Psp414 Assessment Preparation Essay
体育学代写 PSP414: Essay assessment 2000-word essay based upon aneeds analysis and programmingelements of a case study for an athlete of your choice.
PSP414: Essay assessment (50% of grade)
2000-word essay based upon aneeds analysis and programmingelements of a case study for an athlete of your choice.
- Word limit = 2,200 words
Includes text (and in-text citations) but does not include the reference list nor figure/table captions and content, and appendices
- 12 pt Arial font, double line spaced with 2.5 cm margins
- Use in-text citations (not number system) and Harvard or APA style
- Avoiding academicmisconduct
Essay requirements 体育学代写
The essay submission should include:
A clear title that identifies the athlete, their sport and the context (eg performance goal,injury rehabilitation, age, sex, physicalimpairment classification) of the case study
➢ Use only a single athlete (not a team)
➢ Examples:
‘Physical preparation for a post-pubertal adolescent female middle-distance runner’
‘Strength and conditioning for Paralympic 7-a-side soccer: a case study’
‘A rehabilitation and return to performance case study of a female sprinter with a grade 2 hamstring strain’
2. 体育学代写
A critical discussion of the fundamental requirements of the sport including physiological, biomechanical and psychological factors that are relevant to both performance and injury (1000 words)
➢ Use table(s) and/or figure(s) to summarise data, eg time-motion analysis, biomechanical factors, physiological determinants
➢ Demonstrate you have done a fairly exhaustive literature search of the sport
➢ Cover main injuries and associated risk factors
➢ Try to develop a narrative through each part of essay, ie don’t write 250 words on something you don’t have a valid test for and the athlete doesn’t end up developing as a quality.
3. 体育学代写
An appendices, which includes: periodic testing data, a periodised plan (6 months minimum), mesocycledesign, microcycle design, individual S&C session plans, monitoring data
➢ Use valid and reliable tests (references required)
- You may choose to discuss any novel tests as part of the discussion
- Recommended to have a table with physical capacity, test name and order, references
➢ Present programming in Excel (across tabs) or paste into Word appendices
➢ Ensure programming priorities links to your needs analysis and testing
➢ Try to have some basic features and some unique/novel features that you can discuss related to athletes programming
4. 体育学代写
Based upon testing data presented, an explanation that clearly and systemically rationalises important features of the athletes programming. This should be based upon a critical understanding of scientific literature within the areas of physiology, biomechanics, and/or psychology (1000 words)
A critical explanation of how a common injury can be minimised (or rehabilitated) within point #4.
➢ Avoid trying to justify everything
➢ Avoid describing what we can see in the appendices
➢ Pick out 4-5 important or unique features (200-250 words on each theme) and rationalise during evidence Eg periodisation approach, response to monitoring data, development of repeated sprint ability, peaking/tapering (during) microcycle, reducing risk of specific injury
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