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加拿大物理Final exam代考 Physics 1E03代写

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加拿大物理Final exam代考

Physics 1E03 – Practice Test 2 Solutions

加拿大物理Final exam代考 In the circuit shown below, the resistances are R1 = 4.0 Ω and R2 = 4.0 Ω, and the ideal batteries have emfs e1 = 2.0 V

Part B (Problems):   加拿大物理Final exam代考

1.In the circuit shown below, the resistances are R1 = 4.0 Ω and R2 = 4.0 Ω, and the ideal batteries have emfs e1 = 2.0 V and e2 = e3 = 6.0 V. Apply Kirchhoff’s circuit rules (junction and looprules):

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加拿大物理Final exam代考

Note: Include the correct sign to indicate direction relative to the arrows shown.

A.Write junction and loops rule Junction: I1 +I 2  I=0

I3 = I1 + I 2 (1)

Left Loop:

e1  I3 R2  e 2  I1 R1 = 0

e1  ( I+ I ) R e 2  IR= 0(2)

Right Loop:

e 2 + I3 R2 + I2 R1  e 3 = 0

e 2 + (I1 + I2 ) R2 + I2 R1 + e3 = 0(3)

B.Find the magnitude and direction of I1, I2 and I3.

(2)Þ  (I+ I 2 ) (4) I1 (4)  6 = 0

1 + 2I1 + I 2 = 0(4)

(3) Þ (I+ I 2 ) (4) + I 2 (2) = 0

I1 + 2I 2 = 0    I1 =  2I 2  (5)

1 + 2( 2I 2 ) + I 2 = 0

I 2 =1 3 = 0.33 A

I1 = 2 (1 /3) =-2/3   I1 = + 2 3 = + 0.67 A   加拿大物理Final exam代考

I3 =  2/ 3 + 1 /3=  1 /3   I3 = + 1 3

C.What is the potential difference Va –Vb?

Va  I3  R2   e 2 = Vb2

Va  Vb = I3 R2 + ε 2

Va  Vb  = (-1 /3)( 4) + 6 = 14/3 V `= 4.67 V

Va  Vb  = 14 /3 V = 4.67 V

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加拿大物理Final exam代考

2.In the RC circuit of the diagram shown, ε = 9.00 V, C = 10.0 μF, R1 = 3.00 Ω,  加拿大物理Final exam代考

R2 = 15.0 Ω and R3 = 12.0 Ω, the switch has been closed for a very long time so that the capacitor is fully charged.

A.Find the time constant when the switch isopen   

τ = C Reff = C (R1  + R2  )

τ = 10.0×106  F (3.0 +15.0)Ω = 1.8×10 4 S

B.Find the charge qO on the capacitor the instant the switch is opend.

At t =0, qo is the same as q¥ when the switch was closed and the capacitor was fully charged. Fully charged capacitor acts like an open switch, so:

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加拿大物理Final exam代考

C.Write an expression for the charge on the capacitor as a function of time t >0.

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加拿大物理Final exam代考


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