The Public Order Act 1986 and Police Powers of Stop and Search
公共秩序法论文代写 The book outlines the English sentencing system changes which have been brought about by the four significant changes in the law including
The Public Order Act 1986 and Police Powers of Stop and Search
Part A
The Public Order Act 1986
Books Sources
Ashworth A, Sentencing And Criminal Justice (Cambridge University Press 2015)
The book outlines the English sentencing system changes. Which have been brought about by the four significant changes in the law including legislation, case-laws, sentencing guidelines, and scholarly research. The writer is guided by the above four basic tenets in addressing the sentencing and the criminal justice system in England. The text is a good reference on the issues concerning the criminal justice system. And in understanding the various changes which have taken place since the enactment of The Public Order Act 1986.
Brewer J and others, The Police, Public Order, And The State: Policing In Great Britain, Northern Ireland, The Irish Republic, The USA, Israel, South Africa And China (2nd edn, Macmillan 1996)
The text explains the deficiencies posed by the public order policing to both the police officers and the public policed by the law. The writers put their argument on the problems that are not unique to Britain and which evolve in strategies for order maintenance. The book is essential in the understanding the public order policing in various countries and how these experiences can be used in developing the plan in public policing.
Martin J, Key Facts Criminal Law (Hodder Education 2010)
The illuminate on the larger criminal justice and how it can be enacted. The writer aimed at informing the reader about how to deal with criminal cases and correction of evidence in the defense against a crime.
1986 年公共秩序法和警察的拦截和搜查权 公共秩序法论文代写
1986 年公共秩序法
Ashworth A,量刑与刑事司法(剑桥大学出版社 2015 年)
本书概述了英语量刑制度的变化。这是由立法、判例法、量刑准则和学术研究等四大法律变化所带来的。笔者以上述四项基本原则为指导,论述英国的量刑和刑事司法制度。该文本是有关刑事司法系统问题的良好参考。并了解自 1986 年《公共秩序法》颁布以来发生的各种变化。
Brewer J 等人,警察、公共秩序和国家:大不列颠、北爱尔兰、爱尔兰共和国、美国、以色列、南非和中国的警务(第 2 版,麦克米伦,1996 年)
Martin J,刑法关键事实(Hodder Education 2010)
Journal Sources 公共秩序法论文代写
Farrall S, N BurkeC Hay, ‘Revisiting Margaret Thatcher’S Law And Order Agenda: The Slow-Burning Fuse Of Punitiveness’ (2015) 11 British Politics
The article focuses on the criminology and how punitiveness has transformed over time. The research aim to punitiveness has changed to be more adaptive to modern criminal justice. As such more on the justice system has promoted new concepts on how to deal with rising cases of crimes. The text, therefore, traces back the idea of toughness to criminals in the time of Margaret Thatcher. The writing is essential in informing on the criminal justice system and how it has changed over time and the ways to deal with modern crimes.公共秩序法论文代写

Anonymous, ‘Understanding And Regulating Hate Speech: A Symposium On Jeremy Waldron’s The Harm In Hate Speech’ (2014) 13 Contemporary Political Theory
The article puts its argument around the incitement for hatred. The law in the United Kingdom protects the individual and groups from incitement and hate on the ground of race, religion, color, nationality, ethnicity, and sexual orientation. The text is essential in the understanding of the law regulating incitement and hatred as well as the forms which provocation can take.公共秩序法论文代写
James MG Pearson, ‘Legal Responses To Football Crowd Disorder And Violence In England And Wales’ [2016] Legal Responses to Football Hooliganism in Europe
期刊来源 公共秩序法论文代写
Farrall S、N BurkeC Hay,“重温玛格丽特撒切尔的法律和秩序议程:惩罚的缓慢燃烧导火索”(2015 年)11 英国政治
这篇文章侧重于犯罪学以及惩罚如何随着时间的推移而发生变化。对惩罚性的研究已经变得更适应现代刑事司法。因此,有关司法系统的更多信息促进了有关如何处理不断增加的犯罪案件的新概念。因此,该文本将强硬的想法追溯到玛格丽特·撒切尔 (Margaret Thatcher) 时代的罪犯。这篇文章对于告知刑事司法系统及其随时间的变化以及处理现代犯罪的方式至关重要。
匿名,“理解和规范仇恨言论:关于 Jeremy Waldron 的仇恨言论危害的研讨会”(2014 年)13 当代政治理论
James MG Pearson,“对英格兰和威尔士足球人群骚乱和暴力的法律反应”[2016] 对欧洲足球流氓行为的法律反应
The text is on the legal practice by the policing department in England and Wales.
And how they have changed the football behavior which for long had been faced with the disorder from hooliganism. Due to the changes in tactics in dealing with field violence, the chaos and violence are rare in Britain. However, the author views the legal measures to be counterproductive. He also compares the proportionality and legality of the policing and their effect to the civil libertarianism and human rights.
Abraham A Sengupta, ‘Blasphemy And Free Speech: Need For A Balance Between Public Order And Right To Free Speech’ (2016) 4 International Journal of Human Rights and Constitutional Studies 公共秩序法论文代写
The article concern on the issues with the freedom of speech and how it has been used to infringe on other people’s rights. The article views the freedom of expression as a contentious issue that needs to be addressed to limit the irrelevant and blasphemous speeches. The source found the need to have a restrictive application of freedom of speech to maintain the public order. It proposes to the Indian parliament to repeal the criminal laws against the blasphemous speech. And for the justice system to adopt the narrow application of the public order restriction.公共秩序法论文代写
El Asam AM Samara, ‘Cyberbullying And The Law: A Review Of Psychological And Legal Challenges’ (2016) 65 Computers in Human Behavior
The article identifies the problem that exists due to the emergence of internet networking through social media and as a result of the cyberbullying to that effect. Further, it focuses on the legislation which has been enacted in response to online harassments and other related harms. The article tries to device an expository approach to the cyberbullying in the modern era and how the issues can be dealt with.
Abraham A Sengupta,“亵渎和言论自由:需要在公共秩序和言论自由权之间取得平衡”(2016 年)4 国际人权与宪法研究杂志
El Asam AM Samara,“网络欺凌与法律:心理和法律挑战回顾”(2016 年) 65 计算机在人类行为中的作用
Case Examples
R v Tyler and others, 96 Cr App R 332, [1993] Crim LR 60, CA.
R v Rees [2006] 2 Cr App R (S) 20
R v Gibbons[2002] EWCA Crim 3161, [2003] 2 Cr App R (S)
R v NW, CA, 3 March 2010
I & Others v DPP(2002) 1 AC 285 HL
Vejdeland v. Sweden(2012) App no 1813/07 公共秩序法论文代写
R v Sanchez (1996) Crim L R 572 CA
Vicario the Commissioner of Police for the Metropolis: (2007) CA
Adelson and Another Associated Newspapers Ltd: (2007) QBD
Roberts and Others Regina: (2018) CACD
The case was for the violation of the public peace. The defendant had appealed to have the sentence overturned. But according to the evidence presented before the court, the defendant rights violated other people’s right to have peace. Therefore, the decision of the previous court was maintained. The case is important as it forms a precedent on the basis to which the individual rights are limited.That is, to the extent that they are not infringing on the rights of the other people.
案例示例 公共秩序法论文代写
R v Tyler and others, 96 Cr App R 332, [1993] Crim LR 60, CA。
R v Rees [2006] 2 Cr App R (S) 20
R v Gibbons[2002] EWCA Crim 3161, [2003] 2 Cr App R (S)
R 诉 NW,加利福尼亚州,2010 年 3 月 3 日
I & Others v DPP(2002) 1 AC 285 HL
Vejdeland 诉瑞典 (2012) App no 1813/07
R v Sanchez (1996) Crim L R 572 CA
Vicario 大都会警察局长:(2007 年)CA
Adelson and Another Associated Newspapers Ltd: (2007) QBD
此案系违反公共安宁罪。 被告提出上诉,要求推翻判决。 但根据法庭上出示的证据,被告人的权利侵犯了其他人的安宁权。 因此,维持原法院的判决。 该案很重要,因为它构成了个人权利受到限制的基础上的先例。也就是说,在他们不侵犯他人权利的范围内。
Part B
Police Powers of Stop and Search
A book on the issues of Police Powers of Stop and Search posted a question on “What is the social purpose of the police. And how does and should this purpose relate to how police power is controlled and governed? How central to that purpose is the control and investigation of a crime?” The police power has been observed to be applied disproportionately in Britain to the extent that it has brought racial discrimination in the administration of justice. The police power of stop and search is mean to maintain peace and order in the society. And if not applied equally it losses the meaning, thus continuing to use it is unjustified.公共秩序法论文代写
一本关于警察拦截和搜查权力问题的书发布了一个关于“警察的社会目的是什么”的问题。 这一目的与警察权力的控制和治理方式有何关联? 控制和调查犯罪对这个目的有多重要?” 据观察,警察权力在英国的应用不成比例,以至于它在司法行政中带来了种族歧视。 警察的截停和搜查权力是为了维护社会的和平与秩序。 如果不同等应用,它就会失去意义,因此继续使用它是没有道理的
References 公共秩序法论文代写
Primary Sources
R v Tyler and others, 96 Cr App R 332, [1993] Crim LR 60, CA.
R v Rees [2006] 2 Cr App R (S) 20
R v Gibbons [2002] EWCA Crim 3161, [2003] 2 Cr App R (S)
R v NW, CA, 3 March 2010
I & Others v DPP (2002) 1 AC 285 HL
Vejdeland v. Sweden (2012) App no 1813/07 公共秩序法论文代写
R v Sanchez (1996) Crim L R 572 CA
Roberts and Others v. Regina: (2018) CACD
Vicario v. the Commissioner of Police for the Metropolis: (2007) CA
Adelson and Another v. Associated Newspapers Ltd: (2007) QBD
Secondary Sources
Abraham A Sengupta, ‘Blasphemy And Free Speech: Need For A Balance Between Public Order And Right To Free Speech’ (2016) 4 International Journal of Human Rights and Constitutional Studies
Anonymous, ‘Understanding And Regulating Hate Speech: A Symposium On Jeremy Waldron’s The Harm In Hate Speech’ (2014) 13 Contemporary Political Theory
Ashworth A, Sentencing And Criminal Justice (Cambridge University Press 2015)
Bowling BC Phillips, ‘Disproportionate And Discriminatory: Reviewing The Evidence On Police Stop And Search’ (2007) 70 Modern Law Review
Brewer J and others, The Police, Public Order, And The State: Policing In Great Britain, Northern Ireland. The Irish Republic, The USA, Israel, South Africa And China (2nd edn, Macmillan 1996)公共秩序法论文代写
El Asam AM Samara, ‘Cyberbullying And The Law: A Review Of Psychological And Legal Challenges’ (2016) 65 Computers in Human Behavior
Farrall S, N BurkeC Hay, ‘Revisiting Margaret Thatcher’S Law And Order Agenda: The Slow-Burning Fuse Of Punitiveness’ (2015) 11 British Politics
James MG Pearson, ‘Legal Responses To Football Crowd Disorder And Violence In England And Wales’ [2016] Legal Responses to Football Hooliganism in Europe
Martin J, Key Facts Criminal Law (Hodder Education 2010)
Steinberg J, Sage Handbook Of Global Policing (Sage 2016)

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