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Programme MSc Management
Module name Business Research Plan
QAA Level
Schedule Term
Student Reference Number (SRN) BP0229898
Report/Assignment Title Waterfall Model
Date of Submission

(Please attach the confirmation of any extension received)

24th September, 2020
Declaration of Original Work:

I hereby declare that I have read and understood BPP’s regulations on plagiarism and that this is my original work, researched, undertaken, completed and submitted in accordance with the requirements of BPP Business School.

The word count, excluding contents table, bibliography and appendices, is 3889 words.

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BPP Business School


IntroDuction                                                                                                                                           4

literature review                                                                                                          4

requirement analysis                                                                                                               5

system design analysis                                                                                                             5

system implementation                                                                                                             5

system testing                                                                                                                              6

system deployment                                                                                                                     6

system maintenance                                                                                                             6

Human and technical factors                                                                                                    6

advantages and disadvantages of the waterfall model                                                         7

research objectives                                                                                                                8

Research methOdology 8

philosophy                                                                                                                                    8

Approach                                                                                                                                       9

Strategy                                                                                                                                        10

Sampling 10

population                                                                                                                                 10

Sample theory                                                                                                                           11

Sample Size                                                                                                                                 12

Ethical Issues                                                                                                                  14 

Deliverables                                                                                                                     15 

Resource Required                                                                                                       15 

Implementation time TABLE (GANTT CHART)                                                 17

Business Research plan                                                                                              18

References                                                                                                                       19                                                                                                                                                    

List of Abbreviations

S.no Abbreviations
1 SDLC (Software development life cycle)
2 SDD (Software design specifications)
3 PMBOK (project management body of knowledge)

List of figures

S.no Figures
1 Waterfall model diagram,
2 Bar chart
3 Waterfall chart
4 Gantt chart


The waterfall model refers to the process of project management, which is playing a primary role from the past many decades. This model of the project management was started in 1950 and letter it becomes a renowned model of project management. The structure of the waterfall model is like a cascade form in which one phase output is subsequent of the other phase. But if the single phase of the project model is considered, then many actions will carry out in different phases.

The lifecycle aspect of the Software development of project management leads us to the dynamics of the project management models of the information technology business environment, having the features of the product and structure of the organization.  商业研究计划代写

Waterfall model is a classic software development lifecycle model. This model is also called heavy. Weight process. Which consist of six months. Waterfall model consists of requirement analysis, Design analysis, Code, Test and maintain. It is a Structured technology which has been around since long time most of the project managers use the waterfall model approach in Construction, IT and software development, but mainly waterfall model uses in Software context (BARKER, 2007).

Literature review

It is research that suggests that mostly seventy per cent of the information technology project gets failed. The project does not get fails because the project gets suspended, but it mostly fails the project does not get delivered on the time or the budget of the project gets increased. But on the other hand, the project is called successful if the project is delivered on time and made within the project budget with the scope defined.  But there are many projects where there will be more than one requirement of the project is to meet, so the project is called successful if one of the requirements of the project is not met then the project is considered to fail.

The main aim of that literature review is to find out whether it is a human factor or the technical factors which affect the project to get failed. The technical factor that must be taken into consideration when working on the Software project. The following are the phases of the waterfall model approach which will be discussed here (Casteren, 2017).

Feasibility Study of the waterfall model

The feasibility study of the waterfall approach suggests that it would be to determine the technical and financial feasibility of the project to develop the product. The feasibility study of the waterfall approach involves the analysis of the problem and collection of all data that is related to the end product, which will be developed.

Problem definition: The important information about the product is captured by the project team, and other details of the product are ignored.

Making Different Strategies: All the different methods and ways are identified which the problem can be solved. 

Different strategies evaluation: different strategies and solution to the problem are analyzed by the project team to make sure what are the benefits and shortcomings of that project. This analysis mostly requires the approximate estimate of the resources. Cost of development and time for the development of the product for each alternative solutions.

Requirement Analysis

It is the most error-prone and time-consuming phase of the waterfall project model in which the project manager of the project eliciting re

requirements from the users. Requirements of the client are the main reason to developed the software product. Requirement election is the effort which is done jointly by the client and developers of the team as the main focus is to write down all the functions of the product, and the performance requirements of the product.

The document which is built is called software requirement specifications. This documented work as a contract between the client and the software team. In case if the project gets failed, these documents will be the main reason for the project failure (Casteren, 2017).

Design phase

The software requirement specification document, which was built in the previous phase is the input of that phase. The requirements are now will be converted into structural form to make sure that is implemented properly in the next phase. The overall structure of the project is defined, and then the high-level design of the project is build’s work phase is called software design specifications, The SDD of the product contains how that software will work. The information in that part of the document which is provided by the Project analyst is sufficient to start the next phase of the project.

Implementation and testing

The information provided by the SDD document the developers have to start implementing the product. If the SDD has all the information regarding the product, then the implementation phase ill complete smoothly.

The testing phase of the waterfall model approach mainly works to modify and do correction the code.in unit testing phase the one unit of the product is test independently to others. This process mainly requires the integration of the module and to write the new code to rectify the mistakes previously done in the code. If that integration of the product works well, the project team will be sure that are no further bugs remaining in the product.

Integration and system testing

The unit testing of the product mainly has the following problems.

  • How do we test the individual functions of the project without having the main functions?
  • The unit testing does not show how different ill module of the project will interreact with each other within the product?

The system testing of the waterfall model overcome the issues by testing the full product at once. The practical testing of the product will make sure the higher quality of the product, low cost of maintenance and more accurate results (Casteren, 2017).

Operation and maintenance

It is a phase that is come after the product is handover to the clients, and the product is installed and running. The maintenance phase of the waterfall model starts with the release of the product throughout the software development life cycle.

The maintenance phase of the waterfall model includes the error correction of the functions and the capabilities of the removal of the newly introduced function of the function, which cost the software and optimization of the software.

 Choose of Waterfall model

Waterfall model approach is less common nowadays. When the project team have the end product fixed with a variable amount of time and money, then the project Manager May choose the waterfall model. Through the waterfall model, the behaviour of the project is expected by the project managers, which makes a project manager ret think their strategy related to project time and time again.

Waterfall model of the project management can become problematic if the requirements from the client are not exact, which mostly happens when the client has the general idea about the project requirements but cannot explain that requirements clearly to the project team. As the waterfall system is linear which may not be suited for the projects where the requirements are not exact by the client, so ultimately the project will fail if during the implementation phase client changes his requirements.

Human and technical factors in projects  商业研究计划代写

                     Humans                         Technical
Communication between the teams Troubleshooting of the product
Client participant The model used during project implementation
Top management support for the development team Chosen methodology
Client response to the development team The choice of correct tools for the project
Feedback Data migration
Self-organizing/Collaboration The project plan
The ability to make hard decisions Adapting to the system late during the development phase

Advantages and drawbacks of the waterfall approach

The following are some advantages of the waterfall approach in project management.

  • The waterfall model provides the structure for the development and organizing the project with the software development life cycle.
  • The design and requirements errors are identified before the product implementation phase, which mainly saves the time of the project teams.
  • The proper technical documentation is made up of the product, which makes easy for the client to understand what they ill expect to form the development team for the end product.
  • If the procedure of the model is strictly followed, then the project cost estimation and schedule can be found easily.

The following are some drawbacks of the waterfall model.

  • The waterfall model of the project management requires all the requirements to be specified at the start of the project because sometimes there is some client which changes the requirements during the project implementation phase which makes a waterfall model fail the project unless the developers’ team are highly skilled to cop up with the requirements change.
  • Since the model is linear, so it will not allow any changes in the requirements.
  • Real-life projects are rarely linear, so the waterfall model of the project management will not integrate with the large size projects(Dima, 2018).

Research Objectives

The research intends to give the references from work done beforehand on the waterfall model Approach utilized in SDLC to look at different reasons of the waterfall model in programming advancement life cycle with the explanation of finding the pace of progress and disappointment in Waterfall model. The other motivation behind that exploration task is to make some commitment in a past exploration done by others.

Different goals of that report are to discover the Waterfall model methodology of the venture the executives where the organizations or undertaking supervisors utilize the waterfall model for the task improvement.

  • The Ethical Issues in the waterfall approach of the task of the executives.
  • The measure and the issues that happen in the waterfall model of undertaking the executives.
  • The required assets and expectations of the waterfall model methodology.

Research Methodology


The main philosophy of the waterfall model approach is to make sure that the project team and organization make a proper and constant delivery of the product to the Client.

The Waterfall model approach builds the product mainly in a sequential manner in a given time frame and budget that is allocated to the project. The main focus on which waterfall model works is given below.

  • The waterfall models move in a phase way manner where one phase complete than the other will be started.
  • The waterfall model mainly focusses on the sequential environment of the work.
  • The waterfall model makes sure that at the end of the product, the end-user gets satisfied with the product(Kulkarni, 2015).


The waterfall is one of the earliest and traditional project management approach that is used in projects. The waterfall is mostly used for the small projects where the scope of the project does not change.

Waterfall model is the sequential and linear design that has several phases in a project. Each of those project phases is linear as one phase ends, then the other phase of the project will be started.

In waterfall model of the project management once the requirements of the product are set, then it cannot be changed once the life cycle is started.

  • There should be a clear picture of the final product.
  • The client should have any possibility to change the requirements of the project once the life cycle of the project is Gath started.
  • There should be no ambiguous Requirements.

Strategy   商业研究计划代写

The waterfall methodology is sound strict for the Organizations as the methodology have some history demands. The waterfall project management has some background history of the non it projects where the system arouses out of nessacorry. The project phase must follow the sequence as it not possible for the organizations who are working on the Waterfall modes to revisit the previous phase once done.

The organization needs to do the proper planning to implement the waterfall model of project management. The requirement of the project should be exact and the team of the organization who work on the pr0oject should be aware of the requirements of the product. Each team member of the project should beware of their role in the project. All of the information regarding the project should be documented and distributed to every member of the project.

The team member will refer to the documentation of thought out process done in the project. The document will make the exact point of what is expecting in the projects and the guidelines related to the project. Similarly, in organizations, documentation is the priority for the waterfall models. Documentation should take place at every phase of the project to make sure that everyone is involved and on the same page despite the sequential models (Kulkarni, 2015).




The people who have answered the questions of the research may be in large numbers. Still, it is almost impossible for the research team to fetch and analyze all of the data that was collected by them within the time frame given to them and also it is impossible to access all the project managers of the organization who decides which methodology they have you use for the particular project. The data set, which is required to analyze, is decreased by some sampling techniques and methods. Using the techniques of the sampling, the data is analyzed by the researchers, and then they concluded that data which was collected from the different enterprises.

If the researchers expect that the data set will be huge, then the researcher makes sure they target the specific people which they need for the research (Eason, 2016).

Sampling Theory

In this report, the population is the undertaking project managers from the associations that are chosen haphazardly and freely relying upon the endeavour size. The inspecting encourages the scientist to apply the information that is gathered from project managers through a poll. The cycle which is utilized to bring information from the task directors is testing hypothesis in which every one of the individual answers the inquiries, the inspecting hypothesis procedure doesn’t have similitude to the populace method to choose the individual who will address the inquiries.

The testing strategy was utilized over the various businesses to address the inquiries of the exploration by the task directors, which primarily relies upon the technique utilized and long stretches of experience that venture supervisor have in a specific undertaking.

The determination rules of the individuals depict beforehand in the report is more appropriate for the examination plan questions.

Sampling Size

The poll is depended on ten inquiries which were replied by the project managers of the few endeavours. The direct inquiries were about the experience of the venture chiefs utilizing waterfall model in the product improvement ventures. Different inquiries of the examiners show the data about different enterprises which gives us a thought of how the associations are utilizing the Waterfall model methodology for building complex products.  商业研究计划代写

The Questioner was distributed on the web-based media stages where the project managers of a few endeavours were there. An aggregate of Seventy-five project managers partook in a review through the connection. Out of the complete reaction, around 70% of the project managers were from the software development industry, and 25 per cent were from the Construction business. Two per cent from the retail industry and around four per cent were from Food and refreshments industry. Our fundamental spotlight in that examination was on the Software advancement industry so out of 75,53 were speaking to the Software improvement industry where were additionally Analyzed by the Researcher (Eason, 2016).

The project managers who took part in a survey stated that they mostly in 2000, and after that, the project managers were choosing the waterfall methodology for managing teams and project to get a relevant result. But after 2005, most of the project managers are now moving towards the other methodologies of the project management the maximum project managers after 2005 used the agile methodology followed by the Spiral methodology. The Response of the project manager stated that after the 2005 maximum project managers owe for agile or spiral technology. Then some are those who feel comfortable working with the Hybrid and some other methodologies in recent past, and the data is consisting between 2000 and 2017 (Dima, 2018).

Methodology Waterfall methodology Agile methodology Prototype Methodology Iterative methodology  Hybrid Methodology Total
Count 14 20 4 5 9 53

Ethical Issues

From last, many years the software ethics are involved in a different manner and formats with project management. Ethical driven software development builds an ethical framework that supports and serves both software engineers and project managers. The ethical framework of software development life cycle in a waterfall model make sure that the quality of the product development by raising the questions in yes or No while addressing the development phase of the project. The Ethical Framework of the SDLC makes sure that the project manager and his team will work hard to achieve the project goals. Each phase in these frame has his unique set od his cards, and each card owns his ethical questions that are specific and focused for the particular phase of waterfall model where all the stakeholders of the project are supposed to answer the ethical questions.

  • Is the team is determining the error before the transfer of the products to acceptance testing?
  • Is a mechanism is set that makes a difference between the quality and correct product?
  • Set of mandatory sets?
  • Is a mechanism is set to require for the proper testing is performed(Schmidt, 2009).


Waterfall development model when the chosen by the team, they must have a clear understanding of the work what it means to get completed. The definition of done in software development life cycle can vary from methodology to another methodology.in waterfall model it mainly depends on the requirement of the client, the preference of the development team and the project environment.

Regardless of the specific organization choose the methodology, the Accessibility of the methodology must be reached at a minimum key artefact.

  • Whenever the documentation method is done, the team must understand the importance of the document for incorporating accessibility in requirements.
  • User experience designers must address all the requirements, including those for the nessacity when developing the wireframes and visuals.
  • A standard accessibility test for every unit is performing to describe the test script and every unit of the product.


Waterfall approach of project management is the pioneer of the software development life cycle, which is widely used in the software development industry. It is divided into phases where every phase of the project, which is complete is itself a deliverable and become an input of the next phase. Every phase must get complete, so the next phase gets started (Kulkarni, 2015).

s.no phase      Activity Deliverables
1 Requirement Analysis · Capture all the requirements

· Do the feasible test of the requirements to make sure that the requirements are testable or not.


Requirement understanding document
2 Design Analysis As per the requirement, create the design. High-level design document.
3 implementation As per the requirements and design create the programs/code. Program unit test and cases.
4 Testing Integrate the unit test of the system to make sure every unit of the product is working correctly. Test cases /test reports/test script.
5 Deployment Make sure that the environment of the product is sent successfully. User manuals.


6 Maintenance Make sure that the product is set and running on the specific environment. List of the new features that are implemented.

Resource required  商业研究计划代写

The common deception of the software development value stream begins with the coding and end with the product. The most commonly Devops diagrams start with the business and end with the customer. The model that is used in the software industries is supply and chain model in which the organization is expected to deliver the software product.


In the traditional supply chain model of the waterfall, the sourcing component of the product manages the relationship with the client to develop the strategies to implement the end product. The product mainly relies on the sourced components, as it is difficult to determine the quality of the product by the client because many factors influencing the end product.


Getting the end product into the client’s hand can make a complex problem of all kind such as deployment, distribution and integration also the agreements of all type which can cause the distribution issues in the waterfall model.

These relationships have input and output and even steps in the software delivery process. The state of that any relationship can impact the delivery of the development activities, without managing and closely working with them to distribute the resources evenly in the waterfall process (Kerzner, 1979).

Gantt Chart

A Gantt chart is a visual diagram of project management which works on the waterfall methodology to visualize the project in sequential form simplifying the complex projects. Project management chart is converted into horizontal bar charts showing start and end dates with all the dependencies of the project. The diagram is useful when there is a large project is going on where a large number of employers working on the project.

  • Visual display of the whole project.
  • Timelines and deadlines of the project are set.
  • Project phases(Kerzner, 1979).

Business Research plan

Waterfall marketing strategy Is a business expansion plan to the foreign markets, where the entry in the market is clearly elaborated and also the use of experience, and the knowledge gain during one phase will be used in another phase. When the organization enters a new market, it starts building its reputation, promotes his products and starting building his client database. When the organization starting feeling comfortable in the market, and its position is also stable in the market, then the organization will start hunting a new market for their products. While using the information they gained in the previous market. This is called the multi-layer waterfall strategy.

The strategy of waterfall business model is best suits those organization who works on the long life cycle, or the products are in the maturity phase as that strategy used most of the time in the market to build the client base and extend that base of the client further to new clients. The long-life cycle of the project makes sure that the product will not be removed from the market until it gets stable. The product is in the phase of maturity, and also it makes sure at that time the organization enters in a new foreign market when the product is ready to sell. If it gains the max popularity, then the product will not remove from the market.  商业研究计划代写

Another point is to be considered when using waterfall business strategy is the choice foreign market. Initially, the organization should choose a foreign market that is similar to their domestic market, which means that will minimize the risk of product failure in the foreign market, such as the purchasing culture of the consumer and the other currency risk.

When a company establish their self and their product in the foreign market, then they can take the next step to incorporate their product to another market. Such a gradual approach makes sure the smooth transition of the organization from one phase to another.as the new business market will not be unfamiliar to the organization. The exotic foreign market is more understandable if they are approached through another market, as it makes sense to make a gradual transition from the familiar market to an unfamiliar market (Embree, 2019).


BARKER, S., 2007. Brilliant Project Management: What the Best Project Managers Know, Do and Say. First ed. London: Stephen & co.

Casteren, W. V., 2017. The Waterfall Model Methodologies: A comparison by project characteristics, Netherland: University of Netherland.

Dima, A. M., 2018. From Waterfall to Agile software: Development models in the IT sector, Journal of international studies, Eleven(Two ).

Eason, O., 2016. Information Systems Development Methodologies Transitions: An Analysis of Waterfall Model, Hampshire: University of Hampshire.

Embree, J., 2019. Business Marketing Strategies: Waterfall Model Advantages and Disadvantages. Pp. https://sharpspring.com/blog/marketing-strategies-waterfall-model-advantages-and-disadvantages/.

Kerzner, H., 1979. Project Management: A Systems Approach to Planning, Scheduling, and Controlling. First ed. New York: Google books.

Kulkarni, R. H., 2015. Critical Review of Extended Waterfall Model. International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Six(Eleven ).

Nasehi, A., 2013. A Quantitative Study on Critical Success Factors in Agile Software Development Projects, Sweden: University of Boras.

Schmidt, T., 2009. Strategic Project Management Made Simple: Practical Tools for Leaders and Teams. First ed. California: Amazon.



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