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企业系统集成代写 Enterprise Systems Integration代写 数据库代写

2021-04-20 17:44 星期二 所属: 作业代写,留学生作业代写-北美、澳洲、英国等靠谱代写 浏览:1508


Department of Computing

Semester 2, 2019

ISYS301/ITEC601: Enterprise Systems Integration

企业系统集成代写 kin cancer is a common problem in Australia and indeed around the world. Within the domain of eHealth, there appears to be no satisfactory clinical

Assignment 2: BPM for Skin Cancer Specialists

(20% of the semester for ISYS301; 10% for ITEC601)

Dr. Peter Busch

Due 11:55 pm Monday – 9th September, 2019

Re-inventing Business Processes for Skin Cancer Treatment

(source: Alharthi, Busch and Smith, 2013)企业系统集成代写



ISYS301 / ITEC601:企业系统集成


(ISYS301为20个学期; ITEC601为10%)


截止时间:2019年9月9日星期一11:55 pm


Abstract 企业系统集成代写

Skin cancer is a common problem in Australia and indeed around the world. Within the domain of eHealth, there appears to be no satisfactory clinical software following the flow of a normal skin cancer examination. Thus we seek a system to store patient health records as a means of registering diagnoses of skin cancer along with related procedures. The information system is intended to be web-based, and connect to remote database servers. The implemented system should be designed to incorporate features such as inserting procedural details, generating forms and reports with interactive interfaces, yet be relatively unsophisticated to use.




Background 1 企业系统集成代写

The Australian Government by way of the Department of Health and Ageing, has reformed the health sector and established the Electronic Health Record (EHR) (Bartlett et al. 2008). An EHR is “a repository of information regarding the health status of a subject of care in computer process-able form, stored and transmitted securely and accessible by multiple authorised users. It has a standardised or commonly agreed logical information model which is independent of EHR systems. Its primary purpose is the support of continuing, efficient and quality integrated health care and it contains information which is retrospective, concurrent and prospective” (ISO/TR 20514 p. 2005; Reinecke, 2005).

The EHR has numerous advantages;

it enhances health care and provides a high quality of service. For instance every kind of eHealth application is supported by the EHR, which shares connections between health care providers, public and private hospitals, the pharmacy and medical and non-medical specialist providers (Bartlett et al. 2008). Although healthcare in general is a huge topic area globally (Kuntalp and Akar, 2004), recent research has shown that skin cancer more specifically is an increasing problem in Australia and around the world and is the most common type of diagnosed cancer (Public Health Association of Australia 2009).企业系统集成代写

Doctors require a system to follow the flow of a normal skin cancer examination in order not to miss any diagnoses, while the system should reduce the time and cost of repeat examinations and diagnoses, thus increasing the efficiency of health services.

Ideally the system should have efficient interfaces that reduce the need for doctors to type; e.g. a chosen list for data entry should be present negating the need for typing. It is required that the system would; 1) provide a clinical model to highlight the spot or lesion on a patient’s body; 2) generate pathology forms and reports from patients’ databases; 3) generate bills – depending on the part of the body and size of lesion – along with the number of spots or lesions; and 4) upload pathology reports or images, and then record them in the patient’s record.


澳大利亚政府通过卫生和老龄化部改革了卫生部门,并建立了电子健康记录(EHR)(Bartlett等人,2008年)。 EHR是“以计算机可处理的形式存储的有关护理对象健康状况的信息库,可以安全地存储和传输并可由多个授权用户访问。它具有独立于EHR系统的标准化或公认的逻辑信息模型。它的主要目的是支持持续,高效和高质量的综合医疗保健,它包含具有回顾性,并行性和前瞻性的信息”(ISO / TR 20514,2005; Reinecke,2005)。企业系统集成代写

电子病历具有很多优点;它增强了医疗保健并提供了高质量的服务。例如,每种类型的eHealth应用程序都受到EHR的支持,EHR在医疗保健提供者,公立和私立医院,药房以及医疗和非医疗专业提供者之间共享联系(Bartlett等,2008)。尽管一般而言,医疗保健是全球范围内一个巨大的话题领域(Kuntalp和Akar,2004年),但最近的研究表明,皮肤癌更是澳大利亚和世界范围内日益严重的问题,并且是最常见的诊断出的癌症类型(公共卫生协会) 2009年澳大利亚)。


理想情况下,系统应具有有效的接口,以减少医生打字的需求。例如应该显示一个选定的数据输入列表,从而消除了键入的需要。要求系统将; 1)提供临床模型以突出患者身体上的斑点或病变; 2)从患者数据库生成病理表格和报告; 3)生成账单-根据身体部位和病变的大小-以及斑点或病变的数量;和4)上传病理报告或图像,然后将其记录在患者的记录中。

Skin Cancer Information System: Overview 2

Doctors would like improvement to the processes of a Skin Cancer Information System (SCIS) incorporating EHRs.

The SCIS should generate reports, bills and forms and connect with other records, therefore the SCIS will include shard EHR specifications, clinical information, clinical terminologies, user authentication, standards implementation and longitudinal health records.企业系统集成代写

1 I’m providing background information to the system here – we are concerned only with business process improvement though –

not the implementation (requirements analysis, system design, coding and testing) of the SCIS.

2 You might like to consider some of this information in your To-Be model?

The system should include: patent information – including general details such as full name, address and contact details; patient history – including health information such as previous health details, allergies and medication used; management – that is to say observing the flow of health information including employees printing reports; reception – or adding patients’ details and organizing waiting lists; clinical models of the human body illustrating the position of lesions on patients; staff information – such as contact details; and finally the ability to generate reports, forms and bills.

A set of processes may be seen in appendix 2.







Potential improvements? 3企业系统集成代写

The database does not incorporate triggers to verify data before storing such data, for instance the database ideally requires a trigger to capitalize the first letter of given name and last name. There could also be another trigger to ensure there is no duplicated data – if the patient for instance has checked-out a file while the receptionist adds a new file by mistake, the user will not realize this and the system currently will accept the change.

The system also does not include pathology and billing components. The SCIS should have a pathology ‘inbox’ to receive results from the laboratory. The system could also be improved through sending SMSs or emails for prescriptions and reminders and so forth.企业系统集成代写

The EHR interacts with Hospital Information Systems (HIS), Radiological Information Systems (RIS) and Picture Archiving and Communication Systems (PACS) to collect patient data in one place. When clinicians diagnose patients, they typically require x-rays; consequently patient results will be stored in the EHR, which in turn will document and provide evidence for clinicians to choose appropriate treatment (Ebadollahi et al. 2006).

Data in EHRs can be categorized as text, image, video and other media formats such as signals of electro-encephalograms.

3 For you to consider in the To-Be model – you don’t have to, but these give you scope for other processes to consider?

潜在的改善? 3企业系统集成代写


该系统也不包括病理和计费组件。 SCIS应该具有病理“收件箱”以接收实验室的结果。该系统还可以通过发送SMS或电子邮件发送处方和提醒等方法进行改进。




Your Task!

You are a Business Analyst (BA) specializing in medical processes.4 You need to improve the BPM of the medical process(es) to facilitate a patient driven healthcare service.5

a.The best approach would be to examine appendix 2 first to understand the basic processes as they represent the key activities an organization takes to meet its

b.Following on from step (a), then implement an As-Is Process for appendix 2, using the Hospital Stores Procurement Process (appendices 3 and 4) as an example (but the information provided in appendix2).企业系统集成代写

c.From your As-Is process (b just above) – take whatever additional information is provided in the background information (pages 2-3) to create an To-Be

Make some interpretive judgements as to how the processes can be better aligned. You are free as business analysts to re-work processes!

1. Implement the above scenario in BPM 4.2 or Adonis or other BPM software of your choosing

(e.g. as listed in appendix 1).

Modify the processes!

How would you improve the processes? What would you add?

What would you take away?

Who are the personnel? How much do they cost?

Explain your assumptions!

  1. Take your BPM models, screen-dump them, with your costings in to a report and provide a brief description highlighting yourcontributions!
  2. PDF your report to submit it on to iLearn.





1.在BPM 4.2或您选择的Adonis或其他BPM软件中实施上述方案






Assignment algorithm

  1. Read pages 335-340 (section 12.6 – 12.7) with regard to BPMN (Papazoglou and Ribbers, 2006). These pages are included with this
  2. Examine the material in the appendices. Produce/modify the As-Is and To-Be Processes (the latter in particular) to re-work themfurther!
  3. How much does a process work out to? What would you change? What have youchanged?

a.You can make the followingassumptions:

  • As-Is and To-Be process is typical of one
  • Consider costs in the ‘To-Be’

b.Use your initiative to modify processes – document yourreasons.

4 Let’s just pretend – medicine is a specialised field in itself as you know!

5 This assignment is not about you coding the SCIS. You are simply working out processes from a BPM point of view, adding in personnel, working out their costs and the overall cost of the As-Is and To-Be process.企业系统集成代写

  1. Print-screen and PDF your final ‘report’ with screen-dumps of your As-Is and To-Be models with some explanation of what you have done, your costings, staffing










Soft copy only

One <pdf> file a report explaining what you did and what you found out.

  • The <pdf> file should include calculations/supporting data which could be relegated to
  • Use connectors in your diagrams and export to your document using screen shots(PrtSc).




Submission 企业系统集成代写

Place your soft copy in your assignment 2 submission folder on iLearn.

DUE: 11.55pm, Monday 9th September




Marking Rubric


(Borderline Pass-Fail)






(Distinction-High Distinction)





Modelling software
Limited use of BP Modeller showing some understanding of the tool Competent use of BP Modeller showing understanding of the software and ability to use it effectively, perhaps making some basic


Good understanding of the software, modelling workflows proficiently and using tool appropriately without any significant mistakes企业系统集成代写 Excellent understanding of the software, modelling workflows proficiently and using tool appropriately at an expert level




Workflow modelling
Limited understanding of workflow modelling, some obvious mistakes Competent understanding of workflow modelling, some trivial mistakes still in evidence, but generally an understanding of

what is taking place and why

Some incorporation of the literature beyond just competent understanding of workflow modelling An excellent grasp of workflow modelling, also drawing on the literature widely to exemplify in the case of further examples how workflow modelling has aided

other organisations as well

Bibliography 企业系统集成代写

Alharthi, A., Busch, P., Smith, S., (2013) “A Prototypical Skin Cancer Information System” Australasian Conference on Information Systems (ACIS 2013) Melbourne, Australia, December 4-6th 12 pages.

Bartlett, C., Boehncke, K., Haikerwal, H., (2008) “E-Health: Enabler for Australia’s Health Reform”, National Health & Hospitals Reform Commission, 27 November 2008, Department of Health and Ageing.企业系统集成代写

Caligtan, C. & Dykes, P. (2011) “Electronic Health Records and Personal Health Records”, Seminars in Oncology Nursing, 27(3) August, pp. 218-228.

Do, N., Barnhill, R., Do, K., Salzman, K., Gimbel, R. (2011) “The military health system’s personal health record pilot with Microsoft HealthVault and Google Health”, Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 18(2) March-April, pp. 118-124.

Ebadollahi, S., Chang, S., Syeda-Mahmood, T., Coden, A., Amir, A., Tanenblatt, M. (2006) “Concept-Based Electronic Health Records: Opportunities and Challenges” In proceedings of the 14th annual ACM international conference on Multimedia (2006), pp. 997-1006.企业系统集成代写

International Organization for Standardization ISO (2005) ISO/TR 20514 – Health informatics, 22-01-2005. Jazayeri, M., (2007) ‘Some Trends in Web Application Development’, In Future of Software Engineering,199-213.

Jeston, J., Nelis, J., (2006) Business Process Management. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann.

jQuery Project, (2012) jQuery Project, [ONLINE] Available at: http://jquery.org/, (Accessed 15 April 2012). Kaner, M., Karni, R., (2007) ‘Engineering Design of a Service System: An Empirical Study’ Information

Knowledge Systems Management Vol. 6 pp: 235–263.

Kuntalp, M., Akar, O., (2004) ‘A simple and low-cost Internet-based teleconsultation system that could effectively solve the health care access problems in underserved areas of developing countries’, In Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 75(2) August, pp. 117-226.

Linthicum, D., (2004) Next generation application integration: from simple information to Web services, 9th Edition, Addison-Wesley, Boston, MA, USA.

Liu, L., Shih, P., Hayes, G. (2011) “Barriers to the Adoption and Use of Personal Health Record Systems”, in Proceedings of the 2011 iConference, pp.363-370.

NEHTA (2006) ‘Web Services Standards Profile’, National E-Health Transition Authority (NEHTA), 31 January 2006.

NEHTA (2012) ‘Web Services Standards Profile’, National E-Health Transition Authority (NEHTA), URL: http://www.nehta.gov.au/our-work/pcehr (accessed 9/10/13).企业系统集成代写

NSW Health (2008) Summary Report: An Evaluation of the Healthelink Electronic Health Record Pilot, September, KPMG, Australia.

Object Management Group, (2017), Business Process Model and Notation. Available online at: http://www.bpmn.org/ (Accessed 13/2/2017).

Patrick, J., (2009) A Critical Essay on the Deployment of an ED Clinical Information System – systemic failure or bad luck? University of Sydney, Australia.

Public Health Association of Australia (2009) “Skin Cancer Prevention Policy”, Australia, accessed 12/8/2011, <http://www.phaa.net.au>.

Reinecke, I., (2005) “Global Health Information Technology Standards Summit: Interoperable Standards for an EHR”, National E-Health Transition Authority (NEHTA), 20 September 2005.

Saugeon, P, Guillod, J., Thiran, J., (2003) ‘Towards a computer-aided diagnosis system for pigmented skin lesions’, Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, 27(1) pp. 65-78.

Sommerville, I., (2010) Software Engineering, 9th Edition, Addison-Wesley, Harlow, England.企业系统集成代写

Tang, P., Ash, J., Bates, D., Overhage, M., Sands, D., (2006) “Personal Health Records: Definitions, Benefits, and Strategies for Overcoming Barriers to Adoption” Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 13(2) March-April, pp.121-126.

Wong, S., Huang, H. (1996) ‘Design methods and architectural issues of integrated medical image data base systems’, Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, 20(4) July–August, pp. 285-299.

Yee, W., Trockman, B. (2006) “Bridging a Gap in the Proposed Personal Health Record”, Proceedings of the international workshop on Healthcare information and knowledge management, pp. 49-56.

Appendix 1 – Business Process Modeling Notation Tools 6 7

Business process modeling (BPM) refers to the activity undertaken to represent processes of an organization to analyze and conduct process improvement if necessary (Jeston and Nelis, 2006). Business Process Modelling and Notation (BPMN) is a business process-modelling standard enabling graphical notation for specifying business processes in a Business Process Diagram (BPD) using a flowcharting technique (Object Management Group, 2017).

参考书目 企业系统集成代写

Alharthi, A., Busch, P., Smith, S., (2013) “A Prototypical Skin Cancer Information System” Australasian Conference on Information Systems (ACIS 2013) Melbourne, Australia, December 4-6th 12 pages.

Bartlett, C., Boehncke, K., Haikerwal, H., (2008) “E-Health: Enabler for Australia’s Health Reform”, National Health & Hospitals Reform Commission, 27 November 2008, Department of Health and Ageing.

Caligtan, C. & Dykes, P. (2011) “Electronic Health Records and Personal Health Records”, Seminars in Oncology Nursing, 27(3) August, pp. 218-228.

Do, N., Barnhill, R., Do, K., Salzman, K., Gimbel, R. (2011) “The military health system’s personal health record pilot with Microsoft HealthVault and Google Health”, Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 18(2) March-April, pp. 118-124.企业系统集成代写

Ebadollahi, S., Chang, S., Syeda-Mahmood, T., Coden, A., Amir, A., Tanenblatt, M. (2006) “Concept-Based Electronic Health Records: Opportunities and Challenges” In proceedings of the 14th annual ACM international conference on Multimedia (2006), pp. 997-1006.

International Organization for Standardization ISO (2005) ISO/TR 20514 – Health informatics, 22-01-2005. Jazayeri, M., (2007) ‘Some Trends in Web Application Development’, In Future of Software Engineering,199-213.

Jeston, J., Nelis, J., (2006) Business Process Management. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann.

jQuery Project, (2012) jQuery Project, [ONLINE] Available at: http://jquery.org/, (Accessed 15 April 2012). Kaner, M., Karni, R., (2007) ‘Engineering Design of a Service System: An Empirical Study’ Information

Knowledge Systems Management Vol. 6 pp: 235–263.企业系统集成代写

Kuntalp, M., Akar, O., (2004) ‘A simple and low-cost Internet-based teleconsultation system that could effectively solve the health care access problems in underserved areas of developing countries’, In Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 75(2) August, pp. 117-226.

Linthicum, D., (2004) Next generation application integration: from simple information to Web services, 9th Edition, Addison-Wesley, Boston, MA, USA.

Liu, L., Shih, P., Hayes, G. (2011) “Barriers to the Adoption and Use of Personal Health Record Systems”, in Proceedings of the 2011 iConference, pp.363-370.

NEHTA (2006) ‘Web Services Standards Profile’, National E-Health Transition Authority (NEHTA), 31 January 2006.

NEHTA (2012) ‘Web Services Standards Profile’, National E-Health Transition Authority (NEHTA), URL: http://www.nehta.gov.au/our-work/pcehr (accessed 9/10/13).

NSW Health (2008) Summary Report: An Evaluation of the Healthelink Electronic Health Record Pilot, September, KPMG, Australia.企业系统集成代写

Object Management Group, (2017), Business Process Model and Notation. Available online at: http://www.bpmn.org/ (Accessed 13/2/2017).

Patrick, J., (2009) A Critical Essay on the Deployment of an ED Clinical Information System – systemic failure or bad luck? University of Sydney, Australia.

Public Health Association of Australia (2009) “Skin Cancer Prevention Policy”, Australia, accessed 12/8/2011, <http://www.phaa.net.au>.

Reinecke, I., (2005) “Global Health Information Technology Standards Summit: Interoperable Standards for an EHR”, National E-Health Transition Authority (NEHTA), 20 September 2005.

Saugeon, P, Guillod, J., Thiran, J., (2003) ‘Towards a computer-aided diagnosis system for pigmented skin lesions’, Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, 27(1) pp. 65-78.

Sommerville, I., (2010) Software Engineering, 9th Edition, Addison-Wesley, Harlow, England.

Tang, P., Ash, J., Bates, D., Overhage, M., Sands, D., (2006) “Personal Health Records: Definitions, Benefits, and Strategies for Overcoming Barriers to Adoption” Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 13(2) March-April, pp.121-126.

Wong, S., Huang, H. (1996) ‘Design methods and architectural issues of integrated medical image data base systems’, Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, 20(4) July–August, pp. 285-299.

Yee, W., Trockman, B. (2006) “Bridging a Gap in the Proposed Personal Health Record”, Proceedings of the international workshop on Healthcare information and knowledge management, pp. 49-56.企业系统集成代写

Appendix 1 – Business Process Modeling Notation Tools 6 7

Business process modeling (BPM) refers to the activity undertaken to represent processes of an organization to analyze and conduct process improvement if necessary (Jeston and Nelis, 2006). Business Process Modelling and Notation (BPMN) is a business process-modelling standard enabling graphical notation for specifying business processes in a Business Process Diagram (BPD) using a flowcharting technique (Object Management Group, 2017).

Platform/OS BPMN


Software license
Activity Modeler Cross-Platform 2.0 Simulation, Modeler, Execution Apache License 2.0









Business Process Analysis (BPA) tool. Supports business process management enabling process modeling, simulation, analysis, evaluation, automation, and










Windows and Mac. Linux unofficially
BPMN Collaboration Diagrams, Petri Nets, EPC, integrated with FMC Block diagrams for business and Information Technology architecture, UML Class

diagrams for data models and Requirements management.



Proprietary, free single user edition企业系统集成代写










Process Animator to learn about the dynamic behaviour of the model, migration BPMN 2.0 tool, live teamwork support, process repository, process

simulator, Interchange capability.


Shareware, Proprietary




HP Process Automation











Effective as a standalone Business Process Model application. Integrated suite of applications to offer end-to-end Solutions for Content and Human Centric Processes. Single vendor solution from HP MFPs to Document Capture, Process Automation, Content Management, Records Retention, Legal

Holds and Content Distribution








IBM BlueWorks Live



Browser based cloud




Sophisticated process

management platform, Specific custom properties for documentation, Analysis and comparison of process metrics,

sharing processes in the cloud, automatically backs up and saves





Microsoft Visio 2013



BPMN2 Modeling and validation. Does not provide support for Data

Input/Output. Does not also provide support for BPMN file format



6 Just some examples of software you may choose to use in this assignment – up to you!

7 Source: World Heritage Encyclopaedia, 2017

Appendix 2 – SCIS Functional Requirements 企业系统集成代写

REQ # Description Risk1 Effort2 Priority3 All users Login – shall provide system access having suitable

R1security services. This access will have various levels that depend on user authorization.H M C

R2Physician and Nurses Create New Record – shall provide physicians and nurses with the ability to create a new record for patients for the first time M M I

R3Physician and Nurses Create New Problems – shall provide physicians and nurses the ability to create a problem in a patients’ record. When patients have a problem, the problem will be described and diagnosed.L M I

R4Physician and Nurses Create Visit – shall enable physicians and nurses to record each visit that may have various problems and different procedures.L M I

R5Physician and Nurses Edit Record – shall enable physicians and nurses to edit records by updating or adding more information.M I 企业系统集成代写

R6Physician and Nurses Insert Procedure – shall enable physicians and nurses to select appropriate procedures for one problem or more than one.H C

R7Physician and Nurses Finalize Procedure – shall enable physicians and nurses to complete record and finalize the procedure.M L U

R8Physician and Nurses Access Patients’ Record – shall enable physicians and nurses to view record and previous problems with their procedures and any previous history that was recorded.H H C

R9Physician and Nurses Allocate pathology report to procedure

– shall enable physicians and nurses to allocate any pathology report to its procedure in a patients’ record.

R10Physician and Nurses Upload documents and image – shall enable physicians and nurses to upload documents and images to a patients’ record.

R11Physician and Nurses Generate and Print form – shall enable physicians and nurses to generate forms such as, taking a test and printing it.

R12 Physician and Nurses Generate bill – shall enable physicians and nurses to generate bills and print them.企业系统集成代写

Physician and Nurses Hold or Un-hold bill – shall enable

R13physicians and nurses to hold bills until the result appear, then un-hold them to continue the process.企业系统集成代写

R14 Physician, Nurses and Receptionist Print bill – shall enable physicians, nurses and receptionist to print bills.

  1. Risk: High (H)/Medium (M)/Low (L)8
  2. Effort: High (H)/Medium (M)/Low(L)
  3. Priority: Critical (C)/Important (I)/Useful(U)

8 Risk, Effort and Priority are provided for your interest only, but these parameters may help you determine the priority of business processes?

Appendix 3: As Is Hospital Stores Procurement Process企业系统集成代写

Entities, Tasks, Decisions Document Type Process Times Role Total Cost ($1,000s


Elapsed (min) Working (min)


Minimum/Maximum Levels Set (Outside of Process)

Report run on current stock levels Manually calculate reorder quantify based on current stock below minimum level Key New Order into ERP system Decision- Item has no backorders – 80% Autofax Purchase Order to Supplier (Backorders are unfulfilled prior orders.)

– Item has backorders – 20% Decision – Alternate Supplier Available – 60% Adjust ERP supplier for all orders of item Send all orders for item to new supplier Cancel old order on old supplier

– Alternate Supplier Not Available -40% Autofax Purchase Order to Supplier

Receive Goods into Store

Reconcile GRN with Supplier Delivery Docket Decision – Are there errors?- Yes – 20% Resolve with Supplier

– No errors – 80%

Enter received stock against PO in ERP System Items put on shelves

Mail Delivery (Outside Process)

Invoices received and booked into ERP System Decision – Invoice matches GRN and PO – 70% Pay Supplier

– Invoice has errors – 30% Submit credit request to supplier

Decision -Supplier accepts credit request – 75% Pay Supplier Process (Detail not required.)

– Supplier rejects credit request – 25% Compile Report for Supervisor

Supervisor contacts supplier

Pay Supplier






Paper Report


















Stores Manager







New Order Form 240 60
Stores Manager

New Order Entry in IS






Stores Clerk




Fax Order






Stores Clerk





Supplier Entry in IS









Stores Clerk




Fax Order 30 15 Stores Clerk 40
Fax Cancel Order 30 20 Stores Clerk 40

Fax Order






Stores Clerk



GRN Paper Form 1440 30 Stores Clerk 40
Paper Form 120 20 Stores Clerk 40

Phone Call






Stores Clerk




Stock Entry in IS






Stores Clerk



120 20 Stores Clerk 40
Invoice Entry in IS 60 20 Payables Clerk 45







Payables Clerk




Fax Credit Request






Payables Clerk










Payables Clerk










Payables Clerk



Verbal conference 120 40 Accounts Supervisor 75
Payment 240 10 Payables Clerk 45

Appendix 4 – As Is Hospital Stores Procurement Process


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