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Professors’ Name


03 June 2012

北美实验报告代写 Then, the interviewer clicks on collected items bar which displays a picture of the evidence besides further information on the incidence.

Lab Report, Mixed reception  北美实验报告代写

Mixed reception is a totally interactive chemistry activity used to determine the death of the talented graduate, Nelson. The aim of the report is to provide a step by step approach in solving the mystery of the death.

The first step is to interview suspects so as to understand an insight of the incidence. In line with this, one has to choose relevant questions from the various suspects. The questions need to be leading to acquisition of ample evidence. It is recommended that questions be asked from one person but the writer of the report strongly feels that answers from different suspects would be more reliable. In order to achieve this, it is important to use the left panel so as to select the person one wants to interview. In the right panel, the suspect responds to the questions as asked by the interviewer. Consequently, a middle bottom panel is provided where one specifies the question to ask. Further, the bottom panel assists the interviewer to search for clues on the issue thereby aid to analysis of evidence.

The steps were followed and it was realized that the second suspect, Sam could have perpetrated the act. In the first place, he doesn’t answer questions promptly as asked by the interviewer. While asked about Nelson, he indicates that Nelson was an irresponsible and unethical person, which is totally different from the views of all other interviewees.

The second step is to analyze evidence on the issue. In order to do this, the interviewer clicks on analyze evidence on the bottom of the screen.

Then, the interviewer clicks on collected items bar which displays a picture of the evidence besides further information on the incidence. It is normally advisable to follow the two steps sequentially otherwise one may not be able to obtain the required information. In order to achieve this, the left panel allows interviewers to select the type of analysis they want to perform.

Consequently, the right panel displays the evidence while the middle bottom panel lets the interviewer to select the collected item to analyze. Thirdly, it is crucial to search for evidence about the incidence. In the initial visit to the location, it will be rotating but can be stopped by clicking anywhere inside the room. In order to move around the room, one holds and drags the mouse. For instance, in order to move to the left, the left mouse is held down while one drags the mouse to the left. For interviewers to look at the evidence, they need to move the mouse over an object until a red line outline appears and by clicking on it, one can zoom in the object.

The crucial activity here is to pick up the evidence. Items with a white outline around them can only be picked by holding the mouse over them. In short, the items are clicked in the collected items bar and picked.

Further, one can navigate between the various rooms. In order to do this, one clicks on gather evidence at the bottom of the screen and consequently choosing a location from the menu at the left side of the screen.  北美实验报告代写

After, one is done with the room; he/she could decide to look at more evidence from other rooms. This is done by clicking on another room in the menu. In the left panel one can select the type analysis he wants to perform while the right panel provides the evidence. In the middle bottom panel, the collected items to be analyzed are chosen. Consequently, the left panel will provide the various rooms from which one could click on the room he/ she wants to search. In the center panel items are provided where one clicks on the items to examine. In addition, the right panel displays information about the evidence whereas the middle bottom panel displays the collected evidence.

The second and the third steps were closely followed and after various cross examinations, it was discovered that the death of Nelson could have been caused by poisoning. The glass that Nelson used at the reception indicated the presence of an unknown compound which the writer strongly believes could have been the anti-toxin invented by Dr. Yermin. Dr. Yermin was suspected to have committed the crime but someone else could have used the anti-toxin to commit the crime. The writer strongly believes that Sam could have done this owing to the fact that his fingerprints were all over the glass that Nelson used.

The most important step is solving the case. In fact, this is the last step conducted after interviewing the suspects and analyzing the collected evidence. A report is completed on the head quarters page of mixed reception and sent for grading.

In an effort to solve the case, a report was completed and the student’s worksheet attached at the end which could later be sent for grading.


 Mixed Reception Worksheet

Take notes on this worksheet and use it to help you solve the problem. You will be copying this worksheet to the end of your Case Report, but remember the task at hand is solving a murder, not filling out a worksheet.

While you watch the introduction video, note below your preliminary thoughts about which person/people you personally suspect, and why & how they might have done it.

According to the writer, Dr. Yervin, could not have been one of the suspects. This is because; Nelson was one of his student and in fact, one of the best students in class. There is no way a mentor would have thought of killing his student.  北美实验报告代写

The second suspect, Sam, denies having quarreled with Nelson the morning of his demise. The fact that he denies to provide essential information makes the interviewer believe there is something he hides and therefore could be suspected.

Joana was an ex girl friend to Nelson. The third suspect indicates that Nelson was ethical. This is contrary to what Sam indicated. According to the interviewer, this suspect could not be liable to any damage that could have happened to Nelson.

The fourth suspect, Vince was just a good friend to Nelson over the years and viewed Nelson as a responsible person. This is contrary to what Sam indicated earlier on.

From the above deliberations, it would be fair to pick Sam as the chief suspect in this case.

While you interview suspects and gather evidence, make notes below about each suspect – do you personally suspect them?

What reasons might they have had to commit the crime, and most importantly, how might they have done it? What were their means?


Dr Yervin


Do you suspect this person?

What is their motive?

How might they have done it?

Personally, I don’t suspect this suspect. In fact, Nelson was one of the best students. He might not have conducted the crime.




Do you suspect this person?

What is their motive?  北美实验报告代写

How might they have done it?

I do suspect Sam. Firstly, it is known that they had a quarrel with Nelson the day he died. In addition, he does not want to be frank in providing the answers to the questions asked. He may have, together with others, not mentioned as suspects killed Nelson.





Do you suspect this person?

What is their motive?

How might they have done it?

 Joana was an ex girl friend to Nelson. According to her, Nelson was an ethical person which is contrary to what Sam purported. Joana could possibly be in a better position to know Nelson more than Sam. In this case, the interviewer feels that Sam is lying and therefore liable for the damages caused to Nelson. However, Joana is not at all, suspected to have committed the crime




Do you suspect this person? 北美实验报告代写

What is their motive?

How might they have done it?

No, this suspect is not suspected at all. Firstly, he was quite frank in providing answers to the questions asked. He was a good friend to Nelson over the years and knew Nelson better. He indicates that Nelson was a responsible person which is also contrary to Sam’s answers. This further makes the interviewer to suspect Sam. Certainly, Vince is not a suspect.



Do you suspect this person?

What is their motive?

How might they have done it?

No, I won’t suspect him since I did not interview him.


While you gather evidence, make notes below about how each piece of evidence might relate to a suspect, how it might have been used in the crime, etc. 北美实验报告代写



Drug Info Sheet

The report analyzed Alagren which inhibits allergic reactions to the peanut allergen. Alagren is normally prescribed by medical practioners and is orally administered. The drug contains magnesium stearate, mannitol and starch. The report indicates that the drug is highly absorbed in  the blood stream and normally within an hour. The report recommends that the drug be administered thirty minutes before breakfast.




Joanna’s Emails

Joanna seems to care for Nelson, despite the fact that Nelson is nowhere to be seen. In her emails she requests Nelson to communicate to her in case he has any problem. In line with this, it is crystal clear that Joanna still cares for Nelson and would at no circumstance would she think of killing him.


Anti-Toxin Report

The report demonstrated Yermin’s latest invention of a drug able to cure patients bitten by spiders. In fact, this is an anti-toxin that deactivates the toxin and prevents it from spreading to the patient’s body. In order for the compound to work, then there should be no other chemicals in the patient’s body






A glass of punch from which Nelson drank at the reception was analyzed. The method used was gas chromatography and mass spectroscopy. The analyzed sample contained water, sucrose, citric acid, unknown compound, MW, Sodium citrate, Sodium Benzoate, Potassium Sorbate, Cellulose gun and Glycerol.

In addition, a finger print analysis  on the punch glass was conducted which indicated the presence of seven finger prints matching with that of Sam Mellon while only four matched with Nelson’s fingers.




Coroner’s Report

The office of the Allegheny county coroner provided an autopsy report that indicated the presence of a compound with a molecular mass of 167.16 and another substance with a molecular mass of 765.82 in Nelson’s blood.

It was concluded that the cause of death would have been possible chocking associated with an allergic reaction to peanut allergen ara h.1.  北美实验报告代写




Nelson’s Journal

From May 15 to June 1, Nelson had written on certain issues in his life. In his journal, there is no evidence that shows his intention to commit suicide. However, on may 30th, Nelson makes the reader believe that indeed he is desperate.






The sample of peanuts that Nelson ate was analyzed and gave no results to indicate that there was something messy. In fact, the analysis using Gas Chromatography indicated the presence of peanut oil, peanut protein and peanut fibre.


Peanut Pie


The content analysis conducted by use of mass spectroscopy indicated the presence of the following elements which could not have caused any damage to Nelson. In fact, the contents of the peanut pie contained; flour, soya bean oil, sucrose, lactose, peanut oil, egg albumen, peanut proteins, peanut fibre, sodium bicarbonate and vanilla.


Nelson’s Pills


The content analysis report by Pennsylvania lab indicated that the tablets contained formic acid, magnesium stearate, mannitol and starch. The content analysis was performed by gas chromatography and mass spectroscopy.  北美实验报告代写

Pills from Joanna’s Office

The pills found in Joana’s office were suspicious. The pills were in the drawer and after an analysis, it was found that the pills contained; formic acid, magnesium stearate, mannitol and starch. The content in the pills is similar to the content in pills found in Nelson’s apartment.

A finger print analysis was conducted at Pennsylvania laboratory and indicated four partial fingerprints on the glass containing the pills. Three of these, were Nelson’s while only one resembled that of Joanna.

Use this page for additional notes, calculations, and conclusions you make as you analyze the evidence and form your conclusion.

From the evidence provided above, the writer of the report strongly believes that the anti-toxin might have been used in order to murder Nelson. The pills in Nelson’ apartment could not have been harmful to him since they were just but normal drugs as per the doctor’s prescription.

The presences of similar pills in one of the drawers in Joanna’s office do not raise any suspicion. A further fingerprints analysis shows the presence of Nelson’s fingers. This could possibly imply that Joanna might have picked them from Nelson’s place. This could possibly not be weird since they had been friends for a long time.  北美实验报告代写

 The glass of punch which Nelson used at the reception  could possibly have been used to cause his murder.  In fact, after an analysis in Penyslavia lab, the glass had a compound,MW. In line with this, the presence of Sam’s fingerprints were observed after a fingerprints examination of the glass. This makes the writer believe that indeed Sam perpetrated the act.



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