Assignment 5 (100 pts)
北美数学作业代写 It should carry out deflation and root polishing via Newton’s method. Also, use the solver implemented in Problem 4 as a subroutine.
Due before class
In all programming problems you must use a general purpose programming language. Do not use built-in routines from a mathematical software such as Mathematica, Matlab, or Maple. You need to turn in your code on Canvas and its run time results on the hard copy.
1.(a) (9 pts) Implement a procedure evalPoly(n, a[], t, v[]) which takes as input the n + 1coefficients of a polynomial of degree n stored in the array a[]. 北美数学作业代写
Here a[n] is the leading At a point t, the procedure produces the values of the polynomial and its derivative in v[0] and v[1], respectively. Your procedure should support complex numbers.
(b) (6 pts) Use the procedure to evaluate the polynomial p(x) = x8 − 170x6 + 7392x4 − 39712x2 +51200 at 1.414214 and 1 + 2i. Also, obtain its derivatives at these two points.

2.(26 pts) In this problem you are asked to implement fast Fourier transform and polynomial multiplication. Your code should have at least the followingcomponents: 北美数学作业代写
(a)(10 pts) A procedure DFT(n, a[], ahat[]) which takes as input the coefficients a[0], a[1], . . ., a[n] of a polynomial of degree n, where a[n] is the leading coefficient. It generates an array ahat[] that stores the images of these coefficients under the discrete Fourier transform.
(b)(6 pts) A procedure IDFT(n, ahat[], a[]) which performs the inverse DFT. Namely, itoutputs the coefficients a[0], a[1], . . ., a[n] from their images ahat[0], ahat[1], . . ., ahat[n] under DFT. 北美数学作业代写
(c)(6 pts) A procedure multiplyPolys(n, m, a[], b[], c[]) which uses FFT to compute the product of two polynomials of degrees n and m, The coefficients of these two polynomials are stored in the arrays a[] and b[], respectively, with leading coefficients a[n] andb[m]. The coefficients of the product polynomial will be stored in the array c[].
(d)(4 pts) Use the procedure multiplyPolys to compute the product of the two polynomials below:
p(x) = x7 − 70.1x6 + 2.4x5 − 3.7x4 + 7.4x3 − 10.8x2 + 10.8x − 6.8
q(x) = x8 − 170x6 + 0.614x5 + 7392x4 + 104.2x3 − 39712x2 + 51200
3.(a) (20 pts) Write code to find the real roots of cubic and quartic polynomials. You should use their closed forms given in the notes. 北美数学作业代写
(b) (4 pts) Run your code on the following two polynomials:
p(x) = 110x3 − 23x2 + 87x + 4
q(x) = 43x4 + 1.34x3 − 7x2 − 3400
- (a) (27 pts) Implement Muller’s method. Your code must be able to handle complex arith- metic. It should carry out deflation and root polishing via Newton’s method. Also, use the solver implemented in Problem 4 as a subroutine. 北美数学作业代写
(b) (8 pts) Use Muller’s method to find all the zeros, real and complex, of the following two polynomials:
p(x) = x5 − 3.7x4 + 7.4x3 − 10.8x2 + 10.8x − 6.8
q(x)= x9 − 0.843121x8 − 8.35979x7 + 10.1887x6 + 14.6196x5 − 25.7634x4 + 9.15636x3
− 0.360995x2 − 0.180591x + 0.00787276

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