Finance and Accounting, Management, Marketing Management
Exam Total Time: 2h15 (plus 15min of tolerance)
优化考试代考 Part 1 In the questions of Part 1 you should present only your answer, and should not show any calculations or justifications.
Important observations: 优化考试代考
- The use of calculators is not allowed and all electronic devices must be turned off for the whole duration of the test.
- The use of course materials or any other consultation materials is not allowed.
- All replies must be properly justified and written on the sheets provided, and the staple must not be removed. Red ink and pencils are not allowed.
- The last sheet may be used for auxiliary computations, or, exceptionally, to answer questions, if extra space is needed.
- No questions will be answered.
Part 1 优化考试代考
In the questions of Part 1 you should present only your answer, and should not show any calculations or justifications.
Let A, B, C and D be matrices with real entries such that:
- A ∈ M3×3and |A| = 4;
- B is a matrix in the row echelon form that is obtained from A by applying the following sequence of elementary row operations:
R1 ↔ R2 ; R1 → 1/2R1 ; R3 → R3 − 3R2
- C is the matrix corresponding to the quadratic form Q(x, y, z) = x2− y2− z2 + 2yz;
- D = [1 0 0]T.
One can say that:
(a) The size of the matrix 2DT(C + B)A−1 is _________ .
(b) The matrix C is symmetric/invertible (cross out what doesn’t matter) and is given by
(c) The value of the entry (5(B − BT )C)11 is and the value of |3B−1A| is .
(d) The quadratic form Q(x, y, z) corresponding to C is (cross out what doesn’t matter):
positive semi-definite / negative semi-definite / indefinite.
(e) Regarding the existence of system solution, the linear system AX = D is (cross out what doesn’t matter):
consistent and independent / consistent and dependent / inconsistent.
Let f : R2→ R be a differentiable function and let (a, b) be a critical point of f. Suppose that f(a, b) = 1, fxx(a, b) = 5, fxy(a, b) = fyx(a, b) = 2 and fyy(a, b) = 1.
(b) In relation to the function f, the point (a, b) is a (cross out what doesn’t matter):
local maximum point / local minimum point / saddle point.
Part 2 优化考试代考
In the questions of Part 2 you should present your reasoning clearly, indicating all necessary calculations and justifications.
Consider the linear system with unknowns x, y and z,
where α and β are real parameters.
(a) Write the given system in the matrix equation form AX = B, where X = [x y z]T is a column-vector containing the unknowns.
(b) Using Gaussian elimination, classify the system as a function of the real parameters α and β.
(c) Using the previous paragraph, solve the system for α = β = 1.
(d) If we look at the parameter β as an additional unknown, we still obtain a linear system. Represent such system in the matrix equation form CY = D, where Y = [x y z β]T , that is, determine the rectangular matrix C and the column-vector D.
Let A be a 3 × 3 matrix such that:
(a) What is the value of det(A + 4I3)? Justify.
(b) Justify that λ = 0 is an eigenvalue of A and (0, 1, 0) is a corresponding eigenvector.
(c) Justify that A is diagonalizable.
(d) Find an invertible matrix P ∈ M3×3 and a diagonal matrix D ∈ M3×3 such that D = P−1AP.
(e) Without performing any calculation, explain how to use the matrices P and D from the previous paragraph to compute the power matrix A5.
Let A be an invertible matrix of size n × n and let λ be an eigenvalue of A and v a corresponding eigenvector.
(a) Prove that λ is also an eigenvalue of AT .
(b) Prove that v is also an eigenvector of A−1 and indicate the corresponding eigenvalue.
Consider the real function of two real variables
f(x, y) = x3 − 3xy2 + 6x2 − 6y2 + 2
(a) Find the critical points of f and classify them.
(b) Determine an equation of the tangent plane to the graph surface of f at the point (1, 1, 0).
(c) Determine the direction of greatest rate of increase of f at the point (1, 1).
Consider the function f(x, y) = x2− y2.
(a) Justify that f has absolute extrema when subject to the condition x2 + y2 = 1.
(b) Using Lagrange Multipliers Method, determine the values of the absolute extrema of f subject to x2 + y2 = 1.
(c) Can the existence of absolute extrema of f be guaranteed if no restrictions to the domain of f are imposed? Justify.
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