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会计与金融课业代写 PM616E代写

2022-05-27 11:02 星期五 所属: case study 浏览:724

PM616E Accountancy and Finance
Individual Case Study

会计与金融课业代写 Assessment Task Instructions: Please complete this section table by providing information about the assessment under the specified headings below.

Assessment Task Instructions:

Please complete this section table by providing information about the assessment under the specified headings below.  

Core Task:

Explicitly state what the expected final product of this assessment is (e.g. written report or a spoken presentation, who the intended audience is (e.g. academic/professional/vocational/public audience), explain the central purpose of the assessment (why the students is required to do the task), explain what academic functionsyou expect students to undertake for this assessment.

Core Task:

You are required to assist the financial director in evaluating the situation and make a recommendation to the Board of Directors of the company on whether or not it should undertake the proposed investment.  You are required to take account of relevant financial and strategic factors,  challenges and limitations of your analysis.  

Your analysis should:


Commence with an assessment of the current financial performance and strength of the business.

2.   会计与金融课业代写

An evaluation of the likely future financial performance and strength of the business if it invests in online shopping platforms.  Forecasting of sales should use the Moving Averages Forecasting Technique.  This should include ratio analysis and ratios should be calculated using the forecasted figures.


An appraisal of investing in the new online shopping platform using appropriate investment appraisal techniques.

Your analysis should be presented in the form of a report and you should amplify your answers by incorporating suitable charts, graphs and appendices. You should clearly state any assumptions that you make, all related workings should be shown and all sources used should be cited


Structure:If relevant, state what subsections are required in the assessment text type and what the subheadings are for each.

For a larger assessment task, explain how the task will be broken down into component task and sequence of stages needed to complete it.


Structure:   会计与金融课业代写

Typically, a report will have headings as follows:

Where relevant, you should support arguments with references.

Executive Summary (Approx. 275-300 words)

– Purpose of the report

– Summarise the key take away from the report – these would be the  financial factors –  and what was done to conduct the analysis – some of the methods used in the analysis

– Highlight the conclusion arrived at and some of the challenges with this or recommendations

Contents Page

– Main sections of the report in sequence with related page numbers.

Introduction (Approx. 150-200 words)   会计与金融课业代写

– Provide key details regarding the business and the decision in hand from the question.

– Provide key details on the wider business environment and the organisation’s business  model

– Discuss key aspects of past business performance with particular reference to a range of ratios calculated.Comment should be tailored to the business and decision in hand.

Analysis (Approx. 900-1000 words)

– Students should briefly identify the key figures from the question associated with the option

– Discussion of the financial impact of online investment.

– The financial impact includes reference to forecasting, ratios and investment appraisal techniques and where possible, this should be in the context of the business and the particular business decision in hand.

Recommendation and Conclusion:(around 275-300 words)  会计与金融课业代写

– Recommend whether the online option is best for the business.

– This section requires the student to summarise key points from the analysis and with reference to challenges and how these may be overcome.  This should be persuasively tailored to the choice.

– Refer to key limitations of the report.

References – not included in the word count

Appendices – not included in the word

– Moving averages sales forecasting

– Key assumptions should be referred to throughout

– Calculation of key historic ratios

– Forecasting the  Income Statement and necessary elements of the Statement of Financial Position, for the New Investment Alternative

– Calculation of key future ratios

– Calculation of outcomes using Investment Appraisal Techniques to include NPV, IRR, Payback and Accounting Rate of Return

You must show calculations steps and note all assumptions made throughout.   会计与金融课业代写

Plagiarism – Be reminded that the College has very strict anti-plagiarism rules and takes a very severe view of any form of plagiarism.  The sample case study material on the VLE is for information only and is not in any way to be copied.  Do not copy paste submissionsand be very careful in paraphrasing what has been written by others.

Photographs– to comply with our quality procedures, none of your appendices may be in the form of a photograph.

Theory and/or task resources required for the assessment: Explicitly state which theoretical frameworks students should draw on, refer to or apply to complete this assessment task.  List the required type and extent of research.  If secondary research is required, make this clear.  Indicate the minimum number of sources required, the type of sources and where to locate them.  If there are other resources necessary to complete the task (e.g. data sets) explain how they are to be accessed.

Theory and/or task resources required for the assessment:  

You must conduct secondary research for this assessment finding relevant sources independently, in addition to the resources listed in your module handbook.

As a guide, an absolute minimum number of sources is 6.  You must include academic sources such as journal articles.  You may include other reputable sources such as reputable news articles, government reports or trade publications.


Assessment reference style:State the referencing style required and clarify whether a reference list and/or a bibliography is required.


Assessment reference style:  会计与金融课业代写

Example:You should refer to a minimumof 6 relevant sources for your report.  Minimum 2 sources should be printed texts.  Please refer to your module handbook for a list of useful resources.

You must include a Harvard style reference list at the end of your report.  A full bibliography is NOT required.



Expected word count:State the wordcount requirements.  State what is and what isn’t included in the word count.  If the assessment task is broken into sections, state expected word count per section.

Expected word count:

Your report, including Executive Summary but excluding appendices, should be in the region of 1600-1800 words.  




Learning Outcomes Assessed:   会计与金融课业代写

The following learning outcomes are assessed in this task:

  • Apply descriptive and inferential statistics to analyse and present financial data using IT tools
  • Develop a critical understanding of a firm’s financial reporting process and analyse a firm’s financial performance and financial position using a range of ratios
  • Develop an understanding of the concept of Present Value and be able to sue and evaluate its application in Investment Appraisal, Security Valuation and models such as the Capital Asset Pricing Model and the Dividend Discount Model.


Submission Requirements:

Individual Report (submitted to Turnitin, no later than the submission date stated in the Key Information section)

-You must complete an Assessment Submission Cover Sheet as the first page of the submission
-You must type your assessment in a standard academic font, size 12 and use 1.5 spacing between lines. Each page of your assignment should be numbered and have a header with your student ID number, module code and the name of your class tutor. Do not write your name.
-You may be penalised if you exceed the Word Count requirements

Assessments submitted after the submission deadline will incur penalties or may not be accepted.


Assessment Mark:(Individual Report)  会计与金融课业代写

Individual report submission
The assessment will be marked using the following criteria – the weighting to each is indicated in brackets below:
1. Demonstrating an understanding of strategic issues (20 marks)
2. Interpretation and evaluation of alternative options. (25 marks)
3. Interpretation of financial performance and financial position before and after the projects – including forecasting (25 marks)
4. Recommendation and conclusion (15 marks)
5. Executive Summary (5 marks; Proper formatting, page numbering and contents clearly laid out (5 marks; Referencing (5 marks)

The total mark for the individual report is the total of the above marks. It will be expressed as a mark out of 100 (0-100).

Overall Coursework mark

The individual report mark for the coursework, for an individual student is expressed as a mark out of 100. As this overall mark is out of 100 it can also be said to be expressed as a percentage.


Assessment Feedback:  会计与金融课业代写

Example: Your tutor will mark the report on Turnitin. Each of these submissions will be marked throughout and a Grading Form in Turnitin will supplement each submission.
You will be able to access your own individual overall mark via the Grading Form attached to your individual report on Turnitin.
You can use this feedback to guide your further learning on this module and other courses.


Submission Guidelines:

If Alternative submissions will not be accepted after the deadline.
Late Submission: Late submissions CANNOT be submitted to Turnitin, all late submissions MUST be emailed to Academic Services (contact.gic@kaplan.com) to be recorded as late and then uploaded. Please include your full name, student number, module code, group number/letter and class teacher’s full name in the email.  DO NOT email your class teacher; they are unable to accept late submissions.

Penalties for Work Submitted late:

Number of Working Days Late Penalty Awarded
1 85% of original mark
2 80% of original mark
3 75% of original mark
More than 3 Zero mark awarded





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