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健康与医学社会学代写 SOCI2321代写

2022-08-05 11:11 星期五 所属: Essay代写,essay代写价格便宜机构-靠谱推荐 浏览:589


SOCI2321 Sociology of Health and Medicine

健康与医学社会学代写 SUMMATIVE Essay Portfolio (e.g. Essay One, Critical Essay, Data Analysis, Reflection, Individual Poster Commentary with Bibliography)

SUMMATIVE Essay Portfolio (e.g. Essay One, Critical Essay, Data Analysis, Reflection, Individual Poster Commentary with Bibliography)

Word Limits: 4,000

Component Weighting: 100%


Assessment Specifics    健康与医学社会学代写


Over the course of the module, you will collect and collate information and materials about a particular case study illness, disease or condition which you will use throughout the module and in the summative assessment. You should choose your case study condition carefully as you will be working on the condition closely and throughout the year – make sure it’s a condition you are interested in exploring sociologically.

A useful way to make an informed choice is by browsing the HealthTalkOnline website, a database of personal and patient experiences through in-depth qualitative research into over 40 different illnesses and health conditions. (http://www.healthtalkonline.org/).

There are no ‘right’ or ‘better’ conditions to focus on. While there may be more sociological work on certain conditions, this doesn’t mean that these conditions are easier to use as case studies. Students have worked on a whole range of conditions including male breast cancer, depression, HIV/AIDs, genital herpes, neuroblastoma, female infertility, Parkinsons disease, and Deafness.

SUMMATIVE TASK:   健康与医学社会学代写

For the summative assignment, you should bring together, organise and synthesize the materials you’ve collected/collated on your case study condition into an Illness Portfolio where you use your case study condition as a lens to analyse some of the ideas, concepts and theories from one of the teaching blocks.

You should structure your Portfolio to think about the ways that your case study condition is an exemplar of what you’ve learnt about in one of the teaching blocks. For example: In what ways is depression an exemplar of medicalisation? In what ways is sickle cell anaemia an exemplar of risk and technologies in action? In what ways is male breast cancer an exemplar of health inequalities? In what ways is HIV/AIDs an exemplar of the social organisation of healthcare?

While there is some ‘slippage’ between teaching blocks, you should try and keep your analysis focused on the ideas of one teaching block. You can, of course, borrow ideas from other teaching blocks and you can highlight overlaps but don’t try to do too much in the Portfolio – keep your analysis centred on one block of teaching.



As a reminder the teaching blocks are:   健康与医学社会学代写
  • Block I: Medicalisation, Chronic Illness and Deviance
  • Block II: Risk, Technologies and Bodies
  • Block III: Health Inequalities
  • Block IV: Social Organisation of Healthcare

We are interested in you demonstrating your understanding and grasp of key medical sociology ideas, concepts, debates, and theories. So, you should ensure that you are using your case study condition in your Portfolio as a ‘way in’ or a lens to analysing and unravelling some of the ‘big’ topics and issues we’ve discussed in the teaching block. You don’t need to write about everything we have covered in the teaching block – you should, instead, focus on the particular aspects, theories, ideas, concepts etc. that you are interested in and which best relate to your case study condition.

STRUCTURE:  健康与医学社会学代写

The structure of the Portfolio is flexible to allow you to explore the teaching block and case study condition in the way which best suits you. However, it’s a good idea to organise your Portfolio into the following sections:

  • Title: There are no set titles or questions. You should develop your own depending on the focus of your Portfolio.
  • Introduction: What condition and teaching block are you focusing on? How prevalent is your condition? What specific theories/concepts/ideas will you be using? How will the Portfolio be organised?
  • Some descriptive detail:How does your condition ‘work’ biologically? How prevalent is it (more detailed than the Introduction)? How has this prevalence changed over time? What’s the history of your condition?   健康与医学社会学代写
  • Main Body: What are the links between your case study condition and the themes of the teaching block you are focusing on? How is your case study condition an exemplar of a particular theory, concept or idea in medical sociology? And how do these medical sociology ideas influence the nature of the condition you’re focusing on?
  • Conclusions:What have you discussed? How have you tried to convince the reader that your case study condition is an exemplar of a particular theme of medical sociology? What are the take-home messages from your Portfolio? Can you infer anything about the future of your condition from your Portfolio (e.g. future treatments, social constructions, worsening/improving inequalities, more reliable diagnosis)?

Please be aware that these questions are just for guidance and to get you thinking about how you might approach the Portfolio. There is no need to directly answer them in the Portfolio itself.




Word Limits:

Assessment Irregularity:

Summative work can only be agreed by the Chair of the Board of Examiners. Failure to hand in your assessment on time without an agreed extension will result in a mark of 40% being recorded for work submitted within 5 working days of the deadline and zero being recorded for work submitted more than 5 working days after the deadline.

Exceeding word limits will result in penalties. Please see the student handbook.

Suspected cases of plagiarism or collusion will ALWAYS be referred to the appropriate Chair of the Board of Examiners for investigation. If accusations are found to be true, the penalties range from reduction of marks to the possibility of being dismissed from the University on grounds of assessment irregularity.





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