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决策模型和分析作业代写 Business代写

2022-03-10 09:50 星期四 所属: 作业代写,留学生作业代写-北美、澳洲、英国等靠谱代写 浏览:684


Homework Assignment 1

 决策模型和分析作业代写 All problem sets must be submitted individually, but you may collaborate with one colleague in trying to solve the problems in this assignment.

All problem sets must be submitted individually, but you may collaborate with one colleague in trying to solve the problems in this assignment. You are required to report the name of any colleague who helps you in any way. For all modeling problems, make sure to include in your answer the mathematical formulation, the spreadsheet model and the solution to the problem in English.

Problem 1 (40 points)  决策模型和分析作业代写

Maintenance at a major university is an on-going process that occurs 24 hours a day. Because of local labor laws, employees must be hired for eight-hour shifts. These 8-hour shifts start every four hours throughout the day. The number of maintenance workers needed at different times throughout the day varies. The following table summarizes the minimum number of employees needed in each 4-hour time period.

Time Period Minimum Number of Employees Needed
12am to 4am 100
4am to 8am 120
8am to 12pm 220  决策模型和分析作业代写
12pm to 4pm 180
4pm to 8pm 240
8pm to 12am 160

The maintenance supervisor wants to determine the minimum number of employees to schedule that meets the minimum staffing requirements.


Problem 2 (40 points)

You run the emergency department of a local hospital. There are 30 doctors in your staff and they all work 5 days a week. They would all like to get 2 consecutive days off a week, but the needs of your department make that difficult to achieve. You need a total of 28 doctors on Saturdays, 18 doctors on Sundays and Mondays, 25 doctors on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, 15 doctors on Thursdays and 21 doctors on Fridays. Find a schedule that minimizes the number of doctors taking non-consecutive days off. How many doctors have non-consecutive days off in your optimal schedule?

Hint: There are 21 possible weekly work schedules (Mon-Fri, Tue-Sat, and so on). The easiest solution to this problem involves first listing all 21 possible weekly schedules.

Problem 3 (20 points)  决策模型和分析作业代写

Find the set of feasible solutions of the linear programming problem below. Determine the optimal solution by enumerating the corner points.

max 3x + 5y

s.t. x y £ 10

x £ 7

y £ 6

x ³ 0

y ³ 0



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