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学术研究论文代写 美国政治和政府代写

2021-10-29 14:48 星期五 所属: Essay代写,essay代写价格便宜机构-靠谱推荐 浏览:645


AIP208 – Government And Politics Of The United States

Assessment Item 2

学术研究论文代写 This assignment is a traditional essay and so therefore aims to assess your ability to develop and present an analytical argument about ···

Scholarly Research Essay  学术研究论文代写

This assignment is a traditional essay and so therefore aims to assess your ability to develop and present an analytical argument about a serious intellectual problem. A strong essay displays the hallmarks of scholarship: sensible organization and structure; a clear thesis and sense of direction; persuasive arguments; and neat and consistent formatting and presentation. The word limit is 2500 words. This limit includes the whole body of the main text (i.e., it includes footnotes), but it excludes references. You  must choose one (and only one) of the questions below to answer:


What competing principles did the founders grapple with at the constitutional convention of 1787?


In what ways, and to what extent, has the Donald Trump presidency challenged the constitution?


What is the “incumbency advantage” in elections? How does it inÙ uence the policymaking process?





Explain the relationship between the president and Congress in the lawmaking process. What factors inÙ uence this relationship? How has it changed over time?


“The idea that presidents are powerful is no more than Ø ction.” To what extent is this an accurate observation of presidential power in American politics?


How has the power of the Supreme Court expanded beyond the limited role established by the Constitution?


Explain what we mean when we say that the American constitution established a system of “checks and balances.” How effective are these checks and balances?


Describe the steps in a presidential campaign. What factors are most useful for understanding the results of election campaigns?


Do third parties inÙ uence American politics?If so, how?If not, why not?


How do interest groups try to inÙ uence policy? Do they ever succeed?


Why should we be concerned about low turnout in elections? What factors are most useful for understanding why turnout is sometimes “low” and why it is sometimes “high”?


Notes  学术研究论文代写

Please “copy and paste” both the question number and the actual question you are answering atthe top of your manuscript. This is the title of your essay; there is no need for any other title. And here are answers to some questions that I’m frequently asked about assignments of this kind:

Do I need to follow a particular referencing format? No. Choose any standard format you prefer (e.g., Oxford, Harvard, APA), but use it consistently (i.e., don’t chop and change between formats).

— Is there a minimum number of references that needs to be cited? No. You’re not being assessed on the amount that you read, but on the quality of your answer and especially your capacity to analyse in a serious and engaging way. That being said, your capacity to write an effective answer will be expanded by reading widely (and, just as importantly, by spending time thinking and planning your answer).





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