商业道德论文代写 Select a corporate scandal/unethical practice that was reported since 2017. Summarize it briefly (not more than 150 words).
Take-home Assessment: Extended Essay
Weighting: 60% of your course grade
Word Limit: Within 1000 to 1200 words (excluding summary of scandal, tables, figures, references and appendices)
Extended Essay (100 marks)
Select a corporate scandal/unethical practice that was reported since 2017. Summarize it briefly (not more than 150 words). Critically analyze the scandal/unethical practice, and make recommendations for the involved corporate.
Guidelines 商业道德论文代写
(1) According to you, was the issue ethically right or wrong? How did you arrive this moral judgement? Show the detailed moral reasoning process using ethical theories learnt in the course and relevant factual information.
(2) Critically analyze the association between the scandal and the course content on business issues in related business disciplines and relevant contemporary issues in business ethics.
(3) Give one recommendation each on a) how this scandal could have been prevented and b) how to improve the ethical brand image of the corporate involved.
Requirements 商业道德论文代写
1.This is an individual-based assignment. Students are expected to do desktopresearch as needed to support your answer.
2.The enclosed rubric outlines the marking criteria of the Extended Essay.
3.You should complete this extended essay entirely in your own words. You are not allowed to discuss, share, or check your answers with other students or any third party. You will be disqualified in case of any plagiarism or collusion with others.
4.You may wish to quote a specific idea or argument from other sources – in that case, appropriate acknowledgment and referencing is required. Please be aware thatPLAGARISM, which means “copy and pasting materials from any sources”, will be penalized and you will automatically receive a ZERO for this assessment. Therefore, make sure you write everything in your own words and always provide reference where you obtained your information from.
5.Students must submit their own work and acknowledge all sources of information. Guidelines can be found from the “Academic writing: Acknowledging your sources” on OLE.
6.Please save your file name as BUS B368F_your student number.docx e.g. BUS B368F_S12345678.docx
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