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商业智能报告代写 商业报告代写 BI代写

2021-09-15 16:51 星期三 所属: report代写 浏览:699


MIS271 – Business Intelligence & Data Warehousing

Assessment 1 – Formal Business Report



商业智能报告代写 This assignment is designed to broaden your understanding of BI tools and further develop your analytical skills.


Workshop sessions in this unit will provide you with an introduction to data analysis and the production of visualisations with the help of Microsoft Power BI. This assignment is designed to broaden your understanding of BI tools and further develop your analytical skills. This assignment also explores a practice-based approach to assess the capabilities, and more importantly, limitations of BI tools.

There are two scenarios with two sets of data provided. Please select ONLY ONE scenario and its related dataset as described below. You will analyse the dataset that you selected, design a BI dashboard for management use, and make a series of recommendations based on your analysis.


Scenario 1  商业智能报告代写

Climate change in Australia has been a critical issue and represents a significant challenge to individuals, communities, businesses and the environment. ‘Protect Climate’ is a non-profit community organisation focused on advocacy and social research into climate change. ‘Protect Climate’ is interested in historical weather data to understand climate change projections for Australian weather stations. Your organisation is a business intelligence consulting firm that has been contracted to advise ‘Protect Climate’ on climate change trends and rain patterns. The Program Manager has provided you with a dataset (i.e. Weather AUS) consisting of about 10 years (from 2008 to 2017) of daily weather observations from numerous Australian weather stations to perform data analytics.


Scenario 2   商业智能报告代写

The Coronavirus outbreak is a global pandemic. It has been spreading rapidly across the world, affecting more than 180 countries and claiming more than 13,000 lives. HealthFirst is a volunteering organisation on a mission to support health and disease control in vulnerable communities in Australia and internationally. They have provided you with the dataset (Covid-19) and requested that you perform a data analytics task and produce a report on Covid-19 spread across the world. The dataset (Covid-19) contains the cumulative count of confirmed, fatal and recovered cases of Covid-19 from different countries.


Assignment Tasks  商业智能报告代写


The first step is to clean and standardise the dataset [5 Marks]

2.ANALYSIS [15 Marks]

A. USING BI TOOLS: Analyse the dataset using Power BI. Key findings of the analysis should be reported (i.e. screenshots from Power BI). Back up your claims with evidence.

B. USING TRADITIONAL TOOLS: Analyse the dataset using Microsoft Excel. Key findings should be reported (i.e. Screenshots from Excel)


Develop a dashboard to be used by the management team of Protect Climate/HealthFirst. Screenshots from Power BI should be reported. [10 Marks]


Using the insights gained from your analysis, propose a set of recommendations that would help Protect Climate/HealthFirst achieve its organisational goals. [10 Marks]


Report Guidelines  商业智能报告代写

1.The report should contain a table of contents, a series of logically organised sections and a list of references.

2.The contribution of each team member must be clearly stated in the Table of Contents (E.g. Introduction – done by Alex Smith).

3.A Group Contribution form should also be attached as an appendix.

4.Reports should be written in Microsoft Word (font size 11)

5.You should include any websites, journals, or conference papers cited in your research as references using Harvard or APA style:




Group Restrictions  商业智能报告代写

  • Groups of 2 members

Finding Group Members

As we have moved our unit to Cloud, students should use the assessment discussion forums to find a partner to work with. Groups should be formed by week 4.

Submission Instructions

The assignments should be submitted by one group member only as a PDF document, named GroupXX.pdf (e.g. Group23.pdf) via CloudDeakin. Group Contribution form must be attached as an appendix to the report and submitted as part of your assignment. Assignments will be automatically submitted to plagiarism checking software.

Extensions   商业智能报告代写

Extensions are granted in special circumstances.

Penalties for late submissions: The following marking penalties will apply if you submit an assessment task after the due date without an approved extension: 5% will be deducted from available marks for each day up to five days, and work that is submitted more than five days after the due date will not be marked. You will receive 0% for the task. ‘Day’ means working day for paper submissions and calendar day for electronic submissions. The Unit Chair may refuse to accept a late submission where it is unreasonable or impracticable to assess the task after the due date.

Academic Misconduct  商业智能报告代写

Deliberate academic misconduct such as plagiarism is subject to severe penalties. Plagiarism may include but not limited to the following:

  • Copying works of others in the public domain without appropriate references
  • Re-using assignment material from other students past or present
  • Posting your assignment solutions on CloudDeakin forums, other public forums and on the internet.
  • Contracting others to complete the assignment on your behalf

For more information about academic misconduct, special consideration, extensions, and assessment feedback, please refer to the document. Your rights and responsibilities as a student in this Unit in the first folder next to the Unit Guide of the Resources area in the CloudDeakin unit site.




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