UNSW Business School
public boolean代写 This assignment is to be undertaken as an individual assignmentThis assignment is graded upon 15 marks and counts
School of Information Systems and Technology Management
INFS1609 Assignment 2 (15%) public boolean代写
Revision | Date | Changes |
1 | 02/04/2019 | Initial release |
Assignment Design
- This assignment is to be undertaken as an individual assignment
- This assignment is graded upon 15 marks and counts for 15% of your Overall Marks for this course
- This assignment contains 2parts:
Student Gradebook and Bike Repair Shop
The assignment is due on Friday 26th April 2019, by 1200hrs (noon)
- Do not submit a second submission after the due date or it will be counted aslate
The assignment must be submitted electronically via Ed > Assessmentspublic boolean代写
- Submission requirements are outlined in each respectivepart
Test cases are used to do a first-round marking of your code. You should try to run your program on Ed to check if they pass the test cases. Test run your code as early as possible because you might need to make changes to your code.
Please use the Ed discussion forum to discuss any issues related to this assignment.
The readability of your code is one of the marking criteria. You should take care of your coding style and include comments in your code (wherever appropriate) to help explain it
Please make sure you have read the information about UNSW Business School protocols, University policies, student responsibilities and education quality and support on your Course Outline:
https://www.business.unsw.edu.au/degrees-courses/course-outlines/archives/INFS1609- 2018-S2#policies
If you have any questions about interpreting the assignment and its requirements, please make use of the LICs consultation sessions. To avoid confusion and misunderstanding, we will not be answering assignment-related questions over email.public boolean代写

Part 1 Student Gradebook (5%) public boolean代写
Implement a simple student gradebook which name, faculty, start year and grades. Your program should print the student s WAM (average of grades entered), and summary data of grades (defined by https://student.unsw.edu.au/grade).
You will need to design a Student class which contains the appropriate attributes to store all of the information. You must create the appropriate getter, setter and constructor methods.public boolean代写
We will provide you with a TestStudent class, this class is responsible for prompting the user for input and displaying the output as required below. Text written in red in the samples below indicates user input. Round to 2 decimal places when required, if there are no decimals do not show a decimal point.
You can assume that all values entered are valid.
Enter student s name: Jess
Enter student
faculty: Business
Enter studen
: 2018
Jess Business 2018 public boolean代写
WAM: 75
0 x F
0 x P
1 x C
3 x D
0 x HD
Marking Criteria:
Presentation & correctness
( 2 marks ) |
1 mark* Style and cleanliness, indentation, camelCase
1 mark* Programming correctness, variable naming, placement of methods * No partial marks awarded |
Test cases ( 3 marks ) | 1 mark per test case 3 test cases total public boolean代写 |
Plagiarism | 90% penalty for the entire assignment for substantial plagiarism
More information on the appeal process and what is considered to be plagiarism is available on the course outline |
Part 2 Bike Repair Shop (10%)public boolean代写
relationship between objects is dictated below:
Each class has the following attributes:
- Bike (String owner, String model, int wheelDiameter, int gears, int kmsRidden)
- MountainBike (int suspensionDepth)public boolean代写
- RoadBike (int reflectorsFitted)
Your Bike Shop is a bit quirky, the service interval is calculated in the following way:
- MountainBike = wheel diameter * gears suspension depth
- RoadBike = kms ridden * reflectors fitted
- Bike = length of owner s name * gears
Programming tasks (8%):
Using your knowledge of OOP, Inheritance and Polymorphism design and implement the classes above
You should submit 5 Java files: BikeSystem.java, TestBikeSystem.java, Bike.java, MountainBike.java and RoadBike.java
You will need to implement a BikeSystem class which is in charge of maintaining the objects, the BikeSystem constructor should take an int which specifies the number of bikes the BikeSystem can hold, and should provide the following publicly public boolean代写accessible methods:
public boolean insertBike(String bikeString)
The boolean will indicated whether the Bike was successfully created. Returns false if the bike already exists or the BikeSystem is full. You will need to parse these Strings and create objects from them
The bikeStrings will come in the following formats: Bike|<owner>|<model>|<wheelDiameter>|<gears>|<kmsRidden> MTB|<owner>|<model>|<wheelDiameter>|<gears>|<kmsRidden>|<suspensionDepth> RB|<owner>|<model>|<wheelDiameter>|<gears>|<kmsRidden>|<reflectorsFitted> |
public boolean bikeExists(String owner, String model)public boolean代写
This boolean will indicate whether the bike exists in the system or not |
public void printSystem()
This should call the toString() method of each object and print it to the screen in the same format as the bikeString inputs |
public void closeShop()public boolean代写
This should empty the bikeShop and restore it to an empty state |
public void printServiceIntervals()
This should print the list of bikes, and service intervals in the format: owner, model, serviceInterval |
Design Explanation (2%):
You must submit a design.txt file containing your answer to the following questions (200 words maximum)
Explain what is happening when you call toString() for each of the objects when calling printBikeSystem()?
When you determine the service interval in printServiceIntervals() what aspect of OOP are you utilising at runtime?public boolean代写
Presentation & correctness
( 2 marks ) |
1 mark* Style and cleanliness, indentation, camelCase
1 mark* Programming correctness, variable naming, placement of functions * No partial marks awarded |
Functionality Tests
( 6 marks ) |
1 mark insertBike functions correctly 1 mark bikeExists functions correctly
1 mark printSystem functions correctly 1 mark closeShop functions correctlypublic boolean代写 1 mark printServiceInterval functions correctly 1 mark mystery test case There may be more than one test case required to determine each mark |
Design Explanation ( 2 marks ) | 1 mark correctly identify the relationship between objects and toString()
1 mark correctly identify the aspect of OOP that occurs at runtime |
Plagiarism | 90% penalty for the entire assignment for substantial plagiarism
More information on the appeal process and what is considered to be plagiarism is available on the course outline |

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