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向量物理代写 LI-Eigenohysics代写

2022-01-12 11:50 星期三 所属: 作业代写,留学生作业代写-北美、澳洲、英国等靠谱代写 浏览:697


向量物理代写 1.The generating function, g(x, t), for the Legendre polynomials, Pn(x) is given by: (a) Use this generating function to

1.  向量物理代写

The generating function, g(x, t), for the Legendre polynomials, Pn(x) is given by:

(a) Use this generating function to derive explicit expressions for Pn(x) with 0 ≦ n ≦ 3.

(b) Show from the generating function, without using explicit expressions for Pn(x), that Pn(x) = (1)nPn(x).

The electrostatic potential at a distance r from a point charge Q is equal, in some units, to Q/r. A charge +2Q is placed at the origin and charges Q are placed on the z-axis at z = ±a as shown below.


(c) Find the leading order term in the electrostatic potential at a remote point P with polar coordinates r, θ such that r >> a. [Hint: Use the expansion of g(x, t) above with t = a/r.

(d) Now, assuming that the point P is close to the origin, r << a, find the potential at this point neglecting contributions proportional to powers of r/a.


2.  向量物理代写

Consider a space V of real functions on an interval [1, 1], where the inner product,


(a) Write the eigenvalue problem, M(y) = λy, in Sturm–Liouville form and hence determine the weight function w(x).

(b) Formulate the conditions for the Sturm–Liouville operator, L = w(x)M, to be self-adjoint in the space V , and hence state boundary conditions that must be satisfied by any function f(x) ∈ V .

(c) Use the generalised Rodrigues formula (see Lecture 17) for orthogonal polynomials generated by the operator M to find its first four eigenfunctions and all its eigenvalues.

(d) Find a matrix representation of M in the monomial basis {|un} ≡ {xn} for 0 ≦ n ≦ 3.

(e) Use the matrix representation found in part (d) to determine the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of M for n ≦ 3, and compare with those found in part (c).

You do not need to normalise the eigenfunctions that should coincide with those of part (c) up to an overall factor .



The Schrödinger equation for the ground state of a particle of mass m in a potential V (x) is

(a) Sketch the potential V (x).





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