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可视化计算代写 Java编程代写

2022-12-31 11:33 星期六 所属: JAVA代写,java代考-JAVA作业代写免费Moss检测 浏览:583

Visual Computing

可视化计算代写 3.Texture mapping The purpose of this task is to perform texture mapping onto a 3D cube.Write a program VCCW03.java to implement texture mapping on

3.Texture mapping   可视化计算代写

The purpose of this task is to perform texture mapping onto a 3D cube.

Write a program VCCW03.java to implement texture mapping on all six sides of a cube object. You need to create an SCube class extended from SObject, which defines the vertices, normals, and texture coordinates of a cube. You also need to write your own vertex and fragment shaders (called Texture.vert and Texture.frag), which should implement blending of texture and Gouraud shading. You can use Gouraud.vert and Gouraud.frag as initial shaders, and add texture mapping in the shaders to form Texture.vert and Texture.frag.

A texture file WelshDragon.jpg is provided. The rendered image should look like the following picture, but it is not required that your rendering result should have exactly the same viewpoint as this.



4.Image Processing   可视化计算代写

The Shi-Tomasi corner detector is based on the Harris corner detector. The only difference is the response function R:

Harris detector: R = λ1λ2 − α(λ1 + λ2) 2 ,

Shi-Tomasi detector: R = minimum (λ1, λ2),

where λ1 and λ2 are eigenvalues of the second moment matrix M.

Write a Java program to implement Harris detector and Shi-Tomasi detector. Clearly show in the code each step and the difference between the two detectors. You are not allowed to use packages from the computer vision libraries, such as OpenCV, for the algorithm implementation. You can use the attached image Room.jpg as a testing example, but you are free to choose any other images for testing.   可视化计算代写

The program should be able to:

(a) Load and display an image to be processed by the algorithms

(b) Implement Harris corner detection algorithm

(c) Implement Shi-Tomasi corner detection algorithm

(d) Display side-by-side the corner detection results using the two algorithms

The source code should include concise comments, describing how the program is achieving the various tasks. A Readme file is required to describe which tasks you have completed.




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