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基础设施政策代写 BPLN0028代写

2022-06-13 11:11 星期一 所属: Essay代写,essay代写价格便宜机构-靠谱推荐 浏览:550

BPLN0028 Infrastructure Policy, Planning and Consent

Individual Essay

基础设施政策代写 At the end of the course, each student will have to prepare and submit an individual essay, which accounts for 75 % of the final mark.


At the end of the course, each student will have to prepare and submit an individual essay, which accounts for 75 % of the final mark. The total word limit for the essay is 2,500 words plus 10% (= 2,750 words maximum), including main text, title page, diagrams, figures, tables, headings, sub-headings, footnotes and endnotes (if applicable). The bibliography is excluded.



Students can choose ONE of the following questions:  基础设施政策代写

1.Who are the winners and losers of the 2008 Planning Act?Discuss the role and position of (at least) the national government, project promoters, local authorities and affected communities using a single case study, or several case studies and examples.

2.How should local and national interests be taken into account and balanced against one another in planning and decision-making procedures for major infrastructure projects? Illustrate using a case study.

3.Using a case study, critically examine the Hybrid Bill procedure or a similar decision-making and consenting process for major infrastructure from another country. In your answer make some comparisons with the Development Consent Order under the Planning Act 2008.

The individual essay must be submitted (via Moodle) by 17:00 on Monday 19th April (UK Time) [about 3 weeks after the end of Term 2].





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