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布朗大学申请范文代写 大学的Essay代写

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布朗大学申请范文代写 1.Why do you choose Brown University?I intend to pursue a concentration in civil engineering at Brown University. I also have significant

1.Why do you choose Brown University?   布朗大学申请范文代写

I intend to pursue a concentration in civil engineering at Brown University. I also have significant interest in architecture, and therefore expect to take courses in RISD as well through Brown/RISD Dual Degree Program. I appreciate the fact that Brown’s engineering is not housed in a separate school, as it is as some other universities, for while my main interests are technical, I do not crave to go to a technology-focused school. I enjoy being alongside writers, philosophers, athletes, artists, musicians, and others in various liberal arts disciplines. After several visits, I find Brown’s liberal, intellectual atmosphere most appealing and freedom given by the Open Curriculum particularly attractive. Therefore, I apply to Brown University as my first choice.


2.How did you first know about Brown?

Mrs. Nelson, my host mom, interested me in Brown University during a visit to Providence. In my junior year as an exchange student, I lived in Rehoboth, a town not far from Providence; my life there was tied to this lovely, peaceful city in all aspects. Now I miss reading the Providence Journal every morning; I miss hanging in Brown Bookstore that lies quietly on the corner of an intersection and I miss the WaterFire and the amazing Italian food.


3.Give us a list of your Extra Activities, in the order of their importance to you.   布朗大学申请范文代写

大部分的活动都是在美国一年进行的,因为毕竟只有这些 AO 才比较了解,国内的活动他们基本不知道

Important Experience:

Exchange student 2006-2007 at Rehoboth, Massachusetts, USA


Boston Globe Scholastic Art Awards: Gold Key Winner in computer arts


Superior Academic Awards every year (high honor roll) 2004-2008

National English Proficiency Competition for School Students (NEPCS):

Gold Award Winner 2004-2005

Valedictorian of Nanjing No. 13 Middle School (9th Grade) 2004-2005

Extracurricular Activities:

Math Team 2006-2007

8-11 meets a year, each meet about 3 ½ to 4 hours. Some practices, but fairly low time commitment

Southeastern Massachusetts Conference Mathematics League All Star Junior Top

Scorer 2006-2007

NFLS Art Festival 2005-2006

10 hours a week, three weeks long

Leading Graphic Designer

Speech Team 2006-2007

8 meets a year, each meet about 8 hours, 1 hour of practice every week

Newspaper Staff Writer 2004-2005

2 articles a month published, 18 articles published in total

Community Activities:    布朗大学申请范文代写

Presentations on Chinese Culture and Art 2006-2007

Three presentations for Carpenter Museum, Dighton-Rehoboth Regional HS and D.L Beckwith Middle School Girl Scouts troop respectively; each took two weeks of preparation

Girl Scouts 2006-2007

Average 2 hours a week. Art craft, Community Service, and Culture Exchange

Attended Girl Scouts Senior Conference at Salve Regina University on March 2007

Athletic Teams:

Girls’ Soccer Team 2004-2005 as the Captain

3 hours of practice a week, two games per week

Girls’ Volleyball Team 2006-2007

5 hours of Practice or Games every day for the 3-months season

Hobbies and Special Trainings:

Art student

Piano Player

Table Tennis Player (since 1997)


4.Additional Information you want us to know about you.    布朗大学申请范文代写


“Do children in China also think that if they dig a hole in the ground, it can go all the way to America?” I could not help smiling when a little girl asked me this question during my first presentation. I was startled by the fact that people in America have so much imagination about China. Wondering whether I should bring up the issue of southern China architecture and landscaping, I had been preparing anxiously for the third presentation about China, this time for the high school.

Several days later, I found myself explaining how a Chinese keyboard works, analyzing the importance of the architectural configuration in ancient dynasties, drawing a map to show the locations of Shangri-la and the Great Wall, demonstrating my art skills, and even singing a piece of Beijing Opera without painting my face.

Mr. Cute, whose class I joined and shared my experience with, happened to be the moderator of the town meeting that I attended as an observer. “Let us welcome Ling, as a student ambassador, who has brought a great deal of delight and knowledge to our town of Rehoboth!” He said. Never before have so many people clapped for me. I stood up, turned around and smiled with happiness and pride.

Minutes later, I sat down with all the memories going through my head.   布朗大学申请范文代写

Waving goodbye to my last companion, I headed towards my flight. Suddenly I couldn’t help looking back at him; I saw his back, thin but straight, and his two big suitcases dragging along quietly. I turned around breathing deeply. I knew I looked just like him, with faith in myself, going on my own journey. I was alone; to be an adult is to be alone.

Yet I was not alone. At first, it was hard indeed for me, a newcomer, to join the chat at the lunch table. Though I was not surprised to realize, two months later, that the lunch table is no longer formidable, nor are the conversations baffling. I wrote in my diary, “You can make more friends in two months by becoming interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you.”

Dressed up nicely, I performed in front of my judge and audiences during a speech meet. I was nervous. I always believe, however, the way to develop self-confidence is to do the things I fear; it is a matter of choice that is not to be waited for, but to be achieved. I knew I had a Chinese accent; I still do, but I am not afraid of speaking in front of people anymore.

Flashbacks ended; then I realized my year in the United States had changed me into a courageous, well-liked and confident person. I was also surprised and yet delighted to see that I had exerted a good influence on this small town and the people around me.

I have been a hole-digger.



5.If you intend to pursue a major in engineer, please tell us the reason.   布朗大学申请范文代写

这下面的三篇都是 engineering major 才需要写的

I am most interested in the engineering program at Brown University. Modern life is almost wholly dependent on engineering. It is everywhere and it is always changing; it is this in particular that attracts me. Through my enjoyment of various classes at school, I have learnt where my interest lie, and discovered that I enjoy new knowledge most when it allows me to use math and science to create new things. Therefore I intend to pursue a major in civil engineering. In this field, I can combine my knowledge and skills in physics and math, and apply them to real-life situations. I hope in the future I will work in an area that is both diverse and challenging. I am attracted to the prospect of a job which enables me to shape the world around me and make a difference to people’s lives.

[*]Which specific engineering program do you prefer? And Why?

I am most interested to pursue a concentration in civil engineering at Brown University. Civil engineering will allow me to pursue a career where I can be creatively involved in problem-solving and design functional structures. A simple bridge truss was the first structure I analyzed, and it initially captivated me. The simple combination of beams that could hold cars, trains and trucks over long spans of water fascinated me. During a project in A.P physics, my teacher, Mr. Harwood taught us about forces on simple members and then we put the members together to form a simple truss. Later I went on to the frames, distributed loads, considered friction; I was basically incorporating real world consideration into this project. Before I started to build the model, I drafted in Auto CAD, a program I often used in my engineering drawing class.

While I anticipate a challenging and demanding career,    布朗大学申请范文代写

I also expect it to be very rewarding, especially when I can see projects I have worked on being built from start to completion. It took me two hours a day for nearly a month to finish the pool deck project in May this year. The process was long and arduous, yet inspirational. In the end, I was most delighted to see that it came out an incredible success.

In August 2007, I was invited to a three-day Math and Physics Event at Nanjing University of Technology and last month I also attended a math course at NJUT. At both of these I enjoyed developing my problem-solving ability and adapting my knowledge to new and challenging situations beyond the scope of my school work. At NJUT I found I was most attracted by the problems relating to real-life situations, particularly a lecture on the instability of Nanjing Changjiang Bridge, and I hope this is something I can continue to enjoy throughout my career.

Through my experiences I already begin to appreciate the many, varied opportunities which civil engineering will offer and I am looking forward to the challenges Brown can provide me with its strong academic background, diversity and enthusiasm.

[*]Do you have any experiences with it?   布朗大学申请范文代写

My experience with real construction began with a project in May, 2007; I was in charge of building up a deck for an above ground swimming pool in my employer’s backyard. As part of a team of three, I worked closely with Mr. Nelson, my employer, as well as a qualified structural engineer, and relished the chance to become fully involved in an actual engineering project from start to finish. I experienced project management and gained invaluable team-working and time-management skills. It came out a success, after measuring, drafting, drilling the 4-feet–deep foundation, digging the trenches and putting up the beams. Following this I started to work on a number of projects on my own. I am currently working towards setting up my own art studio in the garden behind my grandma’s house; I particularly enjoy the challenge of planning and practicing, and the sense of achievement afterwards.




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