Stages of Change 医疗改革论文代写
The stages of change model outlines the various levels, though which a person goes before finally accepting a behavioral change. There are various benefits that Health Care professionals can get from this model, especially when it comes to encouraging efficiency and the provision of the highest standards of service by all employees.

It provides a basic understanding for Mangers regarding the various stages through which a person goes while accepting change. Like every other thing in the world, this too takes time. Beginning from the pre-contemplation phase, where the person is not aware of the need for a change, and then moves on to the contemplation then to the preparation phase, where the person mentally prepares for change, and then finally, moves on to action and maintenance. Some people even reach the stage of transcendence where the changed habit becomes second nature to them.

For a healthcare professional who wants to stress on efficiency, this model helps in understanding at what stage a person is and then employing strategies to help him or her out. In order to keep employees performance and behavior at the job in check, specific tasks can be set which are in alignment with the various stages so as to help the transition for the person easier.
References 医疗改革论文代写
Stages of Change Model, retrieved 26-2-18 from;
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