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大数据分析hw代写 CS245代写 大数据分析代写

2022-10-28 11:36 星期五 所属: CS代写,CS作业代写考试代考-价格便宜有靠谱 浏览:578


CS245: Big Data Analytics Homework #1

大数据分析hw代写 Instruction:Please submit your homework on Gradescope. The only allowed file type is .pdf. Typed pdf is preferred, but scanned handwriting is


  • Please submit your homework on Gradescope. The only allowed file type is .pdf. Typed pdf is preferred, but scanned handwriting is also accepted. Please make sure your submission is legible and legible.
  • Late submissions will generally NOT be accepted.
  • If you have any questions, please post them on Piazza.


Problem 1. Apriori Algorithm (50pts)   大数据分析hw代写

You are the boss of a popular restaurant at UCLA. The ordering system records all transactions in your restaurant, which is shown in Table 1. Now you want to ”mine” some insights from those records and prepare your menu accordingly.




Here are the questions:

a) (20pts) Apply the Apriori algorithm to find all frequent patterns. You need to show the candidate and frequent patterns each scanning. Suppose the min support = 2.

b) (14pts) Can you list all the final frequent patterns?

c) (6pts) How many times does Apriori algorithm scan the database?

d) (10pts) Open question: pick up one frequent pattern you get (it can be anyone), would you think it reasonable in practice? Explain what you think (no more than 30 words).


Problem 2. FP-Growth Algorithm (30pts)   大数据分析hw代写

In this question, we use the same transaction table (Table 1) as Problem 1. And we use same support threshold, i.e., min support = 2.

a) (20pts) Build a frequent pattern tree (FP-Tree). Show for each transaction how the tree evolves.

b) (10pts) Use Fp-Growth to discover the frequent patterns that contain Buns from this FP-tree.


Problem 3. Constraint-based Frequent Pattern Mining (20pts)   大数据分析hw代写

In this question, we use the same transaction table (Table 1) as Problem 1. And we use same support threshold, i.e., min support = 2. Due to inflation, students need to be more careful of their budgets. Table 2 shows the prices of every item (it is pretty high….) Note Table 2 is in next page.

a) (20pts) Suppose the general meal budget of a student is 8 dollars. Could you identify the frequent patterns that satisfy this constraint (i.e. Sum{price} ≤ 8)?




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