Beijing International MBA Program at Peking University (BiMBA)
PT/FT-TIME 2022 Classes (UCL)
Global Leadership
全球领导力代写 1.COURSE DESCRIPTION AND OBJECTIVES:This course focuses on helping students to become aware of their leadership skills and how to develop
This course focuses on helping students to become aware of their leadership skills and how to develop these skills further in the context of a complex, uncertain, and turbulent global environment. The course focuses on seven different areas in terms of theories, concepts and practices in leadership:
1.Nature of Global Leadership:
Lecture one focuses on the nature of global leadership, which is interactive and situationally driven. Leadership is art, coping mostly with organizational, social and human issues, subject to environmental changes.
2.Personality and Global Leadership:
Lecture two helps studentsunderstand their personality traits and personal character, become aware of their strong points and weaknesses, and eventually develop themselves into leaders of character.
3.Core Values and Global Leadership: 全球领导力代写
Lecture three makes students aware that core values and global leadership are closely related. Firm personal values not only provide drive for action, but serve as the basis for long-term strategic leadership effectiveness.
4.The Triangle Leadership Model:
Lecture four focuses on a leadership model that focuses on strategic leadership, professional leadership and character (inspirational leadership). A great leader is strategic, professional andcharismatic at the same time.
5.Leader Behaviour and Exchanges:
Lecture five focuses on understanding task and relationship behaviours in the daily practice of leadership between leaders and organizational members. The lecture finishes with lessons learnt from leadership research about being an effective follower, or ‘managing up’.
6.Diversity and Leadership: 全球领导力代写
Leaders need to influence people from diversecultures and backgrounds. In the first part of this session, the aim is to understandhow effective leaders alter their behaviour when they work across cultural boundaries. In the second part of the session, the focus is on understanding diversity from the perspective of personal characteristics in terms of the role of gender in leadership.
7.Leadership Development:
In this session, both the development of oneself and the development of others is explored. Leadership development activities generally rely on self-reflection and the ability to acquire new behaviours. Learning from experience and challenging assignments remain the foundation of leadership development.
8.Simulation and Course Summary:
The last session involves a simulation consisting of a series of decisions students make individually and in groups in order to climb Mount Everest.
Main textbook: Leadership, 9th edition, by Hughes, Ginnett, Gurphy, McGraw Hill Intl ed.
Additional Recommended books for reading:
- Strengths based Leadership, by Tom Rath and Barry Conchie
- The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership, John Maxwell
- World Order,Henry Kissinger, Penguin Books, 2014
- The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Stephen R. Covery
- Emotional Intelligence, by Daniel Goldman, 1994
- Good to Great and Build to Last, by Jim Collins
- China CEO, Voices of Experience, by J.A. Fernandez/L. Underwood
- How Google Works, by Eric Schmidt. 中文版: < 重新定义公司>, 中信出版集团
- The Quantum Leader, by Dahah Zohar, translated into Chinese by 杨壮,机械出版社
- Leadership at the Edge, by Dennis N.T. Perkins, second edi. AMACOM, 2012
- The Leadership Challenge, 6th edi, translated into Chinese by 徐中, 电子工业出版社
Attendance and participation: Members of the class are expected to prepare readings for the class, engage in serious writing, reflections and case preparation, and participate in class discussions actively. There is one required English textbook assigned for the semester, plus Harvard Business cases and HBR articles.
4.ASSESSMENT 全球领导力代写
The assessment for the course amounts to 50% of “Organisational Behaviour and Leadership”. The other 50% relates to the assessment of “Managing Organisational Behaviour”. The assessment consists of two parts:
- Individual assignment (2,000 words) 20%
- Group report (3,000 words) 30%
Individual Assignment (2,000 words):
Each student is required to write a self-reflective paper that focuses on factors that affect their personality, character, core values and leadership style. They should summarize the most salient features that underpin their character and leadership style, as well as ways to improve their leadership qualities and behaviours. It is important to use evidence in the form of (i) tests taken during or outside class and (ii) examples from professional experience. There will be a workshop about the individual assignment and how to make evidence-based arguments.
Group Report (3,000 words): 全球领导力代写
The group report relates to The Mount Everest Simulation run during the last class session. Students work in teams of 5 or 6 where they each have a specific role. The simulation consists of five decisions that the team needs to make in order to reach the summit of Mount Everest. In the end of the simulation, each team member will have a percentage score of the goals achieved as an individual and as a team.
Each student will get their own mark for the group report (50% team section; 50% individual section).
The group report should have the following sections:
– Team section (1,000 words).
The team should discuss their effectiveness as a team answering the following questions:
o What did your team do well? Identify leader and team member behaviours that were useful in enhancing team performance and effectiveness.
o What could have been done better?
o Refer to concepts and theories in answering the two questions above.
– Individual sections (500 words each). 全球领导力代写
Each team member should write an analysis of their own experience during the simulation. This analysis should answer the following questions:
o Were you satisfied with the balance of team and personal goals achieved? What could have been done differently within the team to enhance your satisfaction with goals achieved?
o What are the three main learning points about leadership that you take away from the exercise? Demonstrate the learning points with examples from the simulation.
Each team member submits a separate report which consist of the team section (the same for all team members – same grade) and the individual section (individual – different grades). Submission file should be named as follows: TeamxRole (e.g. Team5Photographer).
Class Presentations:
Students will make class presentations about Harvard Business Review (HBR) articles. A folder of 12 articles is distributed before class with a view of each team presenting one article in class. The requirements for the presentation are as follows:
Before the class, each team will inform class TA of their article choice on a “first come first serve” basis. Teams of students cannot present the same article twice. There will be two presentations for the FT class (15 minutes each) and four presentations for the PT class (ten minutes each) in every class session, beginning from the second lecture. The presentations focus on (1) summary of key points of the article; (2) the main takeaways from the article; (3) critical analysis of certain points/views of the article. Teams are encouraged to use real-life cases or examples to illustrate views/points. Five pages of PPT slides are required.
The class participation do not account towards the overall grade for the course, but they are important preparation for the written assignments.
Marking Criteria for Written Assignments: 全球领导力代写
Grade | Explanation |
80-100 | Critical analysis and reflection; thorough and insightful application of theoretical concepts; evidence of wide reading around the subject through a list of references and citations; excellent and logical flow of well supported arguments. |
70-79 | All the aspects of the assessment task are fully answered. Relevant theoretical concepts are used in detail and with insight to analyse the assignment task. There is evidence of wide reading of academic material through references and citations. Events and situations may be interpreted in multiple ways. Arguments are well expressed, logical and easy to understand. |
60-69 | All the aspects of the assessment task are answered. Analysis is based on the correct understanding and use of relevant theoretical concepts. Arguments are generally logical and flow well, but there may be some minor weaknesses in the quality of expression. 全球领导力代写 |
50-59 | Most aspects of the assignment brief are covered. There may be some weaknesses in how theoretical concepts are understood and applied. Limited reading of academic literature with only 2-4 references. Arguments are understandable, but there may be errors in the logic or in grammar. |
50 | Pass mark |
40-49 | Less than half of the assignment brief covered. Theoretical concepts used rarely or incorrectly in the analysis. Very few references to academic literature. Arguments are difficult to understand and lack logic, grammatical errors throughout the work. Jargon used. |
0-39 | Only some arguments made and these have a weak connection to the assignment task. Theoretical concepts incorrectly used or not used at all. Rare or no reference to academic literature. Arguments are unclear and the quality of English hampers the logic of arguments. |
John Yang Zhuang PhD
Office hours: flexible and on appointment
Contact info:6275-3101 or Teaching Assistants
Dr. Yang is a Professor of Management of the National School of Development at
Peking University (NSD). Dr. Yang received his Ph.D. in Business Administration from Columbia University, New York in 1991, majoring in management. He got his M.A. in Sociology from the same institution in 1985. He was also granted an MPA degree in International and Public Affairs from The Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs of Princeton University in 1984. He graduated from the English Language and Literature Department of Peking University, China. Dr. Yang’s main teaching and research interests involve Fundamentals of Management, Organizational Behavior, Human Resource Management, Organizational Innovation and Cultural Change, MNC Operation and Management, International Leadership, etc. He has published a large number of articles and columns in leading academic journals and business press in China and the United States.
Nina Seppala PhD, UCL School of Management, Professor of Management Education 全球领导力代写
Office hours: on Zoom by appointment
Nina Seppala is Deputy Director (Faculty and Accreditations) of the School of Management at University College London (UCL). Nina started her career working for international organizations including the United Nations in the area of democracy promotion and preventive diplomacy. Since then, she has held senior roles in several business schools leading programme and curriculum development projects, academic
quality, international collaborations and liaison with business partners. Her main academic interests are in the area of reward and recognition as well as ethical decision-making and behaviour, including the emerging field of behavioural ethics. She has co-authored a textbook on Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility (Cengage).
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