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哲学考试代考 Philosophy代写 Arts and Sciences代写

2021-10-08 15:35 星期五 所属: 考试助攻 浏览:629

Philosophy in the 18th Century (PHIL 315)

Midterm Exam

哲学考试代考 Five (5) questions. The exam is open-book. Do not merely quote from the texts you read, but express your thoughts in your own words.

Five (5) questions.

Read carefully the following instructions:

Answer all questions from no. 1 to no. 5.

The exam is open-book. Do not merely quote from the texts you read, but express your thoughts in your own words.

This is not group work: answers that are exactly the same as those of others in wording are not acceptable.

I will be on Collaborate Ultra for the duration of the exam: you are not allowed to use that for chats.

The exam should also be submitted to Turnitin.com for plagiarism check (see below instructions for submission).

Type your answers in a readable file format (Word, RTF, or PDF). The format should be the standard one for essays: double-space, 12-point font, one-inch margin.

Make clear which question you are answering by writing the corresponding number and letter (for example, 1a, 2c, etc.).


1、  哲学考试代考

Answer one and only one of the following seven questions:

a. Tides: what do they tell you about the difference between Newton’s and Descartes’s view of matter and the way material changes occur?

b. Kepler and Galileo: why did Galileo think Kepler was guilty of magical thinking about tides?

c. What is the motivation for Descartes’ stripping matter of all qualities except extension and its modifications?

d. Somebody passing through a wall: why did I bring up this case in class?

e. God and natural science. Descartes thought that natural science is not only compatible with the existence of God but is also founded on a certain view of the relation between God and the world: what is this view? In different terms, what role does Descartes reserve to God?

f. A: “Somebody killed 30 people yesterday.” B: “Why did he do that?” A: “Well, he’s mad.” B: “How do know that he is mad?” A: “Well, he killed 30 people.” Why did I bring up this example in class? What is this analogy supposed to tell you about the model of explanation in terms of dispositional properties used by the Aristotelians?

g. Fusilli: why does Descartes talk about them?


2、  哲学考试代考

Answer one and only one of the following three questions:

a. The argument from universal consent for innate ideas. What role do “idiots” and children play in Locke’s refutation of this argument? What do you think about Locke’s refutation? Do you agree or not?

b. The principle of non-contradiction and the principle of identity. According to Locke, our knowledge of these logical principles is not innate. After giving Locke’s arguments, try to defend the view that our knowledge of these principles could be considered to be innate.

c. Is Locke a relativist about morals? What sense of relativism does he use in discussing the relativity of practical principles in Book I of the Essay? Why does he talk about this issue?



3、  哲学考试代考

Explain why the following quotation is relevant to Locke’s discussion of primary and secondary qualities: “In a paper of the Guardian[1713], giving an account of a visit paid by Jack Lizard to his mother and sisters, after a year and a half’s residence at Oxford, the following précis is given of his logical attainments. ‘For the first week,’ it is said, ‘Jack dealt wholly in paradoxes. […] When [his sisters] were sorting a set of knots, he would demonstrate to them that all ribbons were of the same color; or rather, says Jack, of no color at all. My Lady Lizard herself, though she was not a little pleased with her son’s improvements, was one day almost angry with him; for, having accidentally burnt her fingers as she was lighting the lamp for her teapot, in the midst of her anguish, Jack laid hold of the opportunity to instruct her, that there was no such thing as heat in the fire.’” (Dugald Stewart, Dissertation, exhibiting a General View of the Progress of Metaphysical, Ethical, and Political Thought, since the Revival of Letters in Europe, 1815, in The Works of Dugald Stewart [Cambridge: Hilliard and Brown, 1829], Vol. VI, p. 120)



Pin cushions and Locke’s notion of substance: what is the relevance of this analogy?


5、  哲学考试代考

Answer one and only one of the following five questions:

a. Explain how the principle of no-coincidence and the principle of no-bilocation are relevant to the identity over time of objects according to Locke.

b. The ship of Theseus: present the riddle in your own words and tell me what you think about it.

c. Explain the different criteria of identity for material atoms, souls, composite material objects, living things (plants and animals, including human beings), and persons according to Locke.

d. Why does Locke speak of a Brazilian parrot?

e. Explain what makes a person the same person over time according to Locke. Present some objection to Locke’s view of personal identity.




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