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哲学essay作业代写 philosophy代写

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Aristotle Nicomachean Ethics

哲学essay作业代写 The accomplishment of the end which is pursued the sake of it is the human good. The good is relative to different humans. 

An Account of the Human Good

The accomplishment of the end which is pursued the sake of it is the human good. The good is relative to different humans. The achievement of one end would be good for one human but carries no meaning for the other person. The end achieves qualification if it is worthy of accomplishment or selection for its own sake and also for other reasons. It is not imperative to achieve the qualification to get happiness. The happiness is the accomplishment of the end. However, the pursuance of the end not always bring happiness (Pinto, 2017). The urge for seeking complete good comes with the accomplishment of one end after another.  哲学essay作业代写

People opt for certain things to gain happiness. For instance, people possess the desire to get the honor. People do acts of virtue because brings happiness. Similarly, all acts are a source of gaining happiness. Humans indulge in these things because they consider them as pathways towards the accomplishment of good which is happiness for most people. The choice of people for certain things and acts is not for the sake of them but for the sake of their happiness. The worthiness of any choice is associated with the happiness of a human. The accumulation of small goods constitutes happiness which makes human self-sufficient.


The choices of good vary with the functions of a person.  哲学essay作业代写

All humans share common functionality of growth and development regardless of their profession or occupation. The mastery and continuous growth are the goods which are independent of human functions which attribute certain features to each person (Boylan, 2017). The specialty of each function and action of a human is the source of good. Humans have two options which he could choose to get the end. The first option is accepting the reason which is presented to him, and the second option is to form the reasoning with his own ideas and thinking. The second option is for the greater good as it serves the good for a human.

The activity and reasoning are imperative for the continuous growth of the soul of a human. Whichever action a person commits or whatever function a person performs, the activity and reasoning brings good and happiness. If a person actions are compliant with the virtue, they will bring pleasure and happiness. The pleasure is within the virtue, and a person need not seek it without the virtuous act. The virtue is an instrument to the good which is pleasant for the people who appreciate and enjoys virtuous acts.

References  哲学essay作业代写

Boylan, M. (2017). Virtue Ethics with Selections from Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics. In Teaching Ethics with Three Philosophical Novels (pp. 19-43). Springer, Cham.

Pinto, J. I. (2017). The Firm and Its Common Good: Cooperation, Virtuous Work, and Friendship. In Handbook of Virtue Ethics in Business and Management (pp. 249-256). Springer, Dordrecht.



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