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信息可视化代写 COMPX532 & DSIGN532代写

2021-10-31 14:11 星期日 所属: 作业代写,留学生作业代写-北美、澳洲、英国等靠谱代写 浏览:630

COMPX532 & DSIGN532: Information Visualisation

信息可视化代写 Again, you are not required to produce a computer implementation of  the interaction, but rather a design for the  way  it  would  work.

Assignment 3: Representing Relationships   信息可视化代写

(Due 14 April, 2021)

You are to design an interactive visualization representing relationships, as in one of the following scenarios:

  1. A particular sporting league has 10 teams, each of 11 players,and with 200 total participating players. During the course of the season each team plays each other team twice, so there are a total of 90 matches. All players play at least 2 matches and play in at least two different teams. Devise a visualization which represents the  relationships  between  players,  teams  and  matches in such a way that questions along the following lines can be posed:
    • Show which players ever played for a particularteam;  信息可视化代写
    • Show which teams a particular player has playedfor;
    • Show which matches a particular player playedin;
    • Showall players who only ever played in winning

2.Devise a representation of a family tree,  which  as  well  as showing relationships, also includes concepts of time and place.  信息可视化代写

For example, we might be able to pose the following sorts of questions:

  • Showme all of the first cousins of X;
  • Which members of the family were living during the 1914- 18war?
  • Which members of the family ever lived inTaranaki?
  • DoesX have any cousins in Australia?   信息可视化代写
  1. Imagine we have a database of cars and owners, where the cars might have attributes such as make, model, age, engine size, body style, cost, etc, and the owners might have attributes suchas sex,  ethnicity,  age,  income,  occupation,  etc.  Devise  a visualization that would allow exploration of questions such as:
    • Do younger females prefer newer, smallercars?
    • What sorts of people ownSkodas?
    • Do wealthier people own newercars?
    • Are sports cars owned mainly by female blondes and middle-agedmen?

Whichever of these you attempt, try to base your solution on a single visualization, or a simple set of views onto a coherent continuous space.   信息可视化代写

For example, for (3), one could imagine two linked spaces, one of the cars, and one of the owners; you would need to think how you might represent the various attributes in each of the spaces. The exploratory questions shown in each scenario are just examples; try to think of others yourself, and show how your visualization could be used to answer these. Try to avoid designing special visualizations to answer specific questions, but instead devise an overall visualization that can answer all of these and other similar questions. As much as possible you should look at ways of interacting directly and intuitively with the visualization itself, rather than indirectly using text boxes, buttons, etc.  信息可视化代写

Again, you are not required to produce a computer implementation of  the interaction, but rather a design for the  way  it  would  work.  However, if at all possible, I would prefer you to provide an animated sketch, using a tool such  as  PowerPoint,  Flash,  Proto.io  or  anything else you may be familiar with. You shouldn’t need a lot of text  to  describe your solution.

Please do make use of visualization examples you might find on the web, or  in  books, etc,  as  inspiration or  help with  your  design. However, you must acknowledge such sources if you do use them.

Hint: Begin by deciding what things you will be  representing,  and  what relationships you might need to represent between any of these things.

[10 marks]

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