of culture that reflects “the desired image of modern manhood.” It is about efforts to meet the standards of desirability. According to Cave, the society view of males’ physique culture has evolved. Bodybuilding is a form of redefining manhood in conflicting revered traditions and concessions to modern preferences.

Mr. America is perfect culture of fitness competition that America has adopted for long. While the event is premised on health, fitness, beauty, and athleticism, American and participants used bodybuilding as a training practice and lifestyle that often subverted those ideals. Therefore, looking at the whole century, it is perplexing to what constitutes perfect manhood. Modern bodybuilders are reckoning with these cultural questions.

Gill, J. (2017). The Death of Subculture part 7: Subculture becoming a culture, neo-tribalism and what’s the next subculture? Further. Retrieved https://www.further.co.uk/blog/death-of-subculture-part-7-subculture-becoming-culture-neotribalism-whats-the-next-subculture/

Gill illustrates how subculture becomes culture overtime.

The article uses interviews and discussions between a panel of experts. They observed that subcultures are on the decline owing to the few shared influential experiences. In as far as people strive to be different, most of the subcultures are borrowed from historical cultures and become convoluted and unfortunately accepted in society. The emergence of neo-Nazi is rooted in skinhead ideologies but a corrupted form of racism and fascism.

Credible Websites  Annotated Bibliography代写

O’Hagan, S. (2014). Skinheads: a photogenic, extremist corner of British youth culture. The Guardian. Retrieved from https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2014/aug/19/skinheads-derek-ridgers-portraits-street-photography-70s-80s-youth-culture

According to O’Hagan, skinhead originated from Britain before spreading to the west.

Though it started as a youth subculture, skinhead has evolved for generations since 1979. The adoption of skinhead ideologies has however also changed to advocating fascism, racial division, and supremacy of the natives over other marginal groups. Skinhead culture has turned to be modern neo-Nazi in the United States. The article will inform the understanding of normalization of skinhead culture in American society.

Jones, R. (2019). Neo-Nazi or nice? Why movies keep getting skinheads wrong. The Telegram. Retrieved from https://www.telegraph.co.uk/films/0/neo-nazi-nice-movies-keep-getting-skinheads-wrong/

However, some believe that modern skinheads are portrayed wrongly in the media.

Jones reports the findings that there are peace-loving skinheads whose ideologies have been convoluted by the practices of neo-Nazi. According to Jones, there are film genres including American History X, The Believer, and Made in Britain, that display men with shaved heads and associate them with acts of violence. The use of neo-Nazi subculture in modern films is indications of absorption of the sub-culture to the mainstream culture.

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