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宏观计量经济学作业代写 Macroeconometrics代写

2023-01-03 10:53 星期二 所属: 作业代写,留学生作业代写-北美、澳洲、英国等靠谱代写 浏览:419


Macroeconometrics 1: The Basic Building Blocks

宏观计量经济学作业代写 These lecture notes closely and sometimes literally follow sections from: Dowling, Edward T. Introduction to Mathematical Economics.

1.Find the product A⋅B using   宏观计量经济学作业代写



Also, does the product B ⋅ A exist? Please explain

2.Consider the matrix

*These lecture notes closely and sometimes literally follow sections from: Dowling, Edward T. Introduction to Mathematical Economics. Shaum’s Outlines, 3rd ed., McGraw Hill, 2001; Nicholson, Walter.Microeconomic Theory: Basic Principles and Extensions. South-Western College Pub, 9th ed., 2004; Simon,Carl P., and Lawrence Blume. Mathematics for Economists. New York: Norton, 1994; Sydsaeter, Knut, andPeter J. Hammond. Mathematics for Economic Analysis. Prentice Hall, 1995.


N = det [Z] .

What is N equal to?

3.Consider the matrix


W =Z1.

What is Z1 equal to? (Please show your work.)


4.Consider the matrix


Find the eigenvalues X.

5.Let X be any n $ k matrix. Show that X0 X is a symmetric matrix.

6.Use the definition of inverse to prove the following: if A and B are n $ n nonsingular matrices, then (A⋅B)1 = B1A1 .

7.Let A be an n × n symmetric, positive definite matrix. Show that if P is any n×n nonsingular matrix, then P’⋅A⋅P is positive definite. Note: a symmetric matrix A is said to be ìpositive definite if x’⋅A⋅x > 0 for all n × 1 vectors x except x = 0.

8.Let be the OLS estimate from the regression of yt on Xt. Let At be a k × k non-singular matrix and define:  宏观计量经济学作业代写

zst≡ xstAt

for s = 1; :::; n. Therefore, zst is 1 × k and is a nonsingular linear combination of xSt.Let Zt be the n × k matrix with rows zst. Let Zdenote the OLS estimate from a regression of yt on Zt. Show that =At-1.

9.This problem is a continuation of the preceding one. Let be the OLS estimate from the regression of yt on Xt. Let At be a k × k non-singular matrix and define:

zst≡ xstAt

for s = 1,…, n. Therefore, zst is 1 × k and is a nonsingular linear combination of xst. Let Zt be the n×k matrix with rows zst. Let denote the OLS estimate from a regression of yt on Zt. Show that for all 1,2,…, n.  宏观计量经济学作业代写

10.Consider a simple model of “lagged income determination.” In this model we assume that consumption is a function of the previous period’s income, and the economy is closed and there is no government sector. As such,

Ct = Co + cYt-1

and   宏观计量经济学作业代写

Yt ≡ Ct + It.

Furthermore, let It = I0 8t. Combining these two mathematical statements yields:

Yt = Co + Io + cYt-1.

Assume Yt = Yo at t = 0. What is the definite solution for Yt? Also, describe the stability condition for this equation.



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