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LAB代写 prelab quiz代写 algorithm代写 Fibonacci sequence代写

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EECS 1012: LAB #5 – More Computational Thinking

LAB代写 You must attend your assigned lab session (we will be marking your submission in the lab).2)Do the mini-quiz prelab quiz.

(Feb 4 — Feb 10, 2019)

#Important reminders LAB代写

1) You must attend your assigned lab session (we will be marking your submission in the lab).

2) Do the mini-quiz prelab quiz. It will open on Wednesday by 13:00 and will expire on Thursday by 12:59.It’s part of your lab grade. Each lab counts to 2% of your overall grade.

3) You must arrive on time – anyone later than 15 minutes may not be admitted to the lab.

4) Submitting your lab work to Moodle is required. Otherwise, you receive 0 even if you show the results to your TA.

#Important pre-lab works you need to do before going to the lab

1) Download this lab files and read them carefully to the end.LAB代写

2) You should have a good understanding of

  • Iterations: such as while, do while and for loops symbols as introduced in the lecture notes
  • JS prompt box
  • Js operator for division and modulus operator

3) don’t forget to do the mini-quiz by Thursday at 12:59pm.



  • To practice more on computational thinking and implement it in js


1) You first and major task in this lab is to draw 7 flowcharts. This task must be done in teams of two (not less not more). While you are done, you should show your flowcharts to the TAs before you go to next part. The TA may ask you to make minor modifications to your flowcharts to demonstrate your computational thinking skills in those contexts.

2) Then, you are provided with ct.html document and supporting files such as ct.css and ct.js.Your task is to translate your first 5 flowcharts to js.LAB代写

3) You will generate at least five html and js files in this process. You should demo each HTML file to the TA.For that, please, have each html file open in a different tab so you can show the progression.

4) See next pages for details on how to modify your html and js files.


1) Manual verification by TA

You will need to have one of the TAs verify your lab before submission. The TA will look at your various files in their progression. The TA may ask you to make minor modifications to the lab to demonstrate your knowledge of the materials.

The TA will mark your name off a list and ask you to sign that you have been verified.

2) Moodle submission

You will see an assignment submission link on Moodle. Create a folder named “Lab5” and copy all of your lab materials inside (img_{09,10,11,12,13,14,15.jpg, ct_Ex{9,10,11,12,13,14,15}.html and ct_Ex{9,10,11,12,13,14,15}.js). This folder should be compressed (or tar.gz on the VirtualBox machines) and the compressed file submitted.LAB代写

Part 1: This exercise must be done in teams of two (not less not more). If you have done it at home, you must discuss it with a peer from your lab before you show your final solution to your TA.

Using a computer program (or a pen and pencil), draw the following flowcharts and write your name on each. By end of this lab, you should take a screenshot (or a picture) from each flowchart and both you and your teammate should submit them to moodle as img_{09,10,11,12,13,14,15}.jpg files, where img_x is the flowchart of exercise x below. Make sure the size of each image is less than 500KB, e.g. by reducing the resolution of your camera.

IMPORTANT: You are required to use the symbols introduced in the slides, for all following 7 exercises.LAB代写

Another note.

In Exercise 9 to 15, you are not allowed to convert numbers to strings or arrays to process them;recursion is not allowed either as we have not covered them yet. In other words, a solution heavily based on strings or arrays or recursion is not acceptable.

Ex 9) Similar to Example 29. Devise a flowchart to receive a positive integer and output each digit separately.For instance, if the input is 692, the program should output 2, 9, 6,. Another example, if the number is135429 the program should out put 9, 2, 4, 5, 3, and 1.

Ex 10) Similar to Example 30. Devise a flowchart to receive a positive number and output how many of its digitsare equal to 3. For instance, if the input is 633, the program should output 2, because there are twothrees there. Another example, if the input is 14768, the program should output 0.LAB代写

Ex 11) Similar to Example

31. Devise a flowchart to receive a positive number and output sum of its digits. Forinstance, if the input is 63932, the program should output 23, because 6+3+9+3+2 is 23. Anotherexample, if the input is 23 the program should output 5.

Ex 12) Similar to Example 32. Devise a flowchart to receive a positive number and output “yes” if it’s equal to itsreverse; otherwise, output “no”. For instance, if the input is 63936, the program should output “yes”,because if you read the digits from left to right or from right to left, it’s the same number. But, if the input is 632, the program should output “no” because 632 is not the same as 236.

Ex 13) Devise an algorithm to receive a positive number, as n, and output n! (n Factorial).LAB代写

Ex 14) Devise an algorithm to input an integer greater than 1, as n, and output the first n values of theFibonacci sequence. In Fibonacci sequence, the first two values are 0 and 1 and other values aresum of the two values preceding it. For instance, if the input is 4, the program should print 0, 1,1, 2,. As another example if the input is 9, the program should output 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21,.By the way, after you are done with Ex 14, learn more about applications of Fibonacci number in real life here: http://www.ijesi.org/papers/Vol(6)9/Version-3/B0609030714.pdf . There might be

a question on this in the pre-lab mini quiz.

Ex 15) Devise an algorithm to input a positive integer, as n,—and by using [] characters—output thefigure below that has n rows and each row k has k pairs of []. For instance, if input is 5, the figureon the left (and if the input is 12, the figure on the right) should be generated by the program.

Show all your flowcharts to your TA before going to Part 2. The TAs may ask any teammate some questionsabout the flowcharts, they may also ask you to modify your flowcharts slightly.

Part 2: you are given ct.html, ct.css, ct.js files. LAB代写

By reading these files carefully, you can enhance yourlearning before diving to details of exercises below. In this part, you translate your flowcharts of Part 1 tojs code.

Exercise 9.

Copy ct.html to a new file named ct_Ex9.html. Copy ct.js to a new file named ct_Ex9.js.

Launch ct_Ex9.html with your browser and click on the button, nothing happens. In this exercise, you translate your flowchart of Ex 9 of Part 1 to its equivalent js code. First let’s fix some html code:

Make four changes to ct_Ex9.html, as follows:

1) Connect it to ct_Ex9.js by fixing the script tag in the head element.LAB代写

2) Correct the header h1 of the document to show “Separating Digits of a Positive Integer”

3) Correct the name of the event function of the button to be “problem_09()”

4) Add your name to the list of authors of this page.

Also, follow these guidelines in your ct_Ex9.js:

◼ Make sure name of the function is proper.

◼ Part of the function has been provided for you; if you run your program at this point, it receives a number, but it does not separate the digits, and it stops. You should use your flowchart that you drew in Part 1 to complete the function.

◼ In your flowchart, you should have a loop, perhaps a while loop (or a do-while), translate it to js starting from line 20 of ct_Ex9.js.LAB代写

Once you are done, run the program, you should see the following results if you enter 3498 or 100123873.

If not, debug your code (shift+ctrl+j in firefox).


Before going to next exercise, make sue your JS code is a good match to your flowchart for this problem. If not, you should fix this mismatch.

Exercise 10.

Copy ct_Ex9.html and ct_Ex9.js to new files named ct_Ex10.html and ct_Ex10.js.

In this exercise, you translate your flowchart of Ex 10 of Part 1 to its equivalent js code.

In the js file of previous exercise, you (should have) separated digits of a number by modulus and division operators. Now, in ct_Ex10.js, you need to make the following changes

◼ Name of the function should be problem10()

◼ In line 15, change the output message from “its digits” to “number of 3’s”

◼ Before entering the loop (e.g. in line 19), declare a counter variable and assign 0 to it.◼ Inside the loop, after you separated a digit (by modulus operator) check if it’s equal to 3 or not, if yes, add to the counter.LAB代写

◼ You perhaps had an output box inside the loop in your flowchart of Exercise 9; and, you probably do not have an output box inside the loop in you Exercise 10’s flowchart. Instead, you should have an output box after the loop iterations are over to show how many 3’s you’ve counted.

If that’s the case, translate that output box to a js statement like this:


Also, you need to make 3 changes in your ct_EX10.html: script, header h1, and name of the event function.

Once you are done, run the program, you should see the following results if you enter 789041 or5323653345.If not, debug your code (shift+ctrl+j in firefox).

Before going to next exercise, make sue your JS code is a good match to your flowchart for this problem. If not, you should fix this mismatch.

Exercise 11.

Copy ct_Ex10.html and ct_Ex10.js to new files named ct_Ex11.html and ct_Ex11.js.

In this exercise, you translate your flowchart of Ex 11 of Part 1 to its equivalent js code.

First, in ct_Ex11.js, you need to make the following changes

◼ Name of the function should be problem11() LAB代写

◼ In line 15, change the output message from “number of 3’s” to “sum of digits”.

◼ In line 19 of ct_Ex10.js, you had declared a counter variable and assigned 0 to it. Just change name of that to sum, because here you do not count anything, you just add the digits together.

◼ In your flowchart of Ex 10, inside the loop, after you separated a digit (by modulus operator), you checked if it’s equal to 3 or not. We no longer need that if statement here. Instead, add the separated digit to sum.

◼ You have an output box after the loop iterations are over; but, you are not going to output counter any more, you output sum.

In that case, the statement should look like this:


Also, you need to make 3 changes in your ct_EX11.html, similar to those you made in ct_Ex10.html.

Once you are done, run the program, you should see the following result if you enter 234561. If not, debug your code (shift+ctrl+j in firefox).

Before going to next exercise, make sue your JS code is a good match to your flowchart for this problem. If not, you should fix this mismatch.

Exercise 12.

Copy ct_Ex11.html and ct_Ex11.js to new files named ct_Ex12.html and ct_Ex12.js.

In this exercise, you translate your flowchart of Ex 12 of Part 1 to its equivalent js code.

Several changes that you need to make here are minor changes like what you did in Exercise 11 in ct_Ex11.html and ct_Ex11.js. So, we do not re-state them again here, to encourage you to make such changes independently and with minimum guidance.LAB代写

In the loop of your flowchart for Ex 12 of Part 1, you may separate the digits and make the reverse of the input number along the way—i.e., in loop iterations. For instance, assume the input number is 235, before entering the loop, you should declare a variable reverse and initialized it to 0 as well as storing the input number in a variable, let’s call it temp.

In the first iteration of the loop, you will have:

235 modulus 10 is 5; and, the reverse number that you currently have, which is 0, times 10 plus 5 is 5 and you store it in variable reverse; then, you reduce 235 to 23 by dividing it by 10.LAB代写

Now, in the second iteration of the loop, you will have:

23 modulus 10 is 3; and, the reverse number that you currently have, which is 5, times 10 plus 3 is 53 and you store it in variable reverse; then, you reduce 23 to 2 by dividing it by 10.

Now, in the third iteration of the loop, you will have:

2 modulus 10 is 2; and, the reverse number that you currently have, which is 53, times 10 plus 2 is 532 and you store it in variable reverse; then, you reduce 2 to 0 by dividing it by 10.LAB代写

Because the number is already reduced to zero, there is no more iteration. In other words, we exit the loop. Now, we should compare the initial number (235) by its reverse (532)—that we built within loop iterations. If they are equal, we output “yes”; otherwise we output “no”. As a hint, below, we show you part of a flowchart that you may have for this exercise. You should be able to write the body of the loopbased on example that we explained above.


Once you are done, run the program, you should see the following result if you enter 23432 or 897. If not,debug your code (shift+ctrl+j in firefox).

Before going to next exercise, make sue your JS code is a good match to your flowchart for this problem. If not, you should fix this mismatch.

Exercise 13.LAB代写

Copy ct_Ex12.html and ct_Ex12.js to new files named ct_Ex13.html and ct_Ex13.js.

In this exercise, you translate your flowchart of Ex 13 of Part 1 to its equivalent js code.

Several changes that you need to make here are minor changes like what you did in previous exercises inhtml and js files. So, we do not re-state them again here, to encourage you to make such changes independently and with minimum guidance. Make sure name of the event function is factorial().LAB代写

The major difference between the flowchart of this exercise compare to those of previous exercises is that the number of iterations in this exercise is deterministic. In other words, we know how many iterations needs to be made—in advance. For instance, for calculating 5!, five iterations is required. No more no less,whereas in previous exercises we did not know how many digits the input number will have.Therefore, we did not know how many iterations the loop will need. Hence, none of the previous exercises should have been solved with a for loop. Ex 13, though, can be devised with a for loop.

Once you are done, run the program, you should see the following result if you enter 5 or 0. If not, debug your code (shift+ctrl+j in firefox).


Before going to next exercise, make sue your JS code is a good match to your flowchart for this problem. If not, you should fix this mismatch.

Exercise 14.

Copy ct_Ex13.html and ct_Ex13.js to new files named ct_Ex14.html and ct_Ex14.js.

In this exercise, you translate your flowchart of Ex 14 of Part 1 to its equivalent js code.

Several changes that you need to make here are minor changes like what you did in previous exercises in html and js files. So, we do not re-state them again here. Just make sure name of the event function is fibonacci(), both in your html and js files.

This exercise can be done with a for loop too, because—as an example—if the input is 10, the loop should iterate exactly 8 times. Note that for the first two values, we do not need to iterate; we already know they are 0 and 1.

Hint: As a new value, in Fibonacci sequence, can be constructed by sum of the last and 2nd last values, youmay want to declare three variables:

var secondLast=0;

var last=1;

var newValue;

Note that secondLast and last variables are initially 0 and 1, respectively, because that’s they way Fibonacci sequence starts.LAB代写

In the body of the for loop, we calculate newValue and update the values for last and secondLast variables.

Once you are done, run the program, you should see the following result if you enter 5 or 9. If not, debug your code (shift+ctrl+j in firefox).

Before going to next exercise, make sue your JS code is a good match to your flowchart for this problem. If not, you should fix this mismatch.

Exercise 15.LAB代写

Copy ct_Ex14.html and ct_Ex14.js to new files named ct_Ex15.html and ct_Ex15.js.

In this exercise, you translate your flowchart of Ex 15 of Part 1 to its equivalent js code.

Several changes that you need to make here are minor changes like what you did in previous exercises in html and js files. So, we do not re-state them here.

This exercise can be done with for loop, as iterations are deterministic. For instance, if input is 5, we need to iterate exactly 5 times to output those 5 rows; also, in each row i, we should put i pairs of []. So, we need to nest one loop inside another.

Note: in this exercise you would need to change text alignment to left. You can do his jus in your js code.LAB代写

Also, you would need to make the output font size smaller, let’s say to 11px. For these, you can modify the style property of outputObj just before you enter the loop, like in line 18 and 19.

Once you are done, run the program, you should see the following result if you enter 5 or 9. If not, debug your code (shift+ctrl+j in firefox).


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