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全球经济地理代写 论文作业代写

2021-10-16 16:07 星期六 所属: Essay代写,essay代写价格便宜机构-靠谱推荐 浏览:574


GEOG202  Geography of the Global Economy

Assignment: Draft Essay – Globalization in a Domestic Context

全球经济地理代写 The draft essay is linked to the final essay (which is due July 14th, 2,000-2,500 words, worth 25% of the final grade),


Length: 750-1000 words, excluding references and figures.

Value: 10%

OVERVIEW  全球经济地理代写

The draft essay is linked to the final essay (which is due July 14th, 2,000-2,500 words, worth 25% of the final grade), and is a way to make sure you are on the right track for the final essay. Handing in the draft is a way to get some detailed feedback on what topics are appropriate. How to write a good argument statement, and what kinds of literatures you should be citing. You should plan to write the final essay on a similar topic to the draft essay.

In this assignment you should identify, examine, and analyze the impact of globalization on a domestic economy, using course material and readings.

You may approach this in one of two ways:

  • Examine the impact of global/international trade on a sector of the chosen domestic economy.
  • Examine a TNC’s impact of the chosen domestic economy.

In your final essay you will make an argument about the impact on the domestic context of your chosen interaction with the international/global context. You will then support this argument with evidence that may include academic sources and appropriate descriptive statistics and figures. For the draft essay, you will submit a broad plan of this final essay, outlining:

  1. The topic you have chosen, including some secondary data to contextualize your topic.
  2. A draft of your argument statement
  3. The evidence that you will present to make that argument

Usually in an essay like this, you will present two or three points of evidence to back up your argument.  全球经济地理代写

The essay may involve tracing the impact of international trade on a domestic sector of economic activity. Or examining the effects of foreign investment from a TNC in a domestic context. So you might want to focus on a particular TNC or commodity. You will need to do research both about the country and economic activity that you write about. As well as the global circumstances of that economic activity. You do not have to select a ‘traditional’ industry (such as extraction, agriculture, or manufacturing) – you can also pick a sector of the ‘service’ economy. It may be helpful to organize your essay around a particular event or change in domestic or corporate policy, labor practices, etc.,

If you’re struggling to think of a topic, go to the CIA Factbook

(https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/fields/2049.html), and look at each countries major exports and trading partners for ideas, though note that the Factbook lists exports only in terms of commodities and not services.



  • 750-1000 words, excluding references and figures. Because this is a range, you should stick strictly to this word count.
  • In your introduction should clearly identify both the country and the economic activity (whether it be a sector or TNC) that you are examining.

• You should have a provisional argument statement (you may wish to change this later for the final essay) about the impacts and provide some detail about the evidence that you’ll present to support that argument (two or three points).

• Your argument should be in the form, “In this essay, I will argue that…”

  • You will then provide detail about the evidence that you’ll use to present this argument.
  • You must identify at least four appropriate peer-reviewed academic journal articles or academically authored books (not including the textbook) through which to support your argument.

In the draft you will be assessed primarily on the content of the draft. You will receive feedback on the appropriateness of your topic (e.g., is it too broad or too narrow), and suggestions on areas to focus on for the final essay.




References (not included in the word count):

You can use the “Harvard” reference style (http://libweb.anglia.ac.uk/referencing/harvard.htm) or any other consistent in-text citation style with a list of references.

Please remember that incorrect citation can constitute plagiarism and is grounds for giving an essay zero, irrespective of the quality of the essay. Please speak to the instructor or a TA if you have questions about how to cite or how to cite correctly.

Figures (not included in the word count):

If appropriate you may use figures to support your argument. These must be referred to in the  text (e.g., “see figure 1, which shows, etc.”) and you must also provide a caption and citation. A figure should not replace text, but can be used to provide more detail to a reader and augment the points you are making in the essay. If you are not sure if a figure it appropriate, you can speak to the instructor or a TA.


RUBRIC  全球经济地理代写

Content – 7 points

/1 Brief description of the chosen topic (1 point).

/1 Some secondary data used to contextualize and support that choice of topic (1 point).

/1 Draft includes a clear argument statement (1 point).

/2 Two to three points of evidence identified to support this argument (2 points).

/1 The draft includes an indication of critical engagement with the topic chosen (1 point).

/1 Within the word count range of 750-1,000 words (1 point).

References – 2 points

/1 Identified at least four peer-reviewed academic journal articles or academically authored books (not including the textbook) (1 point).

/1 These additional sources are appropriate in terms of topic outlined by the student (1 point).

Style – 1 point

/1 Quality of grammar, clarity of writing, and structure of the draft (1 point).





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