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安全编程代写 Programming代写

2022-12-28 11:46 星期三 所属: 编程代写 浏览:508

Secure Programming Coursework Part 1

安全编程代写 This is an individual assessed practical exercise. It is the only assessed coursework for the Secure Programming course. It consists of two parts.

This is an individual assessed practical exercise. It is the only assessed coursework for the Secure Programming course. It consists of two parts. Part 1 is issued first and covers the earlier portion of the course. Part 2 will be issued later and covers lectures and lab exercises yet to come. Provided you have attended the relevant lectures and lab sessions in the course, the work for both parts should take about 30 hours. The practical will be awarded a mark out of 100.


1.Log4Shell and Insecure Input (12 marks)

You should put your answers for this question in answers1.pdf.


The following code snippot contains a vulnerability. Please describe a) the base CWE number for this vulnerability and b) how this vulnerability may be exploited. (3 marks)

from flask import Flask, request

app = Flask(__name__)

    'NAME': 'TestScoreLog',
    'PASSWORD': 'my_s3cr3t_p4ssw0rd'
# Process GET request 
def log_score():
    coursework = request.args.get('coursework', '')
    student = request.args.get('student', '')
    score = request.args.get('score', '')
    response = "In {coursework}, {student} received mark of    {score}".format(coursework=coursework,student=student, score=score) # Format output 
    return format_response("[*] {CONFIG[NAME]} : " + response)

def format_response(log):
    return log.format(CONFIG=CONFIG_DATA)

2.    安全编程代写

Log4j is an open-source logging framework used by developers to log data from their applications. In 2021, Chen Zhaojun uncovered Log4Shell(CVE-2021-44228) a zero-day vulnerability in Log4j. Exploitation of Log4Shell relies on untrusted user input as well as insecure deserialisation. Study the CVE entry for Log4shell and, in your own words, describe the features of Log4j that caused this vulnerability as well as the attack itself. (3 marks)


The Log4shell vulnerability was introduced in in 2013, after a user requested that additional functionality be added to Log4j. Discuss the (potentially) competing interests of developers and security engineers when developing software (2 marks)

4.   安全编程代写

Log4shell was given a CVSS rating of 10, the highest score possible. What factors contributed to this high score? Make explicit reference to the CIA triad in your answer as well as the potential impact of an attack. (2 marks)

As soon as I heard about Log4shell, I immediately checked if anyone has exploited it on my system. Using grep, I searched all of my logs for the Log4shell exploit string. Thankfully, I didn’t find anything, so that means my system is secure and wasn’t attacked.

By Mr. Super Secure


In your opinion, is Mr. Super Secure’s assessment accurate? Support your opinion with at least 2 points. In addition, describe two possible mitigations for Log4shell. (2 marks)


2.Secure Coding (12 marks)   安全编程代写

You are given two programs called vulnerable and vulnerable2 which are compiled from vulnerable.c and vulnerable2.c respectively (to recompile the programs, use the make command). These programs have been tested on DICE.

Please put your written answers in answers2.pdf for this question.


There is a program vulnerable.c, a toy program for parsing commandline arguments. It contains a major insecure coding practice.

Identify the insecure coding practice in the program vulnerable, with reference to its CWE. Provide a short script called exploit that demonstrates that this program is problematic. We will run your script as: ./exploit. Remark: Your script does not have to actually exploit the underlying vulnerability. We are merely looking for a short (~1 line of code) script that crashes the program, indicating that similar code could be vulnerable. (2 marks)

2.   安全编程代写

Provide a patch file that fixes the vulnerability of vulnerable.c. The patch file should be named as question2a.diff. It must apply cleanly against the original vulnerable2.c with no superfluous flags. We will test your patch file by running

 patch < question2a.diff

(1 mark)


Assuming that the insecure coding practice in vulnerable.c existed in a larger, feature-rich program, describe how it may be exploited. Make explicit reference to what the impact of an attack may be. Support your speculation with reference to at least one CVE(s) with the same CWE as you identified in Q2.1. (2 marks)




There is another program vulnerable2.c, a toy program for printing random arrays according to some conditions. It contains a major insecure coding practice.

Identify the insecure coding practice in the program vulnerable2, with reference to its CWE, describing its root cause in detail. Provide a short script called exploit2 that demonstrates that this program is problematic. We will run your script as: ./exploit2. Remark: Your script does not have to actually exploit the underlying vulnerability. We are merely looking for a short (~1 line of code) script that crashes the program, indicating that similar code could be vulnerable. (2 marks)

5.   安全编程代写

Provide a patch file that fixes the insecure coding practice of vulnerable2.c. The patch file should be named as question2b.diff. It must apply cleanly against the original vulnerable2.c with no superfluous flags. We will test your patch file by running

patch < question2b.diff

(1 mark)


Assuming that the insecure coding practice in vulnerable2.c existed in a larger, feature-rich program, describe how it may be exploited. Make explicit reference to what the impact of an attack may be. Support your speculation with detailed reference to at least one CVE(s) with the same CWE as you identified in Q2.4. (2 marks)


Patch files can be created with the command

diff -c oldfile newfile > question2x.diff

Keep a copy of the original file so you can make the patch file!


Submission instructions (Part 1)   安全编程代写

Remark: Submission instructions for part 2 will be released later.

Go to the SP Learn course and select “Assessment” from the left hand menu. Select the “Assignment Submission” folder and then the “Coursework (parts 1 and 2) folder. Click on the link “Submit via Gradescope”. This will take you to the Gradescope interface. For anyone who has sat an online exam over the last two years, this should look familiar to you. From here, you can drag and drop your file(s) to submit.

Please name your files as follows:

answers1.pdf A PDF document containing the answers to Question 1.

answers2.pdf A PDF document containing the answers to Question 2.

exploit The script required for Question 2.1.

exploit2 The script required for Question 2.4.

question2a.diff The patch file generated for Question 2.2.

question2b.diff The patch file generated for Question 2.5.

The PDF documents should be well-formatted printable A4 PDFs, you may generate them with whatever program you want. Text answers should be brief and to-the-point.

We will mark the most recent files and their submission timestamps must be before the deadline to avoid standard lateness penalties.




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