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代考cs操作系统期中考试 OS操作系统代写

2023-08-13 15:38 星期日 所属: CS代写,CS作业代写考试代考-价格便宜有靠谱 浏览:280

OS Midterm

I Mechanics (18 points total)

1.[5 points] In the code below, x is an 8-bit, or single-byte, data type (an unsigned char, in C).

x = x + 1;

What does the above line of code do? Hint: remember the Therac-25.

2. [5 points] Consider the following program; read it carefully:

#include <stdio.h>

void func(int* p) {

    int q = 2;

    p = &q;

    *p = 5;


int main() {

    int a = 9;


    printf("%d\n", a);

    return 0;


What does this program print?

3. [8 points] Consider the program below, which makes use of fork() and exec(). As a reminder, the Unix command echo outputs its arguments.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <errno.h>

int main()
    int rc = fork();

    if (rc < 0) {

      fprintf(stderr, "fork: %s\n", strerror(errno));

  } else if (rc == 0) {

      char* argv[3];
      argv[0] = "echo";
      argv[1] = "xyz";
      argv[2] = NULL; // tells execvp() that there are no more arguments

      // below, execvp() is a variant of exec()

      if (execvp(argv[0], argv) < 0)
          fprintf(stderr, "exec: %s\n", strerror(errno));


  } else {


  return 0;


What is the output when this program is run?


II ls lab and debugging (15 points total)   代考cs操作系统期中考试

4. [15 points] Your friend is taking a CS class. They are given an assignment but implement it buggily. We will state the assignment, then give you a sample run, then ask you to find and fix the bug.

Your friend’s assignment is to write simplels, which is a version of ls. simplels takes one argument, a directory name. There are no command-line flags. So the form is:

$ ./simplels <dirname>

Your friend’s assignment specified that simplels must operate as follows:

First print out the directory name.

Then, for each entry in that directory:

  • Skip entries that begin with . (the “dot” character);
  • Print the entry name;
  • Print a trailing / if the entry is a directory (as in lab2);

In case of error, simplels’s behavior is undefined, meaning students are free to handle errors (or not) however they want.

Below is a sample run of your friend’s simplels implementation. The mkdir line creates a directory called foo, and the line after creates some files in that directory: abcd, mnopq, etc.

$ mkdir foo
$ touch foo/abcd foo/mnopq foo/rstuv foo/wxyz
$ ./simplels foo
$ echo $?

This run gives you some debugging hints. For example, notice that simplels runs and does so without dumping core. Thus, the bug is not a syntax or memory error. And notice that while simplels produces some output, it wrongly fails to print the files within foo.

Your friend’s buggy implementation is on the next page, followed by some useful definitions.  

1   int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
2       struct stat sb;
3       struct dirent* direntp;
4       DIR* d;
6       if (argc != 2) {
7           printf("error\n");
8           exit(2);
9        }
11       d = opendir(argv[1]);
12       if (d == NULL)
13           exit(2);
15       printf("%s:\n", argv[1]);
17       // assign result of readdir() to direntp, and check for NULL 
18       while ( (direntp = readdir(d)) != NULL) {
20           if (direntp->d_name[0] == ’.’)
21               continue;
23           if (stat(direntp->d_name, &sb) < 0)
24               exit(2);
26           printf("%s", direntp->d_name);
28           if (S_ISDIR(sb.st_mode)) // is directory? 
29               printf("/");
30           printf("\n");
31         }
32         return 0;
33   }

     // Useful definitions:
     struct dirent {
         char d_name[256]; /* Null-terminated filename */
         ...               /* Other members; aren’t needed here */

     // opendir() opens a directory stream corresponding to the directory name,
     // and returns a pointer to the directory stream.
     DIR *opendir(const char *name);

     // readdir() returns a pointer to a dirent structure representing the next
     // directory entry in the directory stream pointed to by dirp. It returns NULL
     // on reaching the end of the directory stream or if an error occurred.
     struct dirent *readdir(DIR *dirp);

     // stat() retrieves information about the file pointed to by
     // name, placing the information in the stat structure.
     int stat(const char *name, struct stat *statbuf);

 What is the bug in the code? State the line number(s) and the problem. You don’t need more than one sentence.

State the fix below, with reference to line number(s). Use syntactically correct C. There is much more space below than you need.


III Concurrency (32 points total)   代考cs操作系统期中考试

5. [6 points] Let cv be a condition variable, and let mutex be a mutex. Assume that there are only two threads, and a single CPU. Consider this pattern:

if (not_ready_to_proceed()) {
    wait(&mutex, &cv);

Under the above assumptions, when is this pattern correct? Follow the concurrency commandments. Your answer should not be longer than one sentence.

6. [6 points] Consider the implementation of the spinlock that we saw in class. This implementation relies on which of the following mechanisms?

Circle ALL that apply:

A A mutex

B An atomic processor instruction

C A queue of quiescent waiters

D An implicit memory barrier

E Deadlock detection

F A ticketing algorithm

G Busy-waiting

H A monitor

7. [20 points]

In this problem, you will synchronize access to a cross-roads traveled by bicycles.

Bicycles travel in straight lines. Each bicycle is headed north, south, east, or west. (If a bicycle is headed east, for example, then it approaches the cross-roads from the west.)




The cross-roads can be in east-west mode: this means that east and west bicycles can go, and the north and south bicycles must wait. Or it can be in north-south mode, which is the other way around. The mode changes if and only if the cross-roads is empty and an orthogonal (to the current mode) bicycle wishes to enter. The cross-roads can hold 5 bicycles in each of the two current directions. For example, if the cross-roads is in east-west mode, it can accommodate 5 bicycles going east and 5 going west.

The cross-roads is a monitor; you will complete the implementation of this monitor. Each bicycle is a thread that calls into the monitor before entering the cross-roads; this call may cause the bicycle to wait. A bicycle also invokes the monitor after exiting the cross-roads. Pseudocode for a bicycle is on the next page. Some notes about your task:

Your solution must allow multiple bicycles to be using the intersection at once, and should not make any assumptions about the number of bicycles.

You must follow the concurrency commandments. You must use only one mutex. You must not have busy waiting or spin loops.

We have given you some helper functions that may be useful.

Below, write down the conditions under which a bicycle can and cannot enter the cross-roads.

Informal text is fine. This exercise will help you with the rest of the problem.

In the remainder of the problem, complete the implementation of the Xroads monitor.

typedef enum {NORTH=0, SOUTH=1, EAST=2, WEST=3} dir_t;
typedef enum {NORTHSOUTH=0, EASTWEST=1} mode_t;

void bicycle(thread_id tid, Xroads* xr, dir_t direction)
    /* you should not modify this function */



class Xroads {

        Xroads(); // You will complete this
        ˜Xroads() { }
        void Enter(dir_t d); // You will implement this
        void Exit(dir_t d); // You will implement this

        bool IsEmpty();
        mode_t Dir2Mode(dir_t d);
        mode_t mode;
        uint32_t num[4];



bool Xroads::IsEmpty()
    return num[0] == 0 && num[1] == 0 && num[2] == 0 && num[3] == 0;

mode_t Xroads::Dir2Mode(dir_t d)
    if (d == NORTH || d == SOUTH) return NORTHSOUTH;
    else return EASTWEST;
// Below, complete the implementation of
// Xroads::Xroads()
// and give the implementations of
// void Xroads::Enter(dir_t d)
// void Xroads::Exit(dir_t d)
// Reminder: you need to add to the definition of Xroads on the previous page
    memset(num, 0, sizeof(num));
    mode = NORTHSOUTH;




IV Virtual memory (21 points total)  代考cs操作系统期中考试

8. [5 points] Consider a (small) machine with a 11-bit virtual addresses, in which 8 bits are used for the VPN. (Assume that the machine is byte-addressable, as with all of the examples we have seen.)

What is the size of the virtual address space, in bytes?

9. [7 points] Consider a (huge) machine that has 60-bit virtual addresses, a page size of 1 terabyte (1 TB, or 240bytes), and 52-bit physical addresses.

How many bits is the VPN (virtual page number)?

How many bits is the PPN (physical page number)?

How many bits is the offset?  



What is the minimum number of physical pages consumed by a process that allocates 12KB (for example, 1 page each for code, stack, and data)?

What is the minimum number of physical pages consumed by a process that makes 29 +1 allocations of size 4KB each? You can leave your answer in terms of powers of 2, and sums thereof.

What is the minimum number of physical pages consumed by a process that makes 218 + 1 allocations of size 4KB each? You can leave your answer in terms of powers of 2, and sums thereof.


V Scheduling and event-driven programming (14 points total)   代考cs操作系统期中考试

11. [8 points]

This question is about scheduling disciplines. MLFQ refers to the Multi-Level Feedback Queue presented in the textbook (OSTEP, Chapter 8), rather than in class. We grade True/False questions with positive points for correct items, 0 points for blank items, and negative points for incorrect items. The minimum score on this question is 0 points. To earn exactly 1 point on this question, cross out the question and write SKIP.

Circle True or False for each item below:

True / False MLFQ requires tracking how much CPU each process has used.

True / False Stride scheduling requires tracking how much CPU each process has used.

True / False With MLFQ scheduling, starvation is possible.

True / False With priority scheduling, starvation is possible.

True / False In MLFQ, a job’s priority is enhanced when tickets are donated to it.

True / False Round robin (RR) optimizes CPU throughput.

True / False Round robin (RR) optimizes average turn-around time.

True / False First-come, first-served (FIFO) is an unfair scheduling policy.

12. [4 points]

The following questions are about event-driven programming. Assume that the machine has a single CPU and that the system supports asynchronous disk I/O. See above for our instructions on True/False questions. Again, to earn 1 point on this question, cross out the question and write SKIP.

Circle True or False for each item below:

True / False In event-driven programming, the functions dispatched by the event loop must be careful to always block.

True / False In an event-driven program, the implementation of the event loop does not require locks.

True / False In an event-driven program, event handlers may need to acquire locks.

True / False Event-driven programming is compatible with asynchronous network I/O.

13. [2 points]

This is to gather feedback. Any answer, except a blank one, will get full credit.

Please state the topic or topics in this class that have been least clear to you.

Please state the topic or topics in this class that have been most clear to you.




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