Meditations, is considered to be one of the most unique books of its time because it was written by the author for himself. In his book he speaks about five different traits, which are “The Evil that men do, harms you only if you do evil in response”, “fame and desires are not worth pursuing”, “the universe is change”, “problems are created in the mind”, and “your rational mind is your greatest asset”. (Marcus Aurelius, book 1)
The key learning from his own teachings for himself is fascinating for it takes into account all those things which are truly important for a person. 哲学论文课业代写
The most intriguing trait in opinion is that the evil that men do, harms you only if you react in an evil manner. This is something that I myself have seen and can relate to, because of the experiences of my friends and family. I believe in the saying that what goes around comes around, so treating evil people by reacting in an evil manner is in my opinion not the right thing to do, rather they should be avoided. We, as people and as human beings are only responsible for our own actions. There will always be people who do awful things for their own satisfaction and then there will be those, who help a person when in need.
So, there are all kinds of people out there in the world, and retaliating with an evil response, just because the other person is evil will not help one in feeling better. 哲学论文课业代写
In today’s digital age, cyber bullying has become extremely common, and more and more people do not realize that this too counts as an evil deed. The person who is subject to bullying should always ignore such people and their comments, rather should focus on their own inner peace and happiness. That is how they can get through the tough times. I find his own teachings to himself extremely important and helpful, as it really helps me relate to it. The primary reason for this is because he rightly says that we cannot control the actions of others, but we can control whether or not we let them affect us.
All of the traits that he talks about in his book, can be related to in modern day context as well. With information dissemination becoming more and more common, I think these days his teachings and reminders to himself as a stoic philosopher are even more important.
The Meditations of the Emperor Marcus Aurelius Antoninus, accessed 2-11-2018

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