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labs代写 Homework代写 sample standard deviation代写 dataset代写

2020-10-02 13:16 星期五 所属: 作业代写,留学生作业代写-北美、澳洲、英国等靠谱代写 浏览:1015


ECON 4850 Spring 2018 Chapter 1 Homework

labs代写 Write down your complete Student ID number. Your dataset for this problem will consist of 6 pieces of data, each represented by a digit

1)Theoretical question labs代写

Write down your complete Student ID number. Your dataset for this problem will consist of 6 pieces of data, each represented by a digit at the end of your Student ID number. In particular, the first piece of data is the last digit of your ID number. The second piece of data is the second to last digit of your ID number. I.e., so if your ID number is P100184639, you would be working with the numbers 1, 8, 4, 6, 3, and 9. (Chapter 3 or the preceding chapters of Econometrics for Dummies might be helpful with this problem).labs代写

A)Find the sample mean, the sample standard deviation, and sample standard error of the sample mean for these 6 numbers. Then calculate a t-statistic for the null hypothesis that the true mean is 5. Construct a 95% confidence interval for the sample mean. (You can do sousing the shortcuts in the notes or do so more precisely if you prefer.). Please write out the formulas and some of the calculation (e.g. rather than doing it in Excel).

B)Assume that you use each of your six numbers 4 times each instead of once to create a dataset with 24 observations. For this dataset, find the new mean, standard deviation, standard error of the new mean, t-stat against a null that the new mean equals 7, and 95% confidence interval for the new mean. Again, write out the

2 and 3) Programming questions

2)You will be doing an exercise that builds on the 1-16 and 1-23 labs代写

Specifically, you need to analyze a dataset containing information about U.S. States. You will analyze summary statistics, create graphs, break the observations into groups, and run t-tests.

Program the following steps in R. Then, copy your commands into a document, comment on them (using #) and submit the document as the answer to question 2. Please email my TA the code (document with commands) at so248516@ohio.edu with the phrase “4850 HW 1” in the subject heading.labs代写

Dataset notes: This is a dataset about the 50 U.S. states in the 1970’s. The variables can be described:

Population: population estimate (in 1,000’s) as of July 1, 1975

Income: per capita income (1974)

Illiteracy: illiteracy (1970, percent of population)

Life Exp: life expectancy in years (1969–71)

Murder: murder and non-negligent manslaughter rate per 100,000 population (1976)

HS Grad: percent high-school graduates (1970)labs代写

Frost: mean number of days with minimum temperature below freezing (1931–1960) in capital or large city

Area: land area in square miles


Instructions: labs代写

  1. Place or find the folder you have been using for this class on the computer. Create a new subfolder called “HW1”.
  2. Change the project to the folder you just
  3. The dataset we are going to use state.x77 should be on your computer. But, make your own copy of the dataset using the followingcommand:
myState <- as.data.frame(state.x77)

A.Normally we wouldn’t need the as.data.frame part, but this dataset is weird.

B.Look at the summary statistics for this

C.Create a histogram of state populations with 20

D.Create a subset of the data called BigStates that contains the states with a population greater than 2,500,000 and a subset of the data called SmallStates that contains the states with a population greater than 2,500,000. remember that the population values in the dataset are already in1,000’s.labs代写

E.The population density can be measured as the population of the state (times 1000) divided by the area of the state. Look at the summary statistics for the population

F.Create a scatter plot depicting the relationship between population density (calculated above) and

G.Run a t-test to see if illiteracy across all states is significantly different from

H.Run a t-test to see if income is different between small states and big states (as defined above).

I.Save your code to a file (e.g. using “ToSource”).labs代写

L. Comment on your code using #. For instance, type in your name and the name of the assignment at the top and for each line of code, indicate what you are trying to do with your command. You will lose points if you do not comment on your code.

Submit your code (with comments) as the answer to question 2.

3)Interpretationsquestion labs代写

A.What was the minimum High School graduationrate?

B.What was the mean life expectancy? (Don’t worry about weighting by state)

C.Describe the distribution (histogram) of

D.How many states are in the BigStatesdataset?labs代写

E.What was the median populationdensity?

F.Would you say that population density and income, are positively related, negatively related, or

G.Was illiteracy in the United States significantly different fromzero?

H.Was income significantly different between small states and bigstates?


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