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商业案例研究代写 Case Study代写

2021-09-24 16:47 星期五 所属: Essay代写,essay代写价格便宜机构-靠谱推荐 浏览:630

COVID-19 Business Case Study

商业案例研究代写 This individual project should not exceed two pages detailing the impact of COVID-19 on an MNE (of your choice) and its response to the crisis.


This individual project should not exceed two pages detailing the impact of COVID-19 on an MNE (of your choice) and its response to the crisis. For this project you will identify one company and its global operations. The assignment should answer the following questions: a) how was the company impacted by COIVD-19? (ex. closure of businesses, disruption along the supply chain, worker reduction, government mandate policy, and impact on corporate bottom line), and b) how did the company respond to these changes? (did it lead to a change in business operations model, adoption of new practices and measures (ex. change in store hours or work from home), c) how did the company communicate this message to the public (ex. usually found in the statement on its website or twitter)?, and d) was this an effective response/what could have been done differently?



COVID-19 case report grading rubric  商业案例研究代写

COVID-19 case report grading rubric
Criteria Ratings Pts

Company introduction

name of the company, Fortune 500 standing, selected
countries of operations (please list at least 3)

1.5 pts


Correctly identifies all 3 elements.

1.0 pts


correctly identifies only 2 elements

0.5 pts


correctly identifies only 1 element

0.0 pts

No Marks


1.5 pts

Impact of COVID-19 on the firm  商业案例研究代写

How was the company impacted by COIVD-19? (ex. closure of businesses, disruption along
the supply chain, worker reduction, government mandate policy)?

3.0 pts


Identifies the impact, provides examples, and provides rationale for the impact.

2.0 pts


identifies the impact and provides example(s)

1.0 pts


Only identifies the impact.

0.0 pts

No Marks


3.0 pts

Firm’s Response to COVID-19

How did the company respond to these changes? (did it lead to a change in business operations model, adoption of new practices and measures (ex. change in store hours or work from home)?

3.0 pts


Identifies the response, provides examples, and provides rationale for the response.

2.0 pts


identifies the response and provides example(s)

1.0 pts


Only identifies the rationale.

0.0 pts

No Marks


3.0 pts

How was this response communicated; was this communication effective?  商业案例研究代写

How did the company communicate this message to the public (ex. usually found in the
statement on its website or twitter)?

1.5 pts


Identifies the means of communication, provides examples, and evaluates effectiveness.

1.0 pts


Identifies the means of communication and provides example(s)

0.5 pts


identifies means of communication

0.0 pts

No Marks


1.5 pts

Critical thinking component: evaluate the effectiveness of corporate strategy?

Was this an effective response? What could have been done differently?

3.0 pts


identifies effective/ineffective; provides example and rationale; suggests solutions or provides alternatives

2.0 pts


Identifies effective/ineffective; provides example and rationale.

1.0 pts


Effective/ineffective determined.

0.0 pts

No Marks


3.0 pts

Grammar and Style  商业案例研究代写

Presentation and grammatical flow; links and citations correctly noted.

3.0 pts


Few or no grammatical mistakes and strong flow. All references identified and cited correctly

2.0 pts


Some grammatical mistakes and some issues with the flow. References generally correctly used and cited.

1.0 pts


Several grammatical mistakes and problems with the flow. Several referenced resources are missing.

0.0 pts

No Marks


3.0 pts
Total Points: 15.0




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