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Analyzing Consumer Markets

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分析消费市场论文代写 Analyzing Consumer MarketsFrom the above analysis it can be stated that decision making process and consumer buying behavior


Gym Membership 

Product Description

The product that I purchased recently was membership in a well-reputed gym for AED 500 in UAE. The gym membership provides additional benefits to the members who purchase it. A gym membership will provide a plethora of packages and it will also help me in achieving monthly discounts and offers on various activities. The gym membership not only will allow me to explore reasonable prices for different activities but it will also help me in getting daily updates regarding what’s new in the gym. Gym membership always proves very beneficial for me as it will excite me to go to the gym every day with a dozen of additional offers that it provides to the members.


健身房会员 分析消费市场论文代写


Reason for Purchasing the Product

The major reason behind my decision to buy gym membership is because I want to join a gym for adopting a healthy lifestyle. By going to the gym and by daily exercising I will be able to keep a suitable balance between my physical activities and other activities. Health is wealth and there is no deniability in that if I’ll have this membership I will always be motivated to go to the gym and exercise as much as I want. Along with that, the gym membership offers various other benefits such as it helps in getting many discounts and packages on different activities. Moreover, along with the gym gears, I will be able to enjoy all the other facilitation of the gym that is only provided for gym members such as spa, massage treatments, swimming permissions, and steaming, etc.


购买产品的原因 分析消费市场论文代写


Influential Factor Behind the Decision

The major influential factor behind my choice is the basic factor of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. I want to stay healthy and fit and serves as the fundamental reason why I purchased this gym membership. Being able to stay fit and healthy is one of my vital goals and that is how my decision got influenced by purchasing the gym membership.

Social and cultural factors have a great influence on the consumer’s behaviors, this is mainly because man is a social animal and the society in which the person is evolving can greatly impact on how he thinks and perceives about different concepts, social factors such as family, friends references and status can have a great impact on consumer psychology and this can significantly alter decision-making power of a consumer (Dahl, 2013).

Along with this one of my friends was also enjoying the perks of having a gym membership which also influenced my decision because she was having so many benefits after purchasing this gym membership. I also heard about how this gym membership can give a person so many benefits on various social media platforms and that too paved a way for my decision. Having a gym membership will provide me flexibility in paying gym bills and will also allow me to enjoy so many packages and discounts due to which I bought the gym membership.


决策背后的影响因素 分析消费市场论文代写


Implementation of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Theory 分析消费市场论文代写

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is a fundamental theory that presents the rationale that people are quite motivated to do what can help them in the achievement of their needs and that some needs are superior and hold more importance as compared to others (Lussier, 2019). Maslow’s Hierarchy mainly focusses on the following types of needs:

  • Physiological needs
  • Safety needs
  • Love and needs of affection
  • Esteem needs
  • Self-actualization needs

If we apply this theory of needs here in this scenario, then in perspective the decision for purchasing the gym membership will fulfill the need for safety. According to Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs after physiological needs are satisfied then comes the safety needs that ensure the predictability and control of one person on his life (Taormina & Gao, 2013). Safety needs might include different types of sub-divisions such as financial security, social welfare security, emotional security, health security, and social stability and by buying a gym membership the healthy security need can be fulfilled. Along with this buying, the gym membership can also fulfill the social stability need.


The major reason why buying a gym membership can fulfill the health security need and social stability need is because gym will help me in improving my health and it will help me in creating a suitable lifestyle where I physically indulge myself in healthy and positive activities and this will ultimately positively affect my health and lifestyle routine. Moreover, the gym can be a great place to socialize with a plethora of people more effectively, buying a gym membership will motivate me to go to the gym every day and this will help me in fulfilling my need of creating a social stability.


马斯洛需求层次理论的实施 分析消费市场论文代写


Decision Making Process 分析消费市场论文代写

Every day we have to face such situations that require our decision-making skills and decisiveness and a person that demonstrates strong decision-making skills can overcome even the hardest of situations because decision-making skills and processes provide us with a structural and appropriate approach for solving a problem (Nooraie, 2008). Strong decision-making processes require 5 stages and each stage has a specific purpose which helps us in defining our needs and requirements what matters to us the most (Cole & Hollier, 2007).

For deciding on purchasing the gym membership I also conducted a deep evaluative decision-making process and I broke my decision-making process into 5 steps and each step helped me in gaining a better perception.

  • Problem Recognition

At the very first stage of the decision-making process I started with identifying my goal, I stated down what is the purpose behind my goal and how will it benefit. In this case, my real goal was to get healthy so I considered the health goal as the most important factor.

  • Information Search 分析消费市场论文代写

At this stage, I started with collecting various types of information that will help me in making a better decision. I researched other options other than buying a gym membership. I also considered other methods that can help me in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. I researched about how gym membership would benefit me in the longer run.

  • Evaluation of Alternatives

At this stage, I weighed out the consequences that can prevail for the decision of buying a gym membership. I thought about what could be the positive as well as negative outcomes of buying the gym membership.

  • Purchase Decision

At this stage I finally made my decision of buying the gym membership after identifying my goal, assessing and comparing every option, and weighing the consequences of the decision.

  • Post purchase Behavior

At the final stage of the decision-making process, I planned out all the actions that I will put in line to achieve my decision of buying the gym membership. At this stage, I lined up all the activities through which I can implement my decision.


做决定的过程 分析消费市场论文代写














From the above analysis it can be stated that decision making process and consumer buying behavior plays an important role while purchasing any product. It is due to consumer buying behavior that the need for a product can be determined. By conducting a deep analysis of decision making process and by utilizing each and every stage effectively a person can land a sound decision which can assist him or her in his purchase.


结论 分析消费市场论文代写


References 分析消费市场论文代写

Cole, P., & Hollier, L. (2007). Decision-Making Process. Journal Of Craniofacial Surgery, 18(4), 989-990. https://doi.org/10.1097/01.scs.0000265724.29651.6e

Dahl, D. (2013). Social Influence and Consumer Behavior. Journal Of Consumer Research, 40(2), iii-v. https://doi.org/10.1086/670170

Lussier, K. (2019). Motives, Managers, and Maslow: The Hierarchy of Needs in American Management, 1960-1985. Academy Of Management Proceedings, 2019(1), 17655. https://doi.org/10.5465/ambpp.2019.202

Nooraie, M. (2008). Decision magnitude of impact and strategic decision‐making process output. Management Decision, 46(4), 640-655. https://doi.org/10.1108/00251740810865102

Taormina, & Gao. (2013). Maslow and the Motivation Hierarchy: Measuring Satisfaction of the Needs. The American Journal Of Psychology, 126(2), 155. https://doi.org/10.5406/amerjpsyc.126.2.0155


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