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国外简历代写 英文简历代写 简历模板代写

2022-09-15 10:00 星期四 所属: 其他代写 浏览:615


国外简历代写 OBJECTIVE Entry level in Consulting firm EDUCATION Antai School of Economy and Management Shanghai Jiao Tong Univertiy China Bachelor of Business

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Entry level in Consulting firm


Antai School of Economy and Management

Shanghai Jiao Tong Univertiy China

Bachelor of Business Administration June 2012

Major GPA: 3.5/4  Overall GPA: 3.4/4  GMAT: Math: 750 Verbal: 600



Accenture Shanghai, China (12/11-present)

Work with a team of five students and three Accenture professionals to increase awareness of and participation in client’s online software.
• Review software and existing marketing plan by interviews.
• Conduct basic market research with customer base through interviews and paper-based surveys.
• Develop updated marketing plan and create implementation plan for local roll out of software.

Spherion Technology Infrastructure Solutions Hongkong, China (6/11-8/11, 12/10-1/11)
Intern:     国外简历代写
• Gathered and researched leads for account executives.
• Performed phone interviews with industry executives.
• Created Excel spreadsheet to track recruiters’ placements.

Psychology Department, SJTU Shanghai, China (1/10-5/11)
Research Assistant:

Managed team of four behavioral coders for investigating age differences in emotion.
• Conducted literature searches and library research.
• Attended weekly team meetings to assess progress, discuss coding methods, and discuss relevant articles.
• Made over 40 calls to survey, recruit, and schedule potential participants.




Eggster Hunt & Learning Festival Shanghai, China (8/10-present)
Co-Director & Community Relations Co-Chair:
• Manage 11 committee heads to facilitate all aspects of a 60+ member organization with mission to sponsor fi ve local children’s nonprofi ts fi nancially and with time and talent and offer a free event consisting of 10 egg hunts and 50+ educational booths geared toward children from disadvantaged and disabled backgrounds.
• Supervised and developed leadership in 10+ member committee. Screened and selected fi ve agencies and developed working relationships through community service projects and conference meetings. Assisted organization in raising $26K and attracting attendance of 3500+ people at event.

Alumni Scholars Club Shanghai, China (8/09-present)
Co-Director:   国外简历代写

Manage 11 committee heads to facilitate all aspects of a 60+ member organization
• Sponsor five local children’s nonprofits financially and offer a free event consisting of 10 egg.
• Hunts and 50+ educational booths geared toward children from disadvantaged and disabled backgrounds.

Children’s Hospital Beijing, China (7/09-8/09)
100 Hour Volunteer:
• Assisted in patient care by playing with patients in the fifth floor playroom and conducting bedside visits.
• Created and arranged arts and crafts projects for groups of 10 children.


HONORS(4)   国外简历代写

National Society of Collegiate Scholars / SJTU Alumni Association Leadership Scholarship / Bao Yu Gang
Scholarship / won four merit scholarships for college.



Computer Skills: Proficient in Microsoft Office, Adobe PhotoShop, Windows XP, and web design languages (HTML, JavaScript).
Languages: English (conversational), Cantonese (conversational)



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