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作品集代写 SCIENCE 1A03代写

2021-09-14 17:16 星期二 所属: Essay代写,essay代写价格便宜机构-靠谱推荐 浏览:626

SCIENCE 1A03 Portfolio Piece Description and Rubric

作品集代写 As in Section 1, write as a continuous prose (not bullet points) a reflection rooted in what you learned the Life Design lectures

As your final deliverable for this course, you will write a personal reflection on your learning in this course and your plans for your future university study.

  • Deadline 23:59, 4 December 2019 (late penalty 5% per 12hours)
  • Max 1500 words written as a PebblePad page. You can format the page as you please, as if you were preparing it to give to a potential employer or academicsupervisor
  • Hand in by selecting “share for assessment” in the PebblePad page. Choose the SCIENCE 1A03 workspace as the destination. 作品集代写
  • This item counts 20% towards your final course grade.
  • To achieve good marks, read both these pages carefully and follow the instructions. Complete all the Weekly Workbooks accurately and thoughtfully. Proof-read your work carefully before handing in – a professional impression is important.
  • You already have all the reflective material from your Weekly Workbooks. Use these as an evidence base for your Portfolio Piece.

What to include in your Portfolio Piece 作品集代写

The piece will have two sections approximately equal in length. Choose your own appropriate title for each.

Section 1:  a reflection on your development and experiences during SCIENCE 1A03  Within this section, write (as continuous prose, not bullet points) a reflection that you could show to a future instructor, supervisor, or interviewer about your experience of this course. 作品集代写

Make sure you touch on the elements of the course (MRIs, being mentored, the Introducing… talks, classes and lectures, weekly workbooks, this reflection!). Think about the following questions, but do NOT use them as sub-headings:

  • What did you learn aboutlearning?
  • What did you learn aboutscience?
  • What skills did you develop, polish, anduse?
  • What did you enjoy, find useful, ordiscover?

You may also wish to look back at the Learning Objectives in the Course Outline and think about the extent to which you have achieved them.

Section 2: a reflection on your Odyssey Plans 作品集代写

As in Section 1, write as a continuous prose (not bullet points) a reflection rooted in what you learned the Life Design lectures and tutorial activities.

  • Briefly describe your 3 Odyssey Plans.
  • Include questions you may have regarding the feasibility of each plan and how you would go about prototyping these ideas. Remember we prototype to reduce risk, to expose assumptions and to learn about possible future pathways. A good prototype is cheap, easy, and quick. Examples of life design prototypes are informational interviews or conversations and experiences.
  • Compare and contrast the level of resources and confidence each of these plans presents you
  • Which is the most/least coherent with your Workview and Worldview?


Your Portfolio Piece will be marked by your TA out of 20 points:

Item                                                          Marked out


Section 1 作品集代写

Describes experiences (what you did) 1 point

Describes skills used and developed (what you learned) 1 point

Discusses the meaning of the experiences to self (why was it useful for you; what did it mean to you; you should make reference to your Workview) 作品集代写

Identifies personal change (what is different about you as a learner since the beginning of the course)2 points

Section 2

Articulates the idea of each plan 0.5 points

per plan (x3)

Describes questions and prototypes you would use to explore these plans 1 point per plan (x3)

Comparison of resources and confidence you need for this set of plans 1 point

Discussion of coherence of plans with your Workview and Worldview (the versions from Weekly Workbook 8) 作品集代写

General 1.5 points

Overall impression of original thought and insight 4 points

Overall impression of professionalism (writing, grammar, structure, appropriate choice of expression)4 points

Total 20 points


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