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市场营销代写Essay 代写Marketing

2022-12-14 09:11 星期三 所属: Essay代写,essay代写价格便宜机构-靠谱推荐 浏览:421


Marketing Portfolio (Weeks 1 – 12*):

市场营销代写Essay It is a form of authentic assessment that contains samples of the learner’s work (called artefacts) and shows growth in learning over time.

* Check Due Date on iLearn

A portfolio assessment is “a purposeful collection of student work that exhibits the student’s efforts, progress and achievements in one or more areas.” (Paulson, Paulson, Meyer 1991).

It is a form of authentic assessment that contains samples of the learner’s work (called artefacts) and shows growth in learning over time. In building a portfolio, learners begin to identify the strengths and weaknesses of their own work (self-assessment). As expected, in this form of assessment, it is the quality that counts, not the quantity.  市场营销代写Essay

Think of your portfolio as both a product and a process.

As a product, it holds the artefacts you have surfaced during the course and represents an edited collection of your learning in the subject.

As a process-oriented tool, it enables you to monitor your own learning systematically, reflect on your concepts, present a coherent account of your knowledge (both existing and newly acquired) and obtain feedback on your learning.

What you need to do:   市场营销代写Essay

Review the main concepts covered each week and create a checklist of key topics that you think are most important. This does not mean you should list everything from a week’s content – rather your task is to distil the most important concepts for each week based on lecture content, class discussions, text readings and examples.

Then, comb through your favourite online and offline magazines, newspapers, channels, blogs,websites, etc for advertisements that illustrate each key concept you have identified. Screenshot the ad you select to support each concept and enter it into your portfolio with a reflective note justifying your selection. Be sure to appropriately attribute each artefact to its source and provide a link to the source.

Note here the keyword “reflection” as well as the difference between explanation and justification.Your task is to reflect on the why and how. Don’t just explain what you did. You need to provide a justification of why you chose this artefact and how this illustrates the concept you have identified. 市场营销代写Essay

Your reflective note that accompanies each artefact should:

  • develop a perspective or line of reasoning
  • develop a link between your experience or practice and existing knowledge (theoretical or personal)
  • show understanding and appreciation of different perspectives to your own
  • show recognition that your own understanding is likely not be complete and situations are rarely clear-cut and simplistic
  • show learning resulting from the reflection (either by discovering something new or

confirming existing knowledge) and how you plan to use it

  • be written in an appropriate style with language relevant to your academic discipline
  • use theoretical literature to inform your understanding.

(University of Edinburgh, 2019)How to do this well:

Naturally, this requires you to thoroughly understand the concept and then integrate theory with practice.

The difference in grade between two students who may have chosen the identical ad for illustrating a concept will be the clarity, integration, creativity and overall impact with which the accompanyingnote justifies the concept. Refer to the many ads we will watch together to illustrate various concepts in the course and use this as inspiration and guidance in developing your portfolio.

Be sure to collect a wide variety of ads (print ads, television ads, digital banner ads, social media ads,etc). The more diversity you have in your portfolio the better. For this, you will need to look through several sources. At the end of the semester, submit a portfolio of ads and your notes that illustrate the main concepts in the course.  市场营销代写Essay

Start early in the semester. The best practice is to work on curating and developing your portfolio artefacts regularly and consistently. Do not leave this to the last part of the semester. It is highly likely that you will run out of time and submit poor quality work.

Make a plan for how you will build your portfolio. Try and allocate some time each week to review the content of the week, extract and grasp the key concepts, seek input, clarification and feedback if required and collect your artefacts regularly. You should also try to write your reflective notes alongside each artefact regularly.

The submission:  市场营销代写Essay

You are free to use any software you are comfortable with to assimilate and build your portfolio.

You may use MS Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Google Docs and the Google Suite, Apple iLife Suite, or any other software you prefer to format and produce your portfolio.

Your final portfolio must:

  • be submitted via the link on iLearn in PDF format only to ensure it is presented as you intend for it to be viewed;
  • have a cover page, table of contents and clear page numbers;
  • be no more than 12 pages featuring exactly 12 artifacts representing one major concept for each lecture week plus two others of your choosing.  市场营销代写Essay
  • Title page, Table of Contents and Reference pages are in addition to the 12 pages of

artifacts/reflections. Any additional pages will not be marked

  • The layout and presentation of your portfolio is entirely up to you.

Be sure to check out the grading rubric in iLearn for further guidance on what specific aspects you should pay careful attention to.

Any questions, just reach out to your instructor.

Good luck!



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