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商业分析作业代写 Power BI代写 visualizations代写

2023-05-05 14:11 星期五 所属: 作业代写,留学生作业代写-北美、澳洲、英国等靠谱代写 浏览:437

Individual Assignment: Power BI Take Home Assignment

商业分析作业代写 You are expected to implement visualizations, generate insights from data and make recommendations based on the insights generated.

You are a hired as a business analyst working for U.S. Department of Commerce Census Bureau(USCB). You are expected to implement visualizations, generate insights from data and make recommendations based on the insights generated.

Assessment  商业分析作业代写

This assignment is worth 25% of your assessment for the subject.

Deliverable: Submission/Report Requirements

You are expected to submit the filled report that answers all questions and upload the additionally requested appendices.

Please note: Carefully follow the submission guidelines described below (under “Submission”)


To complete the assignment, you are provided with the following material:

  • Power BI Take home Assignment- Assignment Requirements Sheet
  • PowerBI_Assignment_report_template_to_be_filled
  • Data (USCB_Income_Data.csv)
  • Data Dictionary

Deliverable: Submission/Report Appendix

1.Report File (PowerBI Assignment report template): The report draft has predetermined answer fields (including word limits). Make sure to provide the deliverables (answer the questions) in the required form, do not exceed the individual word limits. You need to replace the current screenshots with the requested screenshots documenting your work. Do not make any other changes to the template (except typing the answers into the text box and inserting screenshots where requested). You will need to submit the report to both Turnitin and Blackboard submission link.  商业分析作业代写

2.Appendix 2 – PBI visualisations file: You also need to submit your PBI (*pbix) files to the Blackboard submission link. Submissions without the PBI file attachments will not be marked. Late submissions of these files will incur penalties as discussed in the ECP.

Assessment Criteria of Deliverables (find rubric specific descriptions in separate file)

Submission  商业分析作业代写

This assignment is due at 16:00 PM on 8 May 2023.

For late submissions, please refer to guidelines outlined on ECP:http://www.courses.uq.edu.au/student_section_loader.php?section=5&profileId=93817

You are required to submit an electronic version of your work through Blackboard (see the Assessment Link on Blackboard and look for the link labelled Assignment Submission. You will have two opportunities to submit your documents. So, in case you make a mistake on your first submission or wish to revise your assignment, you can re-submit it once. Please ensure that you put your report through Turnitin BEFORE submitting it to Blackboard, to make sure that your assignment is plagiarism free. By submitting your work in this manner, plagiarism is checked for you, and you will be able to see if you have any issues with this in your work (obviously, given that you are working in a pre-specified report, we are only concerned about the similarity of your answers). Also, by submitting the Assignment via Blackboard you attest that the Assignment is your own work.

Academic Honesty

Academic misconduct occurs when students portray someone else’s work as their own. There are many ways in which Academic misconduct can occur. Some of these are:

  • Sham Paraphrasing: Material copied verbatim from text and source acknowledged in-line but represented as paraphrased.
  • Illicit Paraphrasing: Material paraphrased from text without in-line acknowledgement of source.
  • Other Plagiarism: Material copied from another student’s assignment with the knowledge of the other student.
  • Verbatim Copying: Material copied verbatim from text without in-line acknowledgement of the source.   商业分析作业代写
  • Recycling: Same assignment submitted more than once for different subjects.
  • Ghost Writing: Assignment written by third party and represented as own work.
  • Purloining: Assignment copied from another student’s assignment or other person’s papers without that person’s knowledge.

The university is committed to graduating students with “a profound respect for truth, and for the ethics of scholarship […] we want our graduates to be capable of independent thought, to be able to do their own work, and to know how to acknowledge the work of others” (Prof. Peter McPhee).

As such, the university takes a dim view of students to are not able to correctly acknowledge the work of others, or who try to pass this work off as their own. All students should be aware of the following web site: https://my.uq.edu.au/information-and-services/manage-my-program/student-integrity-and-conduct/academic-integrity-and-student-conduct which provides practical advice to students about how not to be involved in academic misconduct.

Background Description

Please Check PowerBI Assignment report template for the details



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