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An Analysis of the Melbourne West Bank  Case Study

Institutional Affiliation


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北美案例分析代写 On the other hand, poor leadership often characterized by poor communication skills can adversely affect an organization’s chance of success.

An Analysis of the Melbourne West Bank Case Study


One of the crucial tools in a financial institution is a bank intranet. This system helps staff members to collaborate while engaging and involving them. Additionally, it equips employees with tools that enhance their ability to perform their tasks efficiently. Bank intranet improves an organization’s culture and company values by arming employees with up-to-date information. More so workers who have a personal encounter with clients like the bank tellers benefit more from the system. Customized intranet platforms provide multidisciplinary features that meet the needs of financial institutions. A case study on Melbourne West Bank outlines the challenges the company encounters planning, management, and business operations. The organization serves as a strong example for all financial institutions to model relational structure.

Background Information   北美案例分析代写

Nature of Leadership: Good vs Bad

For a company to meet its targets and increase productivity, good leadership is key. Leaders possess the ability to influence a group towards the attainment of an organization’s set goals or vision. Employees reflect the attitudes and actions of their leaders. Strong leadership is paramount in dealing with the various aspects of a company’s culture including work environment, achievement awards, employee performance, and satisfaction. On the other hand, poor leadership often characterized by poor communication skills can adversely affect an organization’s chance of success.

Effective exchange of information between the management and subordinate staff plays a major role in; motivating and inspiring employees and building a working relationship between the two parties (Surji, 2014).  Joe Cutler, an ambitious IT manager is determined to create and develop a Digital Nervous System that serves as the lifeline for all employees in Melbourne West bank. However, the DNS benefits only one staff member. Joe’s inability to understand and interpret employees’ needs, jobs, thinking and information processing capacities makes it hard for him to add new features to the system that would accommodate more workers. Joe possesses poor leadership qualities. Instead of reassuring his juniors by identifying their specific needs, Joe blatantly dismisses them. After he learns of the new system, that is much easier to use and navigate, he is unhappy.   北美案例分析代写

On the other hand, Maggie the new senior manager is in a process of restructuring the organization.

She first focuses on identifying the needs and responsibilities of individual employees, accessing information about other offices in Australia, and familiarizing herself with the bank’s competitive information and other business intelligence. The bank’s marketing manager Sheila introduces Maggie to THE BRAIN;

an unstructured and associative system that is compatible with how people store and retrieve information. After seeing how effective it is, Maggie helps Sheila to design a series of THE BRAIN workshops and disseminate them to all offices. The system’s success captures the executive team’s attention who are interested in knowing how it works. Following this invention, Maggie successfully restructures the company promoting Sheila to become the internet facilitator.

The nature of leadership greatly impacts an organization’s productivity level. Joe exhibited bad leadership by not identifying and meeting the needs of each employee. His intention of developing the DNS was entirely selfish. When a different person invented a better idea to solve the same problem, Joe felt threatened and considered reporting the matter to the executive. Maggie, on the other hand, displays good leadership skills. Her interest is in the individual needs of the employees and how she can optimize the company’s productivity level. She is focused on individual achievement which could translate to the bank’s overall success.


Socialized vs Personalized Leaders  北美案例分析代写

The urge to satisfy their interest or the desire to rule for personal benefit should not be the driving force of any leader. Socialized leaders are those who use their positions to serve others, state their vision in terms of their followers’ aspirations and needs, adhere to moral obligations, and maintain open communication with their employees (Popper, 2002). In contrast, personalized leaders use their power for their benefit, apply one-way communication, are authoritative and intensely self-focused. Additionally, personalized leaders observe moral standards that befit their self-interest (Popper, 2002).

Melbourne West bank’s IT specialist Joe Cutler portrays personalized leadership. His vision is for every employee to use one big structured repository even though the system does not cater to everyone’s needs. Joe’s need for power and recognition is immense such that he doesn’t take time to understand and interpret employees’ concerns. When Sheila’s BRAIN system spreads across the organization, Joe feels threatened and assumes that the invention is a waste of time. In addition, he portrays the characteristics of an unethical leader. He is insensitive to the needs of his employees and criticizes THE BRAIN system even though it solves the existing problem.

On the other hand, Maggie is a personalized ethical leader. Her initial assignment is to learn about the roles played by each employee and their personal needs. She desires to diagnose the bank and identify techniques for success. When employees demonstrate creativity, she acknowledges and promotes them. Her interest is in improving the organization to better serve its clients. Furthermore, she coaches and develops Sheila by assisting her to set workshops to educate other employees on the new system.

Organizational Culture  北美案例分析代写

The culture of an organization can either be dysfunctional or adaptive. A company’s culture greatly influences its success or failure. An organization should be able to understand and proactively manage its corporate culture. The characteristics of an n adaptive high-performance work tradition include satisfied clients, engaged employees, a positive brand reputation, and high performance. Additionally, it is flexible, scalable in terms of overall cost and time management, and able to track progress. Employee engagement enhances a common understanding and language around the work culture. It also creates self-awareness around employees’ roles in effecting change.

An adaptive culture is a powerful tool that influences all business activities and the decisions made in a company.  Leadership and management are the determinants and the reinforcers of an organization’s culture (Wilke, n.d.). To create and maintain high performance, companies must maintain a high level of integrity and propriety by ensuring that, employees are aligned, customers are satisfied, and the business is financially successful (Wilke, n.d.).

To attain an adaptive culture, employee collaboration must be upheld which enables the transfer of best practices across the organization and supports transformational cultural change.

Dysfunctional work culture is one whose social norms tamper with an organization’s productivity. It is characterized by leaders with power, status, attention, approval-seeking, and dominant, behavior. The latter discourages employees from working together as a team resulting from unhealthy competition and mistrust. Melbourne West bank is first dominated by a dysfunctional organizational culture.   北美案例分析代写

Joe is a power-seeking leader. He exhibits dominant behavior by enforcing a system that is not working. Additionally, he can be described as arrogant and inward-focused. In contrast, Maggie, the new manager seeks to change and improve the existing culture. She learns about the bank’s old ways of doing things and introduces new ones. Maggie’s focus on employees’ and customers’ needs fuels her to improve the company’s flexibility by welcoming ideas from employees and making the bank more adaptable to environmental changes. Her value for change and innovation improves the bank’s image and increases its productivity.

Organizational Change

This phenomenon refers to the process of facilitating change where need be. Research findings reveal that workers within an organization react to change differently. Most employees resist change due to factors such as fear, uncertainty, self-interest, low tolerance for change, lack of trust, or presence of a resistant culture. Coping with change follows five processes.

The first is the denial stage in which people are okay with the way things are running. At this level, employees do not see the need for change. The second stage is the defense stage where employees justify their old ways and become critical of the change. The third process is discarding. At this level, workers may engage in the new change although they are still attached to their old traditions. In the adaptation stage, employees begin to learn new concepts and ideas. The last stage is internalization in which staff members accept and embrace change.   北美案例分析代写

Melbourne West Bank is changing. First, the institution needs a customized data management and storage system. Though employees are diversified, Joe wants everyone to follow a structured system that doesn’t stimulate staff engagement. With technological development, this system is old-fashioned and operates manually. What the bank needs is an automated system that is easier to operate, navigate, and accessible to all employees. A new manager means changing the way things were done around the bank. Joe experiences difficulty accepting change and even criticizes THE BRAIN system as a waste of time.


Work motivation refers to the process in which persistent effort is directed towards a goal. The four facets of motivation include arousal, persistence, direction, and goals. Motivation can either be intrinsic or extrinsic. The former is based on personal control while the latter is externally managed and fueled by rewards such as social approval or punishment avoidance. In intrinsic motivation, people engage in tasks that are enjoyable and satisfying.

(Legault, 2016). On the other hand, in extrinsic motivation employees engage in behavior whose attainment depends on the outcome (Legault, 2016). It applies the principles of expectancy theory, where people only expend energy when they think it will pay off. Joe Culter is extrinsically motivated. His intention of developing the DNS is to manage all employees’ actions from a single application. Additionally, he hopes to gain social recognition with his development, and when a different invention is made, he feels threatened. Most employees in the bank are not intrinsically motivated. What they stand to gain fuels their actions. This explains why the bank is not performing well.

Recommendations  北美案例分析代写

In modern society, banks play a crucial role in paying and settling financial transactions. Technology increases competition in the banking industry. Daily deposits and loan operations require computerization. To upgrade existing technology and improve performance, Melbourne West bank should first improve its communication infrastructure. The bank’s intranet navigation should be personalized. Additionally, it should include global navigation presenting employees with more easy-to-find links.  北美案例分析代写

Secondly, the bank should consider creating helpful sites that contain useful types of financial resources. For instance, the sites can contain discussions, training, and risk assessment platforms among others. Bank leaders should create sites with policy revision dates, publishing delegation, and policy approval workflows. The bank should also consider creating sites for different departments and branches with information that is specifically designed for that group. These sites connect bank communities, provide them with specific applications to conduct their duties, and provide space for employees to establish their identities within the organization.

Thirdly, the intranet should incorporate helpful resources for all employees by helping them connect and collaborate.

The manager should acknowledge employee efforts and allow them to demonstrate a healthy level of autonomy. This entails providing flexible work schedules and defining a reasonable work pace and the order in which tasks are completed. Including employees in goal setting creates awareness of how their activities directly impact the company’s progress.   北美案例分析代写

In restructuring the bank, the manager should begin with leadership tools such as the vision and mission statements. Additionally, management tools including role definitions, measurement, and control systems should be redefined. To enhance employee motivation the bank’s leaders should acknowledge and appreciate workers who meet and exceed expectations. Leaders should develop their communication skills to manage their staff and employees. The company should adopt appropriate mechanisms that combat destructive leadership at senior levels. Senior management should institute training and procedures that are extensive, promote a work culture that is ethical and collaborative, and review employee performance. To increase the performance level of the company employees should be able to freely air their views and concerns.


Legault, L. (2016). Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation. Retrieved 23 November 2021, from http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-28099-8_1139-1.

Popper, M. (2002). Narcissism and Attachment Patterns of Personalized and Socialized Charismatic Leaders. Journal Of Social And Personal Relationships19(6), 797-809. https://doi.org/10.1177/0265407502196004

Surji, K. (2014). The Positive Affect of Leadership on Employee Performance and Its Impact on Improving Workplace Environment in Addition to Organizational Culture. Retrieved 23 November 2021, from http://dx.doi.org/10.7176/EJBM/6-25-2014-02.   北美案例分析代写

Wilke, A. CREATING AN ADAPTIVE HIGH-PERFORMANCE CULTURE [Ebook] (p. 8). Retrieved 23 November 2021, from https://www.questback.com/assets/usa/white-papers/WhitePaper-CreatinganAdaptiveHighPerfomanceCulture-EN-USA.pdf.


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