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商业与经济环境代写 BTEC课程课业代写

2023-03-16 14:28 星期四 所属: 商科代写 浏览:397

BTEC Diploma/Extended Diploma level 3 in Business

商业与经济环境代写 Scenario: Costa Coffee is a British multinational coffeehouse company headquartered in Dunstable, Bedfordshire. It is the second largest

Unit number: Unit 38

Unit title: Business and the Economic Environment

Assignment title: The Economy

Date issued: 05/10/2020

Deadline: 23/10/2020

Criteria To achieve the criteria the evidence must show that the learner is able to: Task Task deadline Page numbers Criteria attempted Criteria achieved
P1 Explain the effects of changes in the economic environment on a selected business 1

briefing document

P2 Identify how government policies impact on a selected business 1

briefing document

P3 Identify the impact of government spending on a selected business 1

briefing document

P4 Explain how both fiscal and monetary policy decisions have affected a selected business 2 powerpoint 18/10/20
P5 Describe the impact of international factors on a selected business 3 Table 23/10/2020
M1 Analyse the implications of government policies for a selected business 1

briefing document

M2 Analyse the effects of fiscal and monetary policies for a selected business in terms of the market it operates in 2


M3 Assess the impact of changes in the global and European business environment on a selected business 3


D1 Evaluate the impact of changes in the economic environment on a selected



briefing document

D2 Suggest and justify elements of fiscal and monetary policies that would help a selected business achieve its objectives 2




Scenario:   商业与经济环境代写

Costa Coffee is a British multinational coffeehouse company headquartered in Dunstable, Bedfordshire. It is the second largest coffeehouse chain in the world behind Starbucks and the largest in the UK.

Costa Coffee was founded in London in 1971 by the Costa family as a wholesale operation supplying roasted coffee to caterers and specialist Italian coffee shops. Acquired by Whitbread in 1995, it has since grown to 3,401 stores across 31 countries. The business has 2,121 UK restaurants, over 6,000 Costa Express vending facilities and a further 1,280 outlets overseas (including 395 in China).


Whitbread agreed to sell Costa Coffee to Coca Cola in 2018 for 3.9 billion pounds.



“At Costa we control the whole coffee-making process from start to finish. From the sourcing, right through to storing, blending, roasting, grinding and pouring, no-one else is involved. Obsessive?

Maybe, but we think the perfectly crafted end results are more than worth it. Our customers seem to agree.”

You have been recruited by Costa to help the company gain an understanding of the current economic environment and how it will affect the business.

(note: if you prefer you can carry out this assignment about a business you are very familiar with, eg where you work/worked. It must be a UK business.)


Task 1 – Briefing document (P1)   商业与经济环境代写

You will produce a briefing document for the Managing Director of Costa coffee on how the business will be affected by the economic environment.

The document will be divided into 4 sections:

Section 1 – changes in economic environment (P1) – briefing doc

Your first task is to create a briefing document investigating the changes in the economic environment and how they will or may affect Costa.



You must include:

  • examining the business cycle (growth and recession)
  • indicators, eg:
  • rates of inflation & deflation
  • employment rates
  • growth (changes in GDP)
  • international trade (trade surplus/deficit) and balance of payments
P1 Explain the effects of changes in the economic environment on a selected business

Section 2 – government policies (P2) – briefing doc

You will now identify how government policies impact on Costa Coffee. From the following list select those policies that will have the most impact on the business. Investigate those policies and their impact on Costa.




Remember to give your sources of information

Government policies:

✔ economic policy

✔ industrial policy

✔ competition policy

✔ fiscal policy

✔ social policy

✔ education and training policy

✔ transport policy

✔ regional policy

✔ environmental policy

M1 – Analysis of the implications of government policies on the business

For M1 you need to analyse the impact that government policies have on Costa.

You also need to consider the possible reactions of Costa to those decisions.

P2 Identify how government policies impact on a selected business
M1 Analyse the implications of government policies for a selected business

Section 3 – government spending (P3) – table   商业与经济环境代写

Throughout the year the local, national and European governments have been announcing where they plan to spend their money gained from various areas. The Manager of Costa has asked for a clearer understanding of how government spending will affect the business.

You may wish to produce this information as a table.

You should consider the impact on the business of the following (at a local and national level):

❖ government spending on public services (via central and local government agencies)

❖ government spending affecting private and voluntary sector business organisations

❖ deficit funding

❖ government spending and the multiplier mechanism (eg the knock on effects of changes in demand and how these affect overheads and growth)

❖ local impacts of spending

P3 Identify the impact of government spending on a selected business

Section 4 – Evaluation of impact of changes (D1) – letter  商业与经济环境代写

The Manager was pleased at the level of information you passed onto the business. She has requested that you write her a letter analysing the implications of government policies mentioned in the 3 sections.

You need to evaluate the impact of changes in the economic environment on Costa in relation to:

❖ government decisions

❖ government policies

❖ government spending and economic management.

Remember: for an evaluation you must examine the information you gave and draw justified conclusions as to how the business might respond. Try to find supporting evidence for your conclusions.

D1 Evaluate the impact of changes in the economic environment on a selected business




Task 2 – Fiscal and monetary policy – PowerPoint  商业与经济环境代写

a) Outline how both fiscal and monetary policy decisions have affected the business (P4)

You have been asked to Costa headquarters. All Costa managers will attend this presentation.

Use a maximum of 12 slides to outline the area of policy and explain the effects. Remember – you can use the notes section under each slide if you need to add more detail.

You must include:

✔ the impact of changes in the tax regime (direct or indirect taxes) on the business (make sure you cover all the main types of taxation)

✔ the impact of interest rate changes on the business

Other fiscal policies could include (if relevant to Costa):

  • impact of changes on costs, aggregate demand and tax free allowances
  • potential annual revision
  • public sector borrowing
  • comprehensive spending review
  • pre-budget report
  • budget
  • re-distribution of income




Other monetary policies could include (if relevant to Costa)

  • aggregate demand and trading conditions
  • monetary policy
  • inflation (using the CPI measure of inflation)
  • employment levels
  • investment decisions
P4 Explain how both fiscal and monetary policy decisions have affected a selected business

b) Analyse the effects of fiscal and monetary policies (M2)

Your presentation interested many of your guests. They have approached the senior management and told them about your presentation.

You will now have to produce an extended report in which you must analyse the effects of fiscal and monetary policy for Costa coffee in relation to the Coffee market (OR extend you presentation to include slides which do this). This must include the advantages and disadvantages of each policy for Costa coffee.

M2 Analyse the effects of fiscal and monetary policies for a selected business in terms of the market it operates in

c) Helping Costa to achieve its objectives (D2)   商业与经济环境代写

In the report you will now suggest and justify elements of fiscal and monetary policies that the government could use that would help Costa achieve its objectives.

This should build on your discussion for M2 (where you had looked at the advantages and disadvantages of each policy).

Remember: all your suggestions must be justified and supported by evidence where possible.

D2 Suggest and justify elements of fiscal and monetary policies that would help a selected business achieve its objectives



Task 3 International Factors – Table (P5)  商业与经济环境代写




At present Costa operates across 30 countries and has more than 2,800 stores globally, covering operations in Europe, the Middle East, North Africa, India, China and South East Asia.

Management are training staff on how international factors could affect their business worldwide.

They have asked you to produce a table describing the impact of international factors on the business.

Your table should include most of the following:

European factors:  商业与经济环境代写

Role of European Union (EU)


EU policies, e.g. agriculture (CAP), business, growth, employment, education, economics and finance, environment, science and technology, regional, social and changes in these policies due to BREXIT

Global factors:

World Trade Organisation (WTO)

trading blocs

stock market fluctuations

credit availability

political stability, war

industry-specific developments (oil, gas, motor)

environment (e.g. Kyoto Protocol)

genetically modified products



emerging economies (tiger and BRIC economies)

P5 Describe the impact of international factors on a selected business

b) Assessment of the impact (M3)   商业与经济环境代写

Finally you will add some notes to the bottom of the table. In the notes you will analyse the impact of changes in the global and European business environment on Costa Coffee.

You should consider the many different pressures on UK businesses.

Consider how Costa has been affected by international factors outside of their control. Also consider how the business has exploited opportunities that have become available because of international factors.

M3 Assess the impact of changes in the global and European business environment on a selected business




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