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作文题代写 Essay Questions代写

2023-03-20 14:09 星期一 所属: Essay代写,essay代写价格便宜机构-靠谱推荐 浏览:405

Urban Regeneration & Renewal – Essay Questions

作文题代写 Please answer one of the following three questions in an essay of up to 2,500 words.You are encouraged to use clear sections to structure your

Please answer one of the following three questions in an essay of up to 2,500 words.    作文题代写

You are encouraged to use clear sections to structure your discussion, and you may also include a small amount of visual material as appropriate.

  • The “City Living” process has brought many benefits for English cities over the past 25 years. But also raises new regeneration challenges and issues, particularly as development expands spatially towards the inner city. Critically discuss lessons from our experience of City Living. And consider how regeneration policy could harness this momentum to generate more sustainable outcomes for inner city districts and communities in a post-Covid environment.      作文题代写
  • The retail sector has been hard hit by the impacts of Covid-19 and in many areas this has exacerbated the longer term decline of the high street. Critically examine the challenges facing our urban high streets and identify how these might be overcome. You are encouraged to discuss a range of initiatives and proposals that serve to regenerate the high street and improve the viability and vitality of our town centres.
  • Previous approaches to urban regeneration have often relied on a “trickle down” of economic benefits for inner city communities from the pursuit of largescale, flagship projects in nearby city centres. Critically discuss the merits of this approach today in light of structural and spatial changes to urban economies. And consider the potential for alternative ways of engendering sustainable economic regeneration for our inner city areas.



Notes:    作文题代写

All of these questions include some element of analysis of past experience and debates. But also some critical thinking regarding current circumstances, and forward-looking reflection on the future of urban regeneration.

In all questions, you should focus primarily on the English urban experience. But you can draw upon international thinking and examples as part of your current and forward-looking reflection.

You should not place any particular emphasis on our case study area in Birmingham-Sandwell. But in all of these questions, do consider this type of district – inner city, brownfield, complex urban areas.




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