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加拿大统计代考 STAT351代写 Quiz代写

2022-04-28 10:59 星期四 所属: 统计代写 浏览:843


Quiz STAT351 5/11/2021

加拿大统计代考 Suppose that X1,X2,X3,X4 are independent U(0, 1)-distributed random variables and let (X(1),X(2),X(3),X(4)) be the corresponding order statistic. 

  1. Please copy and sign the following honour codestatement:

I affirm that I will not give or receive any unauthorized help on this exam, and that all work will be  my own. This is not an open book quiz.

  1. Nobooks or lectures notes allowed for this exam.
  2. Please show all your work. It is YOUR responsibility to convince me that you know what you are doing. Clarity, completeness, and organization count.

Q1 [8]

Defining all terms that you use, show that:

Q2 [10]  加拿大统计代考

Suppose that , … , are iid exp(1) RV:


a)distributionand density of X(1)

b)distribution and density of X(n)

c)Joint distribution and density of X (1) and X(n)

d)Distribution of theRange

Q3 [10]  加拿大统计代考

Suppose that X1,X2,X3,X4 are independent U(0, 1)-distributed random variables and let (X(1),X(2),X(3),X(4)) be the corresponding order statistic. Compute:

a) ( X(2)+ X(3) ≤ 5)

b) ( X(2)≤ X4 (1))



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